AMPLINEX issue M06 was published in July 1988. Each AMPLINEX magazine is stored as a 200K single-sided 80-track disk image file (.ssd file type). The image can be used to create disks for a BBC Micro or can be loaded into a BBC emulator. For the disks to run, the BBC (real or emulated) must have an AMPLE Nucleus ROM installed and be running the Hybrid Music System.

Walking on Stars

by David Westbrook


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.WOSTARS

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988


by Jim Redfarn


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.VISHNU

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Two Part Inventions 1-5

by Paul Nuttall

Composed by: J S Bach

Rather varied from the originals


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.INVENT5

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988


by G H Richardson

There is nothing exceptional about this piece. It is a simple little tune which I wrote some forty years ago as a piano piece and which, through the miracle of AMPLE, I have arranged as a violin melody with piano accompaniment. After playing it at various speeds and with different instruments (cello, orchestra, flute etc.) I came to the conclusion that it was best in its simplest version at a meandering pace - hence its title "Strollin'".

The 'piano' accompaniment still leaves a lot to be desired, and I shall continue my experimentation in the search for a more realistic sounding piano.

G H Richardson

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.STROLL

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988


by Karl Harridence

The melody line (part1) of this piece was written by myself and some friends at junior school, and was originally entered in the 'Nationwide Carol Competition' under the title of "The Christmas Story".

Finding it whilst clearing out a folder recently I decided to try some experiments with it in AMPLE.

The drum rhythms and accompaniment are simple in concept and 'pop' based but surprisingly they fit quite well considering the origins of the piece.

Perhaps someone would like to change it back to a carol!

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.STARS

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Solo with Polytimbral Echoes

by Philip Jones

This piece grew out of experiments with echoes


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.ECHO

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Life in a Warzone

by R Bettis

In some ways I'm a little ashamed of this piece...

Musically it lacks structure; it is really only a vehicle for the "effects" instruments 'chopper', 'shot' and 'heart'.

The musical content is 'cobbled' together in a very haphazard manner (the 'part..'s are best left in the dark).

I suppose I could claim that this is a demonstration of the superiority of AMPLE over conventional music notation for certain tasks.

None of the parts use the BAR word and none could really get away with it; most use repeated phrases of varying lengths. There are a lot of volume level changes, again with no regular lengths.

Finally, in the 'heartbeat' of part3c the note length is changed gradually using the COUNT of a FOR()FOR loop.

It would be nice to think that this 'modern' approach to music was the result of much thought & calculation, but I must confess that virtually all of it (note lengths, number of repeat phrases, 'fade' times etc.) is purely the result of trial and error, until it sounded okay to me.

So, I'm fairly happy with this. It isn't "easy listening" but then again neither is its subject (and I have gone for the "Full Metal Jacket" and not the "Rambo" approach to warfare). And, if nothing else, it IS a vehicle for those effects...

C. Richard Bettis 1988
A Yoftunes Project <'|'>

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.WARZONE

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by K Harridence

Composed by: Grieg


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.ITHOTMK

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

In Dulci Jubilo

by Gerry Timm

Composed by: J S Bach

Chorale prelude


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.JUBILO

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

The Firework Display

by Chris Percival

First movement

I composed and converted this music to AMPLE in one day! I composed it on my Casio HT-3000 synthesiser and then converted it to run on the Music 5000. I think it needs a main tune put on top of the backing but I purposely left it out so I could play the keyboard with it. There is also no rhythm because I used the keyboard's percussion. I am going to make a tape of it so I can multi-track as many parts as I want but I must be careful not to overdo it.

If anybody has any helpful ideas for my composition then please get in touch through AMPLINEX. Finally, I shall continue with my suites and also continue to send them to AMPLINEX.

(c) Chris Percival (age 13) 3/3/88

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.FIREWRK

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988


by Tim Sketchley


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.FAIR

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Dream Train

by Philip Wormall


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.DTRAIN

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Domine Deus

by Robin Johnson

Composed by: Antonio Vivaldi

From Gloria

My daughter is singing the solo part for this at school, so I thought I'd test my ability to have a go at what I learned from the AMPLE Nucleus Programmer Guide. The programs give options to hear the full music, or just the accompaniment, or in the piece with 2 solo parts, to have one or the other.

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.DEUS

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Cut Price Blues

by Roy Atkins


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.CBLUES

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

Cold Tea

by Riaan Aspeling & Johan Raubenheimer

This piece of music was originally written in BBC BASIC. We wrote a BASIC program to transcribe the music into AMPLE format, loaded that into a Music 5000, and added some extra voices.

This is what it sounds like NOW!

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.COLDTEA

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

A Chorale Prelude

by Tim Holgate

Composed by: J S Bach

J.S.Bach's Chorale Prelude (BWV 734)
"Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein"

It was originally programmed in AMPLE BCE, and has recently been converted to AMPLE Nucleus. I have tried to give some impression of reverberation by the use of the special effect "Echo". Others will be able, I am sure, to do better!

Tim Holgate

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.CHORALE

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988

A Blue Ground

by Leslie Whalley

Based on Purcell's New Ground

This piece started out as a straight transcription of a keyboard piece by Purcell called "A New Ground". I added extra parts which gave it a blues sound. In doing this the ground bass suggested further variations, which I am now working on. So let me issue a challenge: Who can write the best variation. Any offers?

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.BLUGRND

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988


by Ted Royffe

Composed by: Scott Joplin

A concert waltz


Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.BETHENA

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988