Kevin Doyle, Roy Follett and Jackie Follett
Once again we have found ourselves fighting against the
restrictions of disc space thanks to the excellent response from you, the
One result of that response is the feature on 'AMPLE by
phone' where we have a wide variety of member's views and experiences as well
as contributions from some of the people who run the services under discussion.
We also have a feature on how AMPLE programs are stored,
another in Roger Cawkwell's excellent 'Music theory in practice' series and a
Sideways RAM help utility for AMPLE Nucleus words.
The News and Reviews section has details of three new AMPLE
discs and some hands-on experience from users of the Music 2000 MIDI interface.
We will leave you to discover the rest...
In AMPLINEX 007 we gave details of how to get hold of a copy
of the index to AMPLINEX issues 001-006, compiled by Patrick Black, which is in
an 80-column format, ready to print. Any members who have not yet requested a copy
should send a blank, formatted disc to AMPLINEX along with the usual postage
and packing. Please mark the disc 'INDEX' and indicate whether your disc is in
40- or 80-track format. If you wish to save on postage, you can include the
extra disc with the one you send in for AMPLINEX 009.
Any members who have not got access to a printer can obtain
a printed copy of the index from AMPLINEX by sending a stamped, self-addressed
A4-sized envelope marked 'INDEX'.
May we take this opportunity to wish all AMPLINEX members an
enjoyable Christmas and New Year, and to look forward to your continued support
during 1989.
Published in AMPLINEX 008, November