AMPLINEX issue 013 was published in September 1989. Each AMPLINEX magazine is stored as a 200K single-sided 80-track disk image file (.ssd file type). The image can be used to create disks for a BBC Micro or can be loaded into a BBC emulator. For the disks to run, the BBC (real or emulated) must have an AMPLE Nucleus ROM installed and be running the Hybrid Music System.

News and reviews

In this issue's News and Reviews section we have the latest news from Hybrid Technology as well information about a new source of AMPLE music discs.

Hybrid Technology news

Hybrid Technology have recently announced a new software product - the AMPLE toolbox. Unlike previous software releases which were either hardware-related or music albums, this software consists of a number of utilities to be used alongside existing software.
Included in the package are a 'professional' text editor, a 'graphics image designer', a program compiler, and a utility to allow modules to be stored in Sideways RAM. Some new commands such as MERGE (which appeared, in error, in the AMPLE Nucleus Programmer Guide) and SEARCH (to find unused words) will also be included. The package will cost £39.10 and we will be reviewing it in the next issue of AMPLINEX.
With the release of its latest two music discs, Hybrid Technology brings its music catalogue to a total of 14, and it appears that these may be the last releases for some time.
The first of the two new discs is 'Shivering Again' by AMPLINEX member Michael Harbour. This disc contains twelve pieces of music with the seasonal theme of cold. One of the pieces ('For a dying man' from AMPLINEX 007) will be already familiar to members.
There are a variety of styles from slow mood music to fast, up-tempo pieces as well as a number of quirky, comic numbers. All the arrangements are well thought out (with 'Frostbyte' and 'Running on Ice' being particularly successful) the result being an album which emphasises the music rather than the Music 5000 itself.
The second disc is 'Electricity' by Russell Fray. This contains ten pieces of music, mainly in the pop idiom, with a strong reliance on simple repetitive melodies and chord sequences. Although the music itself is often too weak to demand attention, my interest could have been held by some interesting arrangements or inspired use of instruments or effects. Sadly, the music is presented in an unimaginative way with a few over-used instruments and long repetitive passages with little musical development.
In summary, Michael Harbour's disc is good quality music thoughtfully presented. The disc from Russell Fray is a disappointment - a rather mediocre example of Music 5000 music.
An example piece from each disc is included in this issue's Music section.
In his review of the Music 1000 amplifier in AMPLINEX 012, Tony Walduck commented that he had received no documentation with the unit and that he 'would expect the minimum acceptable documentation to give the levels and impedance of all inputs and outputs, and indicate whether the output is short-circuit protected'.
We have since received from Hybrid Technology a copy of the Music 1000 specification which they say is included with every unit. This shows information about each of the sockets and controls (as outlined in Tony Walduck's review) and gives the following additional information:
Output power: 8W per channel
Speaker impedance: 8-16Ω (20W minimum rating recommended)
Frequency response: 20Hz-20KHz +-3dB
Recommended input level: 100mV RMS
Mix output level: 300mV (100mV at either input)
Input/output connections: Pin 2 0V Pin 3 Left signal Pin 5 Right signal

Panda Discs

Roy Follett
Panda Discs are the latest in music discs for the Music 500 as well as the Music 5000 and are the brainchild of David King, he of DCT fame.
We were sent a sampler disc for review which has a selection of tunes taken from the seven volumes currently on sale.
Many of tunes have been written or programmed by AMPLINEX members - such as Frank Dudley, Bernie Dawson, Andy Knight, and Paul Nuttall. It is good to see their work being made available in greater quantity than space in AMPLINEX will allow.
In addition to the seven individual's volumes there is a further one called 'Children in need compilation Vol 1' whose contents were donated by the writers. All the profits go to this worthwhile charity. Indeed there is an appeal for further donations of tunes, in order that a second volume be produced.
It must be good for AMPLE enthusiasts to have yet another source of music files, and if you have tunes that you have programmed or written and which you think are good enough to earn royalties then get in touch with Panda Discs.
Further details about submission of work and how to purchase these discs, can be obtained for a SAE from:
Panda Discs
Four Seasons
Tinkers Lane
ST19 9DE
See also the Advertisements section of this issue.

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Walk of Life

by Aiden Black

Composed by: Dire Straits

I wrote this program to see how close I could get it to the original. The problem is that Dire Straits being the musicians they are, there are so many backing instruments you need a 500-track synthesiser to get them all in. Unfortunately, I do not own such a box, so had to make do with 16. Even so, I don't think I did badly considering it was written in an afternoon.

The mix itself is fairly boring; the program uses one basic mix and the voices change themselves for the verses. I used a small 'mix2' to get back to the original 'intro' mix. If you are lucky, the drum's 'PAN' knob will do a dance in the Mixing Desk! I did this to see how much I could get happening without the program jumping. It also livens up the drum rhythm a bit which is awfully dull.


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.WALKLIF

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Voluntary in D minor

by Tim Barrett

Composed by: William Croft

On examining the music in the Staff editor, it has only slight similarities with the sheet music I transcribed it from. This is mainly due to the many repeated notes having to be separated by demi-semi-quaver rests in order to be played separately, rather than as a single long note. I feel sure that a more elegant and economical method of achieving this must exist, but I have not yet come across it. Feel free to experiment with it and improve it.

Thanks to Corin Greaves for the organ voice ('church' AMPLINEX 009), and to Mike Dobson for the method of using pictures from outside sources in AMPLE programs by *LOADing them into the Notepad ('Squits' AMPLINEX 011).

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.VOLUNDM

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Running on Ice

by Michael Harbour

From the album 'Shivering Again'

Courtesy of Hybrid Technology

Welcome to 'Shivering Again', the first Ample Album by Michael Harbour. Prepare to take a trip into the world of coldness. . !

The little pictures on the left of the titles are meant to be ice-lollies.

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.RUNNING

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Round the Corner

by Russell Fray

From the album 'Electricity'

Courtesy of Hybrid Technology

I was going to write the words for the tune here, but I sat down for one hour trying to think of words to rhyme with corner, but all I could come up with was sauna and yawner(?), which aren't the sort of words that make a tune interesting. So instead, I have decided to write a biography on how ROUND THE CORNER became a hit by the great musician, Fiaret Guygillyer. For the un-educated people out there, he was the greatest musician ever heard of 1990 years ago, 1 year before Jesus was born. He came over the tune one day when he was sitting at home in front of his brand new Yamaha xylophone, made out of 200 sabre toothed tiger teeth.

He put his hands over the keyboard, and suddenly felt his hands start to move by themselves, and you guessed it, they played a tune, which he decided to call 'round the corner', as his wife had just gone round to the corner shop to buy some pterodactyl wings for dinner, and he was starving.

Now if you believe that, you'll believe ANYTHING!!!!!


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.ROUND

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Quartertone Study

by Lol Taylor

Is this music?

It is only since I have had the Music 5000 that I have been able to hear experiments like this.

It is up to you to decide whether it is music or not.

You might find the word 'o' useful. I do after using 'mfl' and 'mpl' (Music 5000 User Guide page 117). pp becomes 3o, ff becomes 8o.

'end' is used to get a softer ending. Note that VOL is restored. Otherwise editing can be frustrating if no sound comes out of the speakers.

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.QTONE

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Prelude in G minor

by Allan M Gardner

Composed by: Rachmaninov

Opus 23 No. 5 - Alla Marcia


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.PRELUDE

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Miami Vice

by Ian L Hubbard

Composed by: Jan Hammer


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.MIAMIVI

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Jumping on a Train

by Mike Dobson

Composed by: Atomic Ensemble

This is in fact an abridged version of the original classic track which lasts nearly 6 minutes. There seemed no point in putting in the verses with lyrics and good taste prevents me printing them on the screen.

Everything except the drums were played in real time on the M4000 - but not all at full speed! The vibrato and pitch bending were added afterwards as you will see by looking at the part4's.

I'm particularly pleased with my 'synbass4' and 'lead' instruments, feel free to pilfer them for yourself.

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.TRAIN

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Happy Birthday

by Ted Kirk

Composed by: Hill & Hill

By Mildred J Hill and Patty S Hill.
Melody by Clayton F Summy.
(c) 1935 by Summy-Birchard Co., Evanston, Illinois.

Arrangement by TED KIRK (lasts 42 sec).

I kept the above off the title-page in case anyone wants to use it as a greeting. I don't mind not having my name on it!

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.HAPPYB

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Evening Falls

by Julian Benton

Composed by: Enya


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.EVENING

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Drum Kit Demo

by David Westbrook

The kit contains 7 different drum sounds, some of which are standard (such as Drum) and some of which are mine.

All the different sounds in the kit are played by one player, using special words to redefine the instrument when- ever a different drum is to be "hit". In this way a reasonably full drum part can be built up whilst leaving the maximum resources for musical parts.

There are a couple of limitations: first, because all this instrument- swapping demands a lot of processing, things can go wrong if you try to play very fast on lots of drums; second, the mix between drums has to be preset since the mix fader will just raise or lower all the drums at once. If you want to change the balance, you can do so by editing the AMP setting in the instrument words.

Each sound has a normal instrument name, plus a 'calling word', which calls the instrument and plays a hit. The drum sounds available are as follows:


drm Drum as bass drum dr
lcy Low-pitch cymbal lc
hcy Higher cymbal hc
sn1 First snare drum s1
sn2 Another snare s2
rsh Rimshot rs
whip Slashing noisy sound wh

A typical 'calling word' looks like this:

"s1"[1VOICEŸsn1 X]

In a score, the only words you write are the 'calling words'. A typical simple pattern would be:

dr/// dr/// s1/// dr///

This plays a simple 4/4 bass & snare beat, each sound being called as needed.

You can easily experiment for yourself so have a go - drumpart1 & 2 in this program illustrate the technique.

To get a SPOOLed version of the kit to use in your own programs, type 'spool' & have a disc ready to receive the program You can then get the kit into your own programs by typing '*EXEC S.drums'.

Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.DRUMKIT

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

AMPLINEX Spectral Harmonic Analyser

Bob Ord
Whilst creating a 2 CHAN instrument word I found that I was trying all the permutations and combinations of the waveforms provided with the Music 5000 system. Also, I found that once I had the two waves I wanted, varying the amplitude of the waves (via AMP) affected the instrument's timbre.
I needed help.
I therefore, placed eight instruments defined thus
 Pure     Flat     Onoff
 128 AMP
into the Mixing Desk and sent each voice a note from the harmonic series. By varying the faders I could thereby vary the amount of a given harmonic the resulting sound contained. Having verified that this technique would work I set about writing the AMPLINEX Spectral Harmonic Analyser - ASHA.
The program allows the user to set the amplitude of the first eight harmonics of a sound and playback the result. When the desired result is obtained the program analyses the harmonics used and tries to find the two Music 5000 waveforms and their amplitudes that produce the same timbre.
Once these are found the program displays the result in the following form:
"newins" [
  wave#1    Flat     Onoff
  amplitude#1 AMP
  wave#2    Flat     Onoff
  amplitude#2 AMP
This word, once copied, can be brought into Notepad and, after the command
is entered and f1 pressed within Notepad, checked to ensure that the timbre is correct.
Only seven keys are used by the program, they are:-

Cursor right and left

Move the blue box cursor right and left and thus select the desired harmonic.

Cursor up and down

Set the amplitude of the selected harmonic.


Resets the selected harmonic to zero.


Plays the sound shown on the screen.


Starts the analysis of the spectrum shown on the screen. This may take quite a few minutes depending upon the sound spectrum entered.

Related file on this disc:
U.ASHA - AMPLINEX Spectral Harmonic Analyser

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

AMPLINEX unused word search utility

"#3" [GVAR] 15#3#!&2E#31#-#B!
"#4" [GVAR] 15#4#!&59#41#-#B!
"#5" [GVAR] 15#5#!&73#51#-#B!
"#6" [GVAR] 15#6#!&B8#61#-#B!
"FREE" [OFFREP(6#5)UNTIL(OFF#2124#+#11
"FREED" ["""#6""DELETE"$+
% Type FREE to identify unused words
% Type FREED to delete this utility

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

AMPLINEX unused word search utility – notes

Kevin Doyle
One of the key elements in AMPLE composition is experiment. Instruments can be altered, different mixes used, and parts added and deleted.
However, the end result of this can often be a cluttered program as well as a good piece of music. And if memory is getting short then extra, unused words need to be identified and deleted.
This utility will show user words which are not in use elsewhere in the program - you can then decide which ones can be deleted.
The utility is in EXEC format and can be read into an existing program using the command
In order to disturb the existing contents of the screen as little as possible the screen display is turned off as the utility is read in and switched back on at the end. (If you press Escape whilst the utility is being read in you can turn the display back on with 6#OUT or any MODE command).
To use the utility type in the command
This will then list (in the same form as the SHOW command) all user words which are not used elsewhere. In a standard music piece some words (such as 'RUN') will always appear in the list. The 'mix' and 'part' words will also appear and the use of these can only be checked by examining the PLAY string in 'RUN'. The utility words 'FREE' and 'FREED' will also always appear.
Other words, which are recognised as redundant can then be deleted using
"wordname" DELETE
To delete the utility itself use the command
The utility uses 6 words out of the maximum allowed in AMPLE of 125 and therefore it can only be used with user program containing fewer than 120 words.
The utility works by identifying each user word and then searching for its occurrence in every user word. If the word is not found in use anywhere it is displayed on the screen. The time taken for the utility to do its search is therefore a function of the number of user words and their use in other user words. For programs with a large number of words, therefore, the search may take some time - perhaps 30 seconds for a program with 60-70 words.
For those interested in the programming, the utility makes use of some AMPLE Nucleus words which are not normally user-accessible. To access these words their tokens have been written directly into previously defined user words ('#3' to '#6'). These words are initially defined as variables (GVAR). This means that they occupy three bytes (one for the GVAR token and two for its data) and that their addresses are known (since GVAR leaves the address of the data bytes). The contents of the two data bytes are set to &0F00 - the AMPLE tokens for a zero-length comment - and then the GVAR token is overwritten with the AMPLE token required.
There are four such AMPLE words used:
"#3" (&2E) - this returns the address of the next occurrence of a specified byte (or token) in a word. The target byte and the starting address for the search are input to the word and it returns either the address where the byte is found and the ON flag or, if the byte is not found, the OFF flag.
byte startaddr &2E  -> foundaddr ON
                    -> OFF
"#4" (&59) - this returns a string containing a word name from the address of the byte before the word name. Once the address of the start of a user word definition is known (see below) then 4 bytes can be added to it to give the address of the byte before the word name. This word can then be used to return the word name as a string.
wordnameaddress &59 -> wordnamestring
"#5" (&73) - this returns the address of the next user word in alphabetical sequence. The address of the start of a word definition and a code (6 for user words, 9 for modules) are input to the word. Its outputs are the address of the next word plus an OFF flag, or, if no more words are found, the same address and an ON flag. To find the first word the input address should be set to 0.
wordaddr code &73   -> nextwordaddr OFF
                    -> wordaddr ON
"#6" (&B8) - this displays a word name string padded with spaces to the right to produce an aligned display. It is used by words such as SHOW and FIND. Word names of less than 10 characters are padded out to 10; those of 10 or more are padded out to 20.
string &B8

Related file on this disc:
U.FREE - AMPLINEX unused word search utility

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Notes on using the Music 500 waveforms

Richard Bettis
In AMPLINEX 009, Ian Guinan informed us that the waveform creation facilities of the Music 500 could be used to load waveforms into the synthesiser hardware, and that altering the Music 5000 !BOOT file so that C.PREPARE was omitted allowed these waveforms to remain and be used via the predefined Music 5000 sound words (Bright, Broad, etc.).
This procedure does have some other side effects, however, even though the idea is rather clever!
The C.PREPARE program has four main functions:
1) To set up the waveforms
2) To change the value of OSHWM (the value given by PAGE in BASIC), as described on page 89 of the Music 5000 User Guide
3) To program the function keys for the Music 5000 environment, (MAIN, "GET, "NAME etc.)
4) To program the special characters used in the Staff editor.
Of these, the last three can be turned on or off by including key letters in the call to C.PREPARE.
The default call is */C.PREPARE R S K.
‘R’ tells the program to adjust OSHWM to &1300 if it is at &1900, giving AMPLE an extra 1300 or so bytes of free memory.
‘S’ tells it to set up the 'soft' characters for the Staff editor (this takes back much of the memory freed by R!).
‘K’ tells the program to set up the function keys.
Any of these letters can be deleted from the command line. The Music 5000 User Guide (page 89) gives some circumstances when R should be omitted, though the example of the altered line is wrong.
However, the waveform set-up is performed whatever other options are requested.
All this has three important implications.
Firstly, if you don't use the Staff editor, you can gain extra working space by deleting the 'S' option.
Secondly, if the call to C.PREPARE is removed from the !BOOT file the Staff editor cannot be used, and the extra memory cannot be freed by the 'R' option.
Finally, in order to keep the Music 500 waveforms, C.PREPARE has to be omitted, despite these disadvantages.
In order to solve these problems, I have created a program to alter the original C.PREPARE file, as supplied by Hybrid, to produce a new file called C.PREPNEW which will perform all the other functions of C.PREPARE, but will leave any Music 500 generated waveforms intact.
Instructions and further explanation are provided in the program (U.Prepper). All you need to do is to LOAD in the program, make sure your system disc is in the default drive, and RUN it.
Note that if this is used for an initial start-up, when the synthesiser unit has not been programmed with any waveforms, then all the waveforms will be created from (presumably) the random state after the electronics was powered up. (All the waveforms will produce a similar, 'Metal'-like but very weedy bleep.)
Used after a Music 500 waveform programming session, however, it should provide a useful addition to Ian Guinan's original technique.

Related file on this disc:
U.Prepper - utility to create new version of C.PREPARE file which does not load Music 5000 waveforms

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Hints and tips

An AMPLE bibliography (continued)

Julian Benton
Following on from the AMPLE bibliography published in the Hints and Tips section of AMPLINEX 009, here are details of two more articles of interest, both from Electronics Today International.
1) September 1987 - 'The Hybrid Music System' - A general introduction
2) October 1987 - 'Inside Hybrid's Music 5000' - A description of the synthesiser hardware written by Chris Jordan.

More 'Hooked on Tchaikovsky'

Andrew Leahy
The piece 'Hooked on Tchaikovsky' from Hybrid's 'AMPLE Bytes Back' album, has some parts which have not been included in the RUN word. Parts 'e' and 'f' have been left out. Part 'f' is another arrangement of 'Sugar Plum Fairy'.
To add them to the PLAY sequence change the RUN word to "123-abcdefgh"PLAY.

Use of *TYPE

Lol Taylor
When, in the middle of developing a program, you wish to add (say) an *EXEC instrument, and you are not sure which file it is in, it is possible to *TYPE several probable files and read them on the screen without them being added to your program. When you have found the right one it can then be *EXECed in.

Korg DDD-5 drum machine

Ivor Abiks
For those members who own a Korg DDD-5 drum machine and Music 2000 MIDI interface, here's a tip. If you can't be bothered to program a song into the DDD-5 which needs, for example, a pattern for verses, and a different pattern for the chorus, here is a way of changing from one pattern in the preset bank to another.
 Simply send the following at the appropriate point in the score:
&FC MIDIOUT    % Stops the DDD-5
&nnF3 MIDIWOUT % Sends song select
               % message to change to
               % pattern number nn)
&FB MIDIOUT    % Sends continue % message
I usually define this as an AMPLE word, and insert the word at the point I wish the change to occur. I have not (so far) encountered any timing problems - the change appears instantaneous.
Here is a simple example:
"startdrums" [ &FC MIDIOUT
               &02F3 MIDIWOUT ]
"changedrums" [ &FC MIDIOUT
                &11F3 MIDIWOUT
                &FB MIDIOUT ]
"part1a" [ leadverse ]
"part2a" [ bassverse ]
"part9a" [ startdrums X ]
"part1b" [ leadchorus ]
"part2b" [ basschorus ]
"part9b" [ changedrums ]
"RUN" [ "1239-ab" PLAY ]
This will start with the preset pattern 02 ("Rock3") and then change to pattern 11 ("Ballad2") when playing the chorus.

Music 1000 amplifier headphone output

Neil Walker
The problem of headphones and the Music 1000 amplifier found by Tony Walduck in his review (News and Reviews AMPLINEX 12), would seem to point to the headphone output being taken directly from the speaker output. On most amplifiers this gives a high level of hum and noise, originating from the amplification after the volume control.
A solution is to fit, in series with the headphones, a resistor of 1000 ohms in each pair of phone leads. The value or wattage are not critical - if too low an ohmage is fitted the volume control range will still be restricted. The resistors may be fitted externally in either of the two leads going to each headphone. The modification will have no effect on the sound quality.

Printing AMPLINEX text

Jim Brook
For what it is worth, I would just mention that I print out AMPLINEX text on a daisywheel printer (Juki 6200) by spooling it to Interword and using the latter's two column option. It's very easy, requires no brain input at all (otherwise it would be useless to me) and produces a very neat and attractive printout. We dilettantes hate having to work out how to do anything and who knows, I may not be the only one who is also an AMPLINEX member!

Printing AMPLINEX text

Ken Hughes
I have tried using the 80-column print utility from AMPLINEX 005 and found it very good, except for printing out any AMPLE programs that are included in the text. Unfortunately it also prints these across the page making them very difficult to read. My solution to this is to use a multi column printer utility, set to two columns 39 characters wide. This allows printout of AMPLINEX files exactly as they appear on screen.
The program that I use is one from the May 1988 edition of BEEBUG magazine. As I use punched hole paper to print on I use the following short program to set up the printer for Elite type and to leave a margin on the left.
20 VDU2,1,27,1,77,3
30 VDU2,1,27,1,82,1,0,3
40 VDU2,1,27,1,108,1,16,3
Where "PRINT" in the name of the multi-column printer utility.

Making longer programs

Roger Sapolsky
Some further comments on using a modified !BOOT file without the MENU module (see the Features section of AMPLINEX 012). To access Notepad with no MENU module present use
Which will load the module. To go into Notepad, type
To get rid of the Notepad module, get out of it via
and then delete it using
Doing without the MENU module in this way will give you an extra 1034 bytes.

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989

Index to AMPLINEX issues 007-012 (Sept 1988 to July 1989)

Patrick Black
The headings to the Index are pretty well self-explanatory. Directory pre-fixes are used to indicate in which section an item appears on the AMPLINEX screen menu, as follows:
Directory prefixes
$ = Music
A = Introduction & Adverts
F = Features
H = Hints & Tips
I = Instruments
N = News & Reviews
Q = Questions & Answers
U = Utilities
MUSIC files are further distinguished by appearing in quotes, thus
"An Ode"              007 $.AnOde
NB. M09 = files on the Music Disk sent with Issue 009. U11 = Instrument Utility Disk sent with issue 011. Disk U11 has conflicting file names. Where two names are given the first is the name given in the Introductory Notes; the second is the actual disk file name.
QUESTIONS and their answers often appear in separate issues of AMPLINEX, so the letters 'Q' or 'A' or both, are placed with the issue number, depending on whether the item is a question on its own, an answer to a previous query, or is a question accompanied by a response.
There is a ROM COMPATIBILITY table, compiled from members' submissions, at the end of the Index.
Subject               Issue  Filename
--------------------- ----- ---------
*ACCESS & *DRIVE      005Q  Q.uest005  
                      007   H.ints007  


'@' to transpose                       
  instruments         012A  Q.uest012  
"A bunch of fives"    010   $.Fives    
Acoustic instruments  005Q  Q.uest005  
                      009A  Q.uest009  
  Jazz Disc Volume 1  012   N.ews012   
"Ah Perdona"          009   $.AhPerdo  
"Ain't misbehavin'"   011   $.Aint     
AMPLE -                                
  acoustic guitar     011Q  Q.uest011  
                      012A  Q.uest012  
                      012   I.nstr012  
  & Archimedes A3000  012Q  Q.uest012  
  & BBC Master Editor 007Q  Q.uest007  
                      009   H.ints009  
  bend utility                         
    *EXEC file        011   U.bend     
    demo file         011   U.bendemo  
  bibliography        009   H.ints009  
  C.PREPARE revision  011A  Q.uest011  
  chaining files      008QA Q.uest008  
                      009   H.ints009  
                      010A  Q.uest010  
                      012   F.Chain    
  changing instruments                 
    with UNUSED       010   H.ints010  
  chord data facility 010Q  Q.uest010  
    on M5000          011   F.Comment  
  delete file with                     
    'wlist' (M4000)   010Q  Q.uest010  
  & drum machine      012Q  Q.uest012  
  drum rhythms                         
    pitch sensitive   010Q  Q.uest010  
    pop/big band      010Q  Q.uest010  
                      011A  Q.uest011  
  Echo                007Q  Q.uest007  
  editors             007Q  Q.uest007  
  entering magazine                    
    listings          010QA Q.uest010  
  envelopes           005Q  Q.uest005  
                      007A  Q.uest007  
  error trapping      007Q  Q.uest007  
  external effects    007   H.ints007  
  function key                         
    redefinition      010   H.ints010  
  IDLE                008   Q.uest008  
                      008   Q.timing   
  instrument library utilities -       
    see under 'I'                      
  keys of tuned                        
    instruments       011Q  Q.uest011  
                      012A  Q.uest012  
  LEN negative settings                
    with SCORE        010   H.ints010  
  linking two Hybrid                   
    music systems     011QA Q.uest011  
  M.FX1A bug          007QA Q.uest007  
  making longer progs 012   F.LongPrg  
    BBC B v Master    010Q  Q.uest010  
    RAMROM board      010Q  Q.uest010  
    saving            009   H.ints009  
                      011   H.ints011  
  MERGE command       012QA Q.uest012  
  MIDI & AMPLE voices 009   H.ints009  
      charts          010Q  Q.uest010
                      011A  Q.uest011
    instr. selection  007Q  Q.uest007
                      009A  Q.uest009
     messages & s/ware007Q  Q.uest007
                      008A  Q.uest008
    slides & bends    012Q  Q.uest012
    Yamaha DD10
      drums           010Q  Q.uest010
                      012A  Q.uest012
    possibilities     010A  Q.uest010
    gaps in mixes     009   H.ints009
    for beginners     009   F.mixes1
    & submixes        007Q  Q.uest007
  Music 500
    and BBC Master    008Q  Q.uest008
    circuit diagram   012Q  Q.uest012
    serial no.
      differences     012Q  Q.uest012
  Music 2000 -        005Q  Q.uest005
                      007A  Q.uest007
    memory addresses  010   H.ints010
    review            008   N.ews008
    & Casio CZ5000    007Q  Q.uest007
    & Casio HT3000    012Q  Q.uest012
    & Roland D110     010   N.ews010
      controlling     012   H.ints012
    & Roland MT-32    008   N.ews008
    slides & bends    012Q  Q.uest012
  Music 3000          011   N.ews011
    with M2000        012QA Q.uest012
  Music 4000 -                         
    booting           006Q  Q.uest006  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
    double kbd voices 008   H.ints008  
    keyboard repair   007A  Q.uest007  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
    better metronome  010   H.ints010  
    silence between                    
      parts           012Q  Q.uest012  
  Music 5000 -                         
    clogging up       010QA Q.uest010  
      to tape         008   H.ints008  
      to Roland TR707 010Q  Q.uest010  
  Notepad new lines   009QA Q.uest009  
  Nucleus -                            
    Help Facility     008   U.ANHF     
    & BCE waveforms   009   U.NewWave  
                      009   U.Preset2  
  Opus Challenger     006   F.Challen
                      007A  Q.uest007  
  Opus Ramdisc        006Q  Q.uest006  
                      008A  Q.uest008 
  OSCLI               008QA Q.uest008  
  by phone                             
    downloading       009Q  Q.uest009  
    (Music City & DCT)007   A.update   
                      008   F.Abphone  
    DCT demo          008   F.DCTdemo  
  PLAY long sequences 009QA Q.uest009  
  POS and PAN         007   Q.uest007  
  programming rock                     
    and pop           012   H.ints012  
  QTIME               008   Q.uest008  
                      008   Q.timing   
  READY with DIM      009Q  Q.uest009  
  ROM compatibility   007   H.ints007  
                      008   H.ints008  
    (see table at end of Index)        
  SCORE with negative                  
    LEN settings      010   H.ints010  
  screen control      007QA Q.uest007  
  screen graphics     008Q  Q.uest008  
                      010A  Q.uest010  
  Shadow RAM - see under 'S'           
  SHIFT to transpose                   
    instruments       012A  Q.uest012  
  spooling            007   H.ints007  
  STAFF               007   H.ints007  
    part bars         010Q  Q.uest010  
                      011A  Q.uest011  
  saving space        012   H.ints012  
    'Too many         008Q  Q.uest008  
      numbers' error  009A  Q.uest009  
  synchronising music                  
    and lyrics        007Q  Q.uest007  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
                      009A  Q.uest009
  tempo changes on
    all voices        007Q  Q.uest007
                      008A  Q.uest008
  tokens              008   F.Tokens
  'Too big' on Master 009   H.ints009
  toolkit file        010   H.ints010
  transposition of
    music             011   H.ints011
  tuning systems
    with M4000        010Q  Q.uest010
  UNMIXes, a beginner's
    guide             011   F.Unmixes
  UNUSED changing
    instruments       010   H.ints010
  user Groups         010Q  Q.uest010
  volume – accessing
    settings          007Q  Q.uest007
  waveforms           009   U.NewWave
                      009   U.Preset2
  A.MPLINEX file
    & Studio 5000/4   009   A.update
                      009   A.008fix
    re-name facility  009   A.update
  address             ALL   A.contrib
  & ADFS              008QA Q.uest008
  AMPLE for beginners 008   A.update
  & BCE users         008   A.update
  & CEEFAX            007   A.update
                      008   A.update
                      009   A.update
                      011   A.update
  contributions       ALL   A.contrib
    closing date      ALL   A.nextiss
    use of            007   A.update
    Music 2000 files  010   A.update
    (also see below)
                      012   A.Update
  copyright           007   A.update
  delays to issues    009   A.welcome
  development ideas   010   A.update
  exit option         010   A.update
  Hybrid Q&A session  010   F.HTQ&A
  index (007-009)     010   F.index21
  M06 music disc      007   A.update
  membership          007   A.update
                      008   A.update
  Music 2000 files
    on cassette       011   A.update
    on disc           011   A.update
      organising      012   A.Update
  operation of
    contribution/fee  010   A.update
    release form      010   A.update
  printing data       ALL   A.print
    extra options     007   A.print
  return to previous
    screen            010   A.update   
  Sideways RAM utils  012QA Q.uest012  
  survey              007   A.SurvA88  
                      008   A.update   
    results           010   F.survA88  
  title screen speed  010   A.update   
  40-track -                           
    twin disk users   011QA Q.uest011  
    user problems     009   A.update
  80-column utility
    OPENIN problem    008   A.update   
    & non-text files  012QA Q.uest012
"An ode"              007   $.AnOde    
"Arp"                 007   $.Arp      
"Ave maris stella"    010   $.Vespers  
"Axel F"              008   $.AxelF    
    playing problem   009   A.update   
                      009   F.A8Mprob  


BBC B v Master memory 010Q  Q.uest010  
BBC Master 128                         
    Editor            007Q  Q.uest007  
    Music 500         008Q  Q.uest008  
    'Too big' files   009   H.ints009  
"Belief"              009   $.Belief   
"Birky's song"        009   $.Birky
"Blues at seven"      008   $.Seven
"Blue train, The"     010   $.BlueTrn  
"La Bouree"           010   $,Bouree
"Busking along"       009   $.Busking  


"Cannon"              007   $.Cannon   
"Caribbean romance"   007   $.Romance  
"Carol machine"       008   $.Carols   
"Cavatina"            012   $.Cavatin  
"Clair de lune"       009   $.CdeLune
"Clarinet concerto                     
  in B flat"          009   $.MozClar  
"Creole trumpet"      010   $.CreoleT  


"Danielle"            011   $.Daniell  
"Dark"                011   $.Dark     
"DCT Maestro is born" 009   $.Born     
"Dennis the Menace"   011   $.Dennis   
"Desafinado"          007   $.Desafin  
"DIY"                 009   $.DIY      
"Drunken blues, The"  007   $.DBlues   
"Drunken plea"        012   $.Plea     


Education Support
  Grant for 'IT'      010Q  Q.uest010
Envelopes             005Q  Q.uest005
                      007A  Q.uest007
"Etude Op.25 No.1 -
  Chopin"             011   $.Etude
Expansion boards - see Shadow RAM
"Eyres Rock"          009   $.Eyres


"Fanfare for the
  common man"         011   $.Fanfare
  sheet music         012Q  Q.uest012
"Fee fie foe fug"     010   $.FFFF
"For a dying man"     007   $.Dying
"Frere Jacques"       011   $.FrereJ
Function key redefine 010   H.ints010


"Georgia on my mind"  010   $.Georgia
"Goodbye to a `1000"  008   $.`1000
  playing problem     009   A.update
"Goodbye to the
  rain forest"        011   $.Forest


Hardware differences
  M500/M5000/M87      010Q  Q.uest010
"Holding back the
  years"              009   $.Years
"Horses don't sing"   008   $.Horses
"Hot heavy
  clean'n'mean"       010   $.HHC&M
"How about you"       009   $.How
"How fascinating"     009   $.HFascin
  Acorn User Show (Jul 89)
    pull-out          012   N.ews012
  address (April 89)  010   H.ints010
  audio cassette -
  'Hybrid Music System's
    Greatest Hits'    011   N.ews011
  C.PREPARE revision  011A  Q.uest011
  discs -
    AMPLE DCT         009   N.ews009
    AMPLE Vibrations  008   N.ews008
    Contrast          009   N.ews009
    Music City 2      008   N.ews008
      snares in "Riders
      on the Storm"   012   H.ints012
    Plaice            011   N.ews011   
     "Opportunaties"  011   $.Opportu  
    Return to the                      
      Homeland        008   N.ews008   
      playing problems011   H.ints011  
    "Winds of change" 011   $.Winds    
    Zen & the Art of                   
      Making Music    011   N.ews011   
  Educ. Support Grant 010Q  Q.uest010  
  & members questions 009   A.update   
  Linking two HYBRID                   
    systems           011QA Q.uest011  
  Members Q&A session 010   F.HTQ&A    
    creating Modules                   
    discount for AMPLINEX              
    M2000 capabilities                 
    M2000 MIDI IN                      
    M5000 waveform designer            
    microphone input                   
    modules on ROM                     
    Nucleus ROM upgrade                
    use of Sideways RAM                
    User Guide inaccuracies            
  Music 1000 review   012   N.ews012   
  Music 2000 -                         
    memory addresses  010   H.ints010  
    review            008   N.ews008   
    with Roland D110  010   N.ews010   
      controlling     012   H.ints012  
    with Roland MT-32 008   N.ews008   
  Music 3000 expander 011   N.ews011   
  Music 5000 Junior   008   N.ews008   
    delay             011   N.ews011   
    abandoned         012   N.ews012   
  registration slips  011Q  Q.uest011  
                      012A  Q.uest012  
  reverb units        011   H.ints011
  Symphony keyboard -                  
    upgrade price     008   N.ews008   
    footswitch price  008   N.ews008   
  System disc                          
    issue numbers     008Q  Q.uest008  
"Hyphon FX"           011   $.Hyphon


IDLE                  008   Q.uest008
                      008   Q.timing
Instrument library utilities
  introductory notes  U11   A.MPLINEX
  manual -
  compressed file     U11   U.Zman/cp
  view files          U11   U.Zman/v1
             OR            $.zd/19a
                      U11   U.Zman/v2
             OR            $.zd/19b
  ROM offer           011   A.welcome
  sample library      U11   $.InsLib
  Sideways RAM image  U11   $.ZROM
             OR            $.ZROM19
Instruments -
  acoustic guitar     011Q  Q.uest011
                      012   I.nstr012
  bdrum4              009   I.nstr009
  choir4              007   I.nstr007
  chinabell           007   I.nstr007
  church              009   I.nstr009
  dblbass             009   I.nstr009
  electro             012   I.nstr012
  gchurch4            007   I.nstr007
  guitar              007   I.nstr007
  mellow4             009   I.nstr009
  nasty4              007   I.nstr007
  nice4               007   I.nstr007
  pufflute            007   I.nstr007
  smooth4             009   I.nstr009
  snare4              009   I.nstr009
  superins            007   I.nstr007
  synbass4            012   I.nstr012
  sb4info             012   I.nstr012
  thunder             008Q  Q.uest008
  timpani             012   I.nstr012
  trumpet             009   I.nstr009
  trumpet4            009   I.nstr009
  vox4                012   I.nstr012
"Intro-Vox"           011   $.IntVox
"Invisible touch"     009   $.Invisib
Island Logic Music
  System              007Q  Q.uest007
"It's Late"           009   $.ItsLate


Jazz Disc Volume 1
  review              012   N.ews012
  how to obtain       012   A.adverts
"Jesus walking..."    007   $.Jewalia
"Jig in G"            009   $.JigInG
"Just for the asking" 009   $.Asking
Jukebox f4 bug in A&B
  Computing program   012   H.ints012
  fix for             012   F.Jukef4


Keyboard repairs      007A  Q.uest007  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
Keyboard Split notes  007   U.KS/info  
  utility             007   U.KSplit   
  volume              008   H.ints008  
Keyboard under `500   012Q  Q.uest012  
"Killjoy blues"       012   $.Killjoy  
"Kitten on the keys"  007   $.Kitten   


"Landscape & vista"   010   $.Vista
"La Volta"            012   $.LaVolta  
LEN negative setting                   
  with SCORE          010   H.ints010  
"Living for the city" 012   $.Living   
"Lullaby of birdland" 009   $.Bird     


"Magnetic media"      012   $.Media    
Making longer programs012   F.LongPrg  
"March to battle"     010   $.March    
Memory savings        009   H.ints009  
                      011   H.ints011  
Metronome (M4000)     010   H.ints010  
    instruments       010Q  Q.uest010  
  expander -                           
    AMPLE program     007   F.Xpander  
    assembler source  007   F.Xcode    
    instructions      007   F.X/info   
  (See MIDI hardware project in 006)   
"MIDI syndrome"       008   $.Syndro   
"Mission Impossible"  008   $.Mission
"Misty"               007   $.Misty    
Mixes for beginners                    
  part 1              009   F.mixes1
  part 2              010   F.mixes2   
"Mood indigo"         010   $.MoodInd  
Music 2000 file                        
  contributions       010   A.update   


"New Choros" query    008Q  Q.uest010  
                      010A  Q.uest010  
  on "Saxtracks"      010   N.ews010   
  bagpipes"           010   $.NBagpip  
Notepad New lines     009QA Q.uest009  
Nucleus -                              
  Help Facility       008   U.ANHF


"Opportunaties"       011   $.opportu
Opus Challenger       006   F.Challen
                      007A  Q.uest007
Opus Ramdisk          006Q  Q.uest006
                      008A  Q.uest008
OSCLI                 008QA Q.uest008
"Overture"            007   $.Over
"Overture to the
  Messiah"            009   $.OverMes


PAN                   007Q  Q.uest007
"Pink Panther, The"   010   $.PinkPan
"Polish dance"        009   $.Poldans
POS                   007Q  Q.uest007
Practice of Music
  'keyboard' writing  011   U.Xample1
  part 4              008   U.Music4
  part 5              009   U.Music5
  chords -
    9th, 11th, 13th   009   U.Music5
    inversions        009   U.Music5
  melody -
    counterpoint      009   U.Music5
    harmonic aspects  009   U.Music5
    psychology        008   U.Music4
    rhythm            008   U.Music4
    pitch patterns    008   U.Music4
"Prelude & Fugue"     012   $.PrelFug


QTIME                 008   Q.uest008
                      008   Q.timing


"Race with the devil" 010   $.RaceDev
"Rainbow"             012   $.Rainbow
"Rat in mi kitchen"   008   $.RatInMi
"Revs"                009   $.Revs
"Rhapsody on a theme
  of Paganini"        009   $.RachPag
Rock/pop programming  012   H.ints012
Roland D110           010   N.ews010
  controlling         012   H.ints012
  review              012   N.ews012
  MT-32 with M2000    008   N.ews008
  re-programming      008Q  Q.uest008
  DT707/M5000 sync.   010Q  Q.uest010
ROM compatibility     007   H.ints007  
                      008   H.ints008  
                      010   H.ints010  
  with Watford 32k    010   H.ints010  
  (See table at end of Index)          
"Rosemary"            010   $.Rose     
"Russians"            007   $.Russian  


"Sabrina strikes back"009   $.Sabrina  
"Save me" hang-up     007QA Q.uest007  
SCORE with negative                    
  LEN                 010   H.ints010  
"Sea shanty medley"   009   $.Shanty   
"Seeing you again"    009   $.CUAgain  
"See nature rejoicing"012   $.Nature   
Shadow RAM
  Aries B-32          008Q  Q.uest008  
                      009A  Q.uest009
                      010Q  Q.uest010  
                      010A  Q.uest010  
                      011A  Q.uest011  
                      010   H.ints010  
                      011   H.ints011  
  'grafix' screen                      
    load example      010A  Q.uest010  
  Integra-B           008Q  Q.uest008  
                      009   H.ints009  
  Solidisk 2Meg128K   007Q  Q.uest007  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
           4Meg256K   008A  Q.uest008  
  Watford 32K         010   H.ints010  
          RAMROM      011Q  Q.uest011  
                      012A  Q.uest012  
Sheet music                            
  inaccuracies        012   H.ints012
"Sleepy shores"       012   $.Sleepy   
"Snowman"             008   $.Snowman
"Song of a dreamer"   009   $.Dreamer  
"Spooky funk"         010   $.Spooky   
Spooling              007   H.ints007
"Squits"              011   $.Squits   
STAFF                 007   H.ints007
  'Too many           008Q  Q.uest008  
    numbers' error    009A  Q.uest009  
"Star Trek theme"     012   $.StarTrk  
"Still is the night"  012   $.Still    
"Sweeney, The"        009   $.Sweeney  
Synchronising music                    
  and lyrics          007Q  Q.uest007  
                      008A  Q.uest008  
                      009A  Q.uest009  
"Syrens"              012   $.Syrens


"Telstar"             011   $.Telstar
Theory of Music - see Practice
"Theme"               009   $.Theme
"There are many
  steps"              007   $.TherAr
"Three to get ready"  011   $.3GetRdy
"Three year song"     009   $.3Year
"Time is on my side"  012   $.TimeIs
"Toccata in D minor"  008   $.Toccata
Toolkit file          010   H.ints010
Transposing instr.    011Q  Q.uest011
  '@' & SHIFT         012A  Q.uest012
Transposition         011   H.ints011
"Travelin' Tex
  Tinhorn"            011   $.Tex
"Tune for pipes
  and flutes"         007   $.Flutes


  procession, The"    009   $.UndProc
UNMIXes, a beginner's
  guide               011   F.Unmixes
UNUSED changing
  instruments         010   H.ints010
User port splitter    009   H.ints009
User defined words
  bx  (bdrum4X)       009   I.nstr009
  lr  (LOADRUN)       009   H.ints009
  pa                  010   F.mixes2
  pb                  010   F.mixes2
  sbinfo  (bx & sx)   009   I.nstr009
  sig (in STAFF)      012   H.ints012
  sx  (snare4X)       009   I.nstr009
  v   (VOICES)        009   H.ints009


"La Venissiene"       009   $.Venissi
"Viola4 dance"        008   $.Viola4D


Wave Designer bugs &
  solutions – notes   012   U.WDesign
  - wave converter    012   U.TFWave
Waveforms for Nucleus
  from BCE            009   U.NewWave
                      009   U.Preset2
"Windman"             012   $.Windman
"Winds of change"     011   $.WINDS
'wlist' file (M4000)  010Q  Q.uest010


Yamaha DD10 drums     010A  Q.uest010
                      012A  Q.uest012


ROM Compatibility Table (B=Model B, M=Master)
Compatible with AMPLE
     Basic Editor 1.32           BM
     DFS 2.26                    BM
     Forth 1.03                  B
     View 3.0                    BM
     Viewsheet 1.0               BM
     Viewstore 1.0               BM
     ADI 1.10                    B
     ADT 1.76                    B
     ARM                         B
     Mouse Support 3.61          BM
     Stop Press 1.9              BM
     Stop Press Support 1.9      BM
Aries B-32 1.00                  B
Commstar                         B
Computer Concepts
     Inter-Base 2.0A             B
     Inter-Word                  B
     Inter-Chart                 B
     Inter-Sheet                 B
     Mega-3                      B
     Spellmaster 1.69            B
Dumpmaster 2.03                  BM
Enigma Disc Imager 1.09          B
Floppy-wise Plus 1.9             B
Integra-B OS 1.2                 B
*Oxford Pascal 2.1               B
*Slave 1.34 toolkit              B
Vine Micros Replay System        B
     Beebmon 1.00                B
     Conquest                    B
     DFS 1.44                    B.
     Dumpout 3.2                 B.
     Quest Paint 1.10            B
Incompatible with AMPLE
Care ROM Cartridge System
 in some cases (see H.ints008)   B
Integra-B OS if earlier
     than V1.2                   B
*Oxford PASCAL                   B
PMS NTQ                           M
*Slave toolkit                   B
* NOTE: contradictory advice from
members on these ROMs.

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989