To receive your next issue of AMPLINEX free of charge you
must send a contribution of your own.
This could be an AMPLE music program, an instrument
definition, a question or an article about some aspect of the AMPLE language or
Hybrid Music System hardware or software, an AMPLE utility, a useful hint about
AMPLE, or an answer to another member's question.
Under copyright law we cannot publish programs or music
unless we have the permission of the copyright owners or their licensing agent.
It is important to realise that in the case of an AMPLE music program,
copyright exists in both the program itself and the music it represents. There
may even be a separate copyright in the arrangement. If you wish to contribute transcriptions
into AMPLE of someone else's music you must credit the copyright owner(s) of
the music, the arrangement (if applicable) and lyrics (if included). We can
then try to obtain permission to publish.
To protect ourselves from copyright actions we must ask you to
sign the copyright declaration on the 'next issue request form' which was sent
to you with this issue of AMPLINEX. All submissions made to AMPLINEX will be regarded
as permission to publish within the AMPLINEX membership. Beyond this, the
submission remains the property of the author.
As part of an exchange arrangement, we may wish to pass on
your address if any of your contributions are of interest to other software
If you do NOT wish your contributions to be considered for
publication elsewhere (and thus your address not to be passed to anyone else)
please indicate this on the request form in the place provided.
You can also use your return disc to pass on questions which
you would like answered on any issue relating to the Hybrid Music System or
AMPLE language. We will do our best to answer them (or will pass them over to
the other members for help) and publish the results in the Questions and
Answers section of AMPLINEX.
You can also use AMPLINEX to advertise any (un)wanted items
or to make contact with other members. Just put the details of your
advertisement on to the return disc and we will try to include it in the next
The 'Feedback' section of AMPLINEX contains a utility to
allow a note to be written on the screen which can then be saved to disc. This
'note' file can then be included on your disc sent for the next issue of
'Feedback' notes can be used to make contributions to any of
the text-based sections of AMPLINEX as well as to make comments or suggestions
on AMPLINEX itself.
Send all contributions, on a standard DFS format disc (40-
or 80-track).
It is not necessary to send printed copies of your
contributions - any copies required are printed locally to minimize postage
40-track disc users please note:
The AMPLINEX magazine is designed to fit on to one side of
an 80-track disc. If you use 40-track discs you should send one double-sided or
two single-sided discs.
Suggested file formats are:
a) AMPLE music programs - save these in normal Studio 5000
format (e.g. by selecting 'Save program' from the Studio 5000 Main menu). Since
many members do not have the Music 4000 keyboard please ensure that your program
has no M.M4 or M.KFX module words present. To make sure, try loading the
program using your Studio 5000 system disc.
Please include some comments about the music - how or why it
was written, how it could be changed - and put them into a word as comments
following a DISPLAY statement. Use of the word 'info' to contain such text is
common practice and we would suggest that it is NOT displayed automatically
every time the music is played.
b) AMPLE instruments - save these in text form via *SPOOL
using the AMPLE 'TYPE' command to save the word(s) you want.
Some description of the sound itself and hints on its use
(e.g. which parameters could be changed, which are the most suitable octave
settings) would make it more useful. This can be done using comments within the
instrument definition itself (by preceding them with a '%').
c) Text (hints, questions etc.) - use the 'Feedback' note
facility for short contributions. For longer pieces use View, Wordwise or other
word processor (without embedded format codes or commands). Do not right
justify the text.
You can help us operate AMPLINEX more efficiently by careful
naming of the files which you send us. Receiving several files called 'hint' or
'quest' can cause us problems in trying to keep track of which contribution
came from which member.
Wherever possible, please try and make the filenames of your
contributions unique especially where they are for a regular section of the
Putting a combination of your name or initials and the
section for which the contribution is destined is one way of doing this. So if
your name is Fred Bloggs you could use FBquest or BlogH&T for contributions
to the Questions and Answers or Hints and Tips sections.
Whatever filenames you use, please remember to include your
name somewhere in the contribution - this can save us many hours annotating lists
and cross-referencing filenames with contributors.
Ensure that your disc is well packed as we will be using the
same packaging to return it to you.
Make sure you enclose a return address label and postage and
that both the packaging and the disc are marked with your name and address.
Send it to:
26 Arbor Lane
RG11 5JD
26 Arbor Lane
RG11 5JD
to arrive by the date specified in the 'Next issue' section.
We look forward to reading and hearing your contributions.
Published in AMPLINEX 015, January 1990