The next issue is planned for release mid-January 1988. This
means that all applications for a FREE copy (i.e. those containing contributions)
must be received by WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16TH. Anyone paying the £2.00 fee has until
the 12th of January to apply.
Already planned for the January issue is a feature on the use
of 'conditional loops' in AMPLE and some notes on translating AMPLE BCE programs
into AMPLE Nucleus.
We are also planning a feature on 'customising' the Studio 5000.
This will cover the redefining of function keys, altering !boot files and organising
disc files. We already have contributions from Roger Calkwell and Frances Wymans
but would like additional material on these and similar subjects. So, if you
have made some time-saving or frustration- avoiding change to your system - let
us know.
We hope to provide another interesting mixture of music and text
and to maintain the high standard provided by member's contributions to this
So send us your words or your music and let other members
have the benefit of your particular experience or expertise.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November