This section is a focus for news about the workings of
AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of
information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.
AMPLINEX 012 index
Patrick Black has let us know that in compiling the index to
volume 2 of AMPLINEX he accidentally gave some of the music files the wrong
issue code. All the pieces on the M09 music disc appear with the code 009,
instead of M09.
Music 2000 files
We have received some more correspondence on the subject of publishing
Music 2000 music files in AMPLINEX.
M F Mellor
Two of the reasons I purchased a Music 2000 were to get
better drum sounds by using a drum machine, and to allow use of more than eight
players particularly if using keyboard sounds (8 fingers and two thumbs are
available you know!)
I am of the opinion that the choice of instruments is most
important to maintain the integrity of a piece, and even such things as
reverberation and output levels are critical to the overall presentation.
If the primary reason
for submitting pieces to AMPLINEX is the programming of music, this may be okay
for some, but I feel the music is the end in itself and therefore is not up for
alteration unless it is to improve it.
Tape versions of a piece would most certainly help to ensure
as close as possible reproduction of the piece.
I have several pieces
I have composed myself which cannot be played on the Music 5000 due to the
reasons above but would be willing to provide them in tape form to anyone
interested (see 'Endangered species' in Music section).
P Hibbert
It is to be expected that members with the Music 2000 box
will want at least some of the content of the magazine to include information
and music examples that would be applicable to the equipment that they have. I
have a Music 2000 and would like to have the opportunity to play and examine
the work of those with this equipment.
However, it seems to
me that the inclusion of music on AMPLINEX that is not playable by 80% of the membership
is not the way to go.
Maybe what we need is some sort of public domain library of
Music 2000 songs and information that members could use. Failing that what
about a disc of material collected together and available to those members who
have the equipment to use it.
We would like to encourage members to send Music 2000 files
in to AMPLINEX. We will then consider either publishing them within the normal AMPLINEX
disc or separately to interested members.
We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the
workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have
originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve
AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in
the contents of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.
Published in AMPLINEX 014, November