To try to bring the AMPLINEX timetable back on schedule, and
fit in with summer holidays we are only having a short gap between this and the
next issue.
This means that all applications for a FREE copy (i.e. those
with discs containing contributions) must be received by FRIDAY 27TH JULY.
Anyone paying the £2.00 fee should apply by Friday 10th August.
We are planning to include a review of the Music 5000
Synthesiser Universal (mentioned in News and Reviews AMPLINEX 015) and the
first music disc specifically for Music 3000 users. Most of the content,
however, depends on your contributions between now and then - so please let us
have your words or music as soon as possible. In fact, why not type that
question, answer, hint, or comment right now using our Feedback utility? Or
copy your latest piece of music on to another disc ready for AMPLINEX?
We look forward to reading and hearing your contributions.
Published in AMPLINEX 017, May 1990