The AMPLINEX Competition

To celebrate the start of the third year of AMPLINEX we are offering one of the new Music 3000 expander units (reviewed in AMPLINEX 012) which doubles the number of voices available on a standard Music 5000 system. The unit comes with software which expands the Mixing Desk to twice its normal size and we will also provide a lead to combine the outputs of the Music 3000 with your existing Music 5000. The whole package is worth £120.
To enter the competition all you have to do is to compose a short jingle which can be played during the opening credits of the AMPLINEX disc - that is, about 12 seconds worth of music! This jingle will then feature in future issues of AMPLINEX.
To ensure that we can fit the winning piece into the AMPLINEX program your music, plus any instruments and mixes you define, must take up no more than 1000 bytes of memory.
The entries will be judged by Ian Waugh, who writes the regular music column in BBC Acorn User magazine. He will be looking for a piece which shows off the Music 5000's capabilities, complements the screen display, and suits the AMPLINEX magazine.
You should also write up to 100 words to explain why you think your jingle is particularly appropriate for the AMPLINEX opening screen. This will be taken into account in the case of a musical tie.
A special file called A.Comp000 is included on this disc. This file contains a copy of the AMPLINEX title screen display words and a RUN word. You should add your competition entry to this file.
Other rules of the competition are:
1) All entries must be received by the AMPLINEX contributions deadline of FRIDAY 3RD NOVEMBER.
2) Only one entry per member.
3) All entries must be contained on a file called $.Comp###, where the #'s are replaced by your AMPLINEX membership number (so if your membership number is 999, your file would be called $.Comp999).
4) The RUN word in this file should contain your name - there is a space for it in the A.Comp000 file.
5) Up to 100 words of text can be included (as comments) in a word called 'info'.
To keep your piece of music below 1000 bytes you should check the memory used by typing
and noting the number of bytes shown against 'Words'. The basic A.Comp000 file takes up 2500 bytes. Therefore, with your music included, 'Words' should not show more than 3500 bytes. The 1000 bytes limit does NOT apply to your 'info' word, so you should check the memory before adding the 'info' text, or (after saving the file) DELETE the 'info' word before doing the memory check.

We look forward to hearing your entries and to announcing the winner in the next issue of AMPLINEX.

Related file on this disc:
A.Comp000 - starting file for competition entries

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989