The music is, I think, direct enough to speak for itself, so I'll concentrate on aspects of the programming. I keep trying to get a quart out of a pint pot! The four-stringed instrument uses only 1 CHANS on each string by redefining the ACT word with (see issue 002 of AMPLINEX). 1 CHANS sounds are, of course, less interesting than the usual 2 CHANS ones but I find that for background instruments (especially playing chords) they work well enough.
A similar approach is taken to one of the percussion parts during the bass solo. In is replaced by - a percussion instrument with contrasting sounds on each CHAN – that is used to play independent rhythms by the use of . The bass (Spanish; bajo) has hitherto enjoyed the luxury of an extra voice to give a sustained effect, usually on the lowest 'string'. gives this up with 2VOICEUNUSED in favour of which uses it to two tom-toms. You may have already noticed in the Debussy piece on the Studio 5000 disc).
Whilst all this is going on the two players decide to play independently, the first doubles the , whilst the second accompanies with a 48, rhythm. This is accomplished by 5SHARE (i.e. send notes, etc. to the fifth part) 2VOICE in which is represented in but not . The second flute also plays two-note chords by means of continually changing SHIFT - this is how I used to program before I learned the trick – it’s much clumsier and harder to read. Rewrite if you like.