This disc contains a group of files from AMPLINEX member Taj
Letocha which provides a powerful utility for use with AMPLE. Details of the
utility are given in the user manual, but these notes explain how the files are
arranged on this disc.
This disc contains the utility itself (in the form of a
Sideways ROM image), a comprehensive manual (in ready-to-print 'spooled' form
and in View format), and an example text file containing almost 200 instrument definitions
for use with the utility. To use the utility, you should follow the
instructions given in the manual. The manual can be printed by setting the
PRINT switch on (an asterisk will appear next to the issue number) and then
choosing 'ZROM manual' from the menu.
This will print the manual in an 80-column, 66-line page
format. For reasons of disc space the file is stored in a compressed form and
is expanded for display and printing. If you wish to store the file in its normal,
uncompressed form you should choose the 'Expand ZROM manual file' option from
the menu and follow the instructions given. The 'expanded' file is almost 63K
in length and will take up 251 (&FB) sectors on a disc. Please ensure you have
enough space before you start. The file will not print during the 'expansion'
The manual is also stored on this disc in View format. It is
split over two files - U.Zman/v1 and U.Zman/v2 - which include formatting
commands but no printer effects. The instrument library file (InsLib) contains
almost 200 instrument definitions taken from a variety of sources. It can be
viewed and printed from the menu, and the manual contains instructions on
converting it into the format used by the utility ROM. There is enough space on
this disc for the converted version of the file.
In summary then, the files on this disc are:
Members without a printer can obtain copies of the manual
from AMPLINEX by sending an A4-sized self-addressed envelope and stamps to
cover a 220g package (51p first class in UK).
Published in AMPLINEX U11, May 1989