The next issue of AMPLINEX is planned for release in
mid-July. This means that all applications for a FREE copy (i.e. those
containing contributions) must be received by SATURDAY JUNE 11TH. Anyone paying
the £2.00 fee has until Friday 8th July to apply.
Already planned for the July issue is a utility to allow you
to 'look inside' the BBC's memory as AMPLE is working which complements the
feature (F.memlook) in this issue. We will also have our first MIDI utility -
to allow a joystick to be used to control MIDI effects such as velocity, modulation
or sustain.
We already have some good original music waiting to be heard
and would particularly like to hear more examples of imaginative interpretations
of other composers' music.
So please continue what has so far been an excellent
response by providing your words or music to share with others in issue 006 of
Published in AMPLINEX 005, May 1988