Bill Mellor
Base letter Variation letter
––––– –––––– ––––––––– ––––––
A l Maj l
Bb m Dom 7 m
B n Min n
C o Aug 5 o
Db p Dim 7 p
D q Min 7 q
Eb r Dom 9 r
E s Maj 7 w
F t
F# u
G v
Ab w
––––– –––––– ––––––––– ––––––
A l Maj l
Bb m Dom 7 m
B n Min n
C o Aug 5 o
Db p Dim 7 p
D q Min 7 q
Eb r Dom 9 r
E s Maj 7 w
F t
F# u
G v
Ab w
To use this utility *EXEC U.Chords into your current
program. The next step is to find the base of the chord you require down the
left-hand side of the table above (e.g. D) and to note the letter to the right
of it (i.e. 'q'). The next column shows variations of the base (e.g. Maj 7) and
by checking the letter to its right you will find the second coordinate (i.e. 'w').
By using the two coordinate letters as an AMPLE word, e.g.
"qw", you have a shorthand method of playing the chord of D maj 7.
This makes much more room available in Notepad and in this form rests and holds
may be used in the normal way.
The TYPE command will show the full construction of the
chord if required. The choice of coordinate letters may seem strange, but this
is to avoid the letters used as notes, that is a to g.
The chart was originally much larger, containing many more
base variations such as 'dominant 7 with augmented 5', but the whole thing was
getting out of hand and I've settled for the more commonly used ones.
If anyone feels they could improve on the chart please feel
free to have a go.
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Published in AMPLINEX 003, January 1988