Index to AMPLINEX issues 001-003 (September 1988 to January 1989)

Patrick Black
The headings on the Index are self-explanatory, except perhaps for the 'Issue/section' column.
The section codes below correspond to the sections in the AMPLINEX Main Menu. For issues 001 and 002 these codes appear with the issue number. So, 002/F means that the item can be found on the issue 002 disc, in the Features section. A full reference might be
Frame Control        001/F  A.feat3
meaning that information on Frame Control can be found in the Features section in issue 001, and in the file A.feat3.
With the file naming policy adopted from issue 003, the section codes are now used as directory prefixes, except that the prefix for the music files is still '$'. Music titles are further distinguished by appearing in quotes, thus - "Fyer".
There are bound to be some errors, omissions and inconsistencies in the Index. If you spot any glaring howlers let me know, so that corrections can be made for the next edition. Comments on the structure of the Index would also be welcome - e.g. would you like the Music entries collected together, or are they clear enough?
The next Index will be published in AMPLINEX issue 007 (November 1988) covering issues 001-006.

Section codes/Directory prefixes:
A   = Introduction & Adverts
F   = Features
H   = Hints & Tips
I   = Instruments
M/$ = Music (Jukebox)
N   = News & Reviews
Q   = Questions & Answers
U   = Utilities

Subject            Issue/   Filename


ACT command -        003    Q.uest003
     ON ACT( )ACT    002/F  A.feat3
ACT demonstration    002/F  $.ACTdemo
 Directories         003    F.custom
 Description files   003    F.custom
 *EXEC files         003    F.custom
     - with ADT Rom  003    F.custom
 Instrument files    003    F.custom
 Jukebox             003    Q.uest003
 Loading Music       003    F.custom
 View files          003    F.custom
Advanced AMPLE -
 Data Storage
     ARRAY           001/F  A.feat3
     DIM             001/F  A.feat3
 Frame Control
     FRAME           001/F  A.feat3
     FCOPY           001/F  A.feat3
     FVAR            001/F  A.feat3
"Alien"              001/M  $.Alien
 Abbreviations       002/H  A.hints1
 on Archimedes       003    Q.uest003
 BCE on disc         003    Q.uest003
 BCE to NUCLEUS      003    F.BCE2Nuc
 Modules             001/F  A.feat2
 Programmers Guide -
 Nucleus word index  003    F.Nucindx
 Saving Words        001/H  A.hints1
 Simple AMPLE        003    F.SIaMPLE
     (See under 'S')
 Structures -
 conditional loops   003    F.struct3
     conditionals    002/F  A.feat1
     loops           001/F  A.feat1
Ample Bytes Back -
 "Pavanne"           002/M  $.Pavane
 Review              001/N  A.news3
 Address             003    A.contrib
 By-pass Titles      002/A  A.intro2
 Contributions       003    A.contrib
     - filenames     003    A.contrib
 Copyright           002/A  A.intro2
                     003    A.update
 File Display        002/A  A.intro2
 File-names &
     Directories     003    A.update
 File Protection     002/A  A.intro2
 History             002/F  A.feat2
 Membership Survey   001
                     002/N  A.news3
 and Music City      003    A.update
 Printing Data       003    A.print
AND                  002/F  A.feat1
ARRAY                001/F  A.feat3
ASD (Ample Screen Designer) -
 Demonstration       002/U  $.ASDdemo
 Program             002/U  $.ASD
 User Guide          002/U  A.utils1
AU Show (July '87)   001/N  A.news1
"Autumn Song"        003    $.Autsong


!BOOT files -
 customising         003    F.custom
BAR                  003    F.SIaMPLE
Bars '|'             003    F.SIaMPLE
bad bar -
 finding             003    H.ints003
 loading from disk   002/Q  A.quest1
                     003    Q.uest003
 convert to NUCLEUS  003    F.BCE2Nuc
Bell4                001/I  $.bell4
"Bystander"          001/M  $.Bystand


     (No.29 Bach)    002/M  $.Cantata
"Chi La Gagliarda"   003    $.Chi
Chords '( )'         003    F.SIaMPLE
Clarinet             001/I  $.clarin
Clearing screens     001/Q  A.quest1
 'q' QUIT word       002/H  A.hints1
Conditionals         002/F  A.feat1
Copyright            002/A  A.intro2
Cosmix -
 "In Concert"        001/M  $.Concert
 Review              001/N  A.news3


Data Storage         001/F  A.feat3
     'del' word      003    H.ints003
DFS (1770) -
 and AMPLE           003    Q.uest003
DIM                  001/F  A.feat3
"Dream Storm"        002/M  $.Storm
Drip                 002/I  $.drip
Drum beats           003    F.SIaMPLE
Duration ','         003    F.SIaMPLE


"Elite Syncopations" 002/M  $.Elite


Fast winding         001/H  A.hints1
FCOPY                001/F  A.feat3
Flats '-'            003    F.SIaMPLE
FOR( )FOR            002/F  A.feat1
FRAME                001/F  A.feat3
Frame Control        001/F  A.feat3
FVAR                 001/F  A.feat3
"Fyer" (Madrigal)    002/M  $.Fyer


Harmonies            003    F.SIaMPLE
 Inside Stories -
     Review          003    N.HTnews
 Music 500 -
     help from Guide 003    H.ints003
 Music 1000          001/N  A.news1
 Music 2000          001/N  A.news1
                     002/N  A.news1
                     003    N.HTnews
 Programmers' Guide  003    N.HTnews
 Prog. Guide Index   003    F.Nucindx
 Staff Printer       001/N  A.news2
 1MHz bus cable      003    N.HTnews


IF( )ELSE( )IF       002/F  A.feat1
"In Concert"         001/M  $.Concert
Index to User Guide  001/U  $.index
 Notes               001/U  A.utils2
Instruments -
 Bell4               001/I  $.bell4
 Clarinet            001/I  $.clarin
 Drip                002/I  $.drip
 Oboe -
     Instrument      002/I  $.oboe
     Notes           002/Q  A.quest1
 Radio               001/I  $.radio
 Template            001/H  A.hints1
 Template Update     002/A  A.intro2
 transfer from file
     to file         003    H.ints003
Trumpet              003    Q.uest003
 Viola               001/I  $.viola4


KBgate -             001/U  $.KBgate
 Correction update   002/A  A.intro2
 Notes               001/U  A.utils1


Legato               003    F.SIaMPLE
Length of notes ','  003    F.SIaMPLE
Loops                001/F  A.feat1


 Directories         003    F.custom
 Instrument files    003    F.custom
 Description files   003    F.custom
 *EXEC files         003    F.custom
     - with ADT Rom  003    F.custom
 Loading Music       003    F.custom
 View files          003    F.custom
Mastermind -
 Chord overlay       003    U.Dmaj
 Notes               003    U.MMinfo
 Program             003    U.Masterm
MCAT                 002/F  A.feat3
Melodies             003    F.SIaMPLE
Membership Survey    001
                     002/N  A.news3
Modules              001/F  A.feat2
 M5 update           002/A  A.intro3
 use main mix first  001/H  A.hints1
 testing             003    H.ints003
MSHOW                002/F  A.feat3
MU Show (Nov '87)    002/N  A.news1
 Album               002/N  A.news2
 and AMPLINEX        003    A.update
 on Micronet         002/N  A.news1
"Music for Video
     Games           003    $.Vidgam
Musical Queries      003    Q.uest003
"My Tune"            003    $.Mytune


Natural signs -
 ignored in AMPLE    002/H  A.hints1
                     003    H.ints003
"New Choros"         003    $.Newchor
NOT                  002/F  A.feat1
Notepad -
 full screen SHOW    001/H  A.hints1
                     001/Q  A.quest1
                     002/H  A.hints1
Notes Music Album    002/N  A.news2
 "Pilgrim Pachelbel" 003    $.ppach


Oboe -
 Instrument          002/I  $.oboe
 Notes               002/Q  A.quest1
Octave settings ':'  003    F.SIaMPLE
OFF FAST             001/H  A.hints1
ON ACT( )ACT         002/F  A.feat3
ON FAST              001/H  A.hints1
OR                   002/F  A.feat1
OS Commands -
 *EXEC               001/H  A.hints1
     'x' word        002/H  A.hints1
 *SPOOL              001/H  A.hints1
     's' word        002/H  A.hints1
     'sp' word       003    H.ints003


PAN Settings         001/H  A.hints1
"Parallel Lines"     003    $.P/lines
"Pavanne" (Faure)    002/M  $.Pavane
"Pilgrim Pachelbel"  003    $.ppach
Pitch of notes       003    F.SIaMPLE
"Prelude in C" (Bach)003    $.BachinC
Program Memory       003    Q.uest003


Quick Chord Namer -
 Definitions         003    U.chords
 Notes               003    U.chord/i
QUIT 'q' word        002/H  A.hints1
"Qwerty"             002/M  $.Qwerty


Radio                001/I  $.radio
RAND                 002/F  A.feat1
RAND!                002/F  A.feat1
RANDL                002/F  A.feat1
REP( )REP            003    F.struct3
REP( )UNTIL( )REP    003    F.struct3
Rests                003    F.SIaMPLE
Reverb Unit Review   003    N.reverb


Saving Words         001/H  A.hints1
"Schweitzer Enigma"  003    $.Schweit
Screen clearing      001/Q  A.quest1
Shadow Ram -
 on BBC 'B'          003    Q.uest003
Sharps '+'           003    F.SIaMPLE
SHIFT                003    H.ints003
 full screen         001/H  A.hints1
                     001/Q  A.quest1
Simple AMPLE -
 Typing scores
     Drum beats      003    F.SIaMPLE
     Harmonies       003    F.SIaMPLE
     Melodies        003    F.SIaMPLE
Skipping thro' music 001/H  A.hints1
"Sky"                002/M  $.Sky
"Sleepy"             003    $.Sleepy
Slide effect         001/Q  A.quest1
                     002/Q  A.quest1
Sound notes twice
 (ACT)               002/F  A.feat3
                     002/F  $.ACTdemo
Staccato             003    F.SIaMPLE
Stepping thro' tunes 001/H  A.hints1
Structures -
 Conditionals        002/F  A.feat1
 Loops               001/F  A.feat1
Symphony Keyboard -
 diagram             003    H.ints003


Tandy Reverb Unit    003    N.reverb
"Terra-Cotta Army"   002/M  $.Terracb
Text-file format     003    A.update
Tied notes '/'       003    F.SIaMPLE
TOBIN Music System   001/N  A.news4
"Toblin"             001/M  $.Toblin
"Trawling the Night" 002/M  $.Nitrawl
Trumpet sounds       003    Q.uest003


Updates -
 Bypass Title Screen 002/A  A.Intro2
 Copyright           002/A  A.Intro2
 ESCAPE from
     File Display    002/A  A.intro2
 Instrument Template 002/A  A.intro2
 KBgate              002/A  A.intro2
 Modules - M5        002/A  A.intro2
User Guide -
 Index Supplement    001/U  $.index
     - Notes         001/U  A.utils2
User Words -
 'del' DELETE        003    H.ints003
 'q' QUIT            002/H  A.hints1
 's' *SPOOL          002/H  A.hints1
 'sp'                003    H.ints003
 'x' *EXEC           002/H  A.hints1


Variable playing
     speeds          003    Q.uest003
Viola                001/I  $.viola4
Volume increase      003    H.ints003


Waveforms -
 Grouping            002/H  A.hints1
"Whale"              002/M  $.Whale
Wordwise Plus        003    H.ints003


'X'                  003    F.SIaMPLE
XOR                  002/F  A.feat1


"Yes I Hate to
     Leave You"      002/M  $.Yes


16 part chords (ACT) 002/F  A.feat3
                     002/F  $.ACTdemo

Published in AMPLINEX 004, March 1988