Kevin Doyle and Roy Follett
In this issue, in addition to a larger than usual Questions
and Answers section and our regular Hints and Tips, we have two utilities: a
demonstration program to help in the creation of drum patterns and a new
version of Allan Gardner's jukebox program which offers a number of useful
features for linking music files together to form an automated musical
sequence. We have a feature on gaining access to new AMPLE functions and
reviews of two new music discs.
We have sixteen pieces of AMPLE music, some original, some
which may be familiar, including a couple which have dual-purpose settings to
suit both the Music 5000 synthesiser and Music 3000 expander unit.
We hope you enjoy the disc and we look forward to receiving
your contributions to AMPLINEX 018.
Editor's note: we are running rather behind schedule with
this issue because of my commitments to the course I am taking. These last few months
have been particularly heavy, with only very short gaps between periods of
course work.
Things will still be behind schedule for the next two issues
(but less so than this one, I hope), with things getting back to normal at the
end of the year.
Thanks for your patience and your tolerance of this erratic
Published in AMPLINEX 017, May 1990