Patrick Black
The headings to the Index are pretty well self-explanatory.
Directory prefixes are used to indicate in which section an item appears on the
AMPLINEX screen menu, as follows:
Directory prefixes
$ = Music
A = Introduction & Adverts
F = Features
H = Hints & Tips
I = Instruments
N = News & Reviews
Q = Questions & Answers
U = Utilities
A = Introduction & Adverts
F = Features
H = Hints & Tips
I = Instruments
N = News & Reviews
Q = Questions & Answers
U = Utilities
All the '$' music files have now been gathered together in
the 'M' section of the Index - it seemed more logical and the quote marks took
up valuable space! Note the issue code M13 for files on the music disc sent
with issue 013 (September 1989).
Questions and their answers often appear in separate issues
of AMPLINEX, so the letters 'Q' or 'A' or both, are placed with the issue number,
depending on whether the item is a question on its own, an answer to a previous
query, or is a question accompanied by a response.
There is a ROM compatibility table, compiled from members'
submissions, at the end of the Index.
Subject Issue Filename
--------------------- ----- ---------
--------------------- ----- ---------
Instrument location 013 H.ints013
Machine 'hanging' 015Q Q.uest015
016A Q.uest016
and Watford DFS 017A Q.uest017
Instrument location 013 H.ints013
Machine 'hanging' 015Q Q.uest015
016A Q.uest016
and Watford DFS 017A Q.uest017
AEN 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
!BOOT files,
modules and
memory 015 F.Boot
'!File read only' 016Q Q.uest016
Benchmarks (BBC v
Electron) 014Q Q.uest014
Bibliography 009 H.ints009
continued 013 H.ints013
Chaining files 017QA Q.uest017
Clear screen word 015 H.ints015
Copyright on music 014QA Q.uest014
Deadening sounds 018 H.ints018
Disassembly 017Q Q.uest017
Drum machine trigger 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Finding new words (non-user
accessible) 017 F.newword
annotated utility 017 F.NWdemo
FOR(...)FOR and f1 018Q Q.uest018
FX1A module problems 017 H.ints017
018A A.update
Keypress get word 015 H.ints015
Letters after modules018Q Q.uest018
Making longer progs 012 F.LongPrg
013 H.ints013
MCAT display 018Q Q.uest018
command line length 015 H.ints015
control over 015 H.ints015
re-making 014Q Q.uest014
015Q Q.uest015
Mixing Desk with more than
40 instruments 015Q Q.uest015
Mixing Desk mystery 017Q Q.uest017
Modules and memory 015QA Q.uest015
Music 500
Convert C.PREPARE to
access waveforms 013 U.PrepInf
013 U.Prepper
Music 1000
headphone output 012 N.ews012
013 H.ints013
Music 2000
and Casio CT-460 016 N.ews016
and Casio HT3000 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
MIDI-IN 016Q Q.uest016
MIDIRT signals 016 H.ints016
and Roland CM32L 016Q Q.uest016
VEL in drum kit 017Q Q.uest017
Music 3000
multi-channel instr.016 H.ints016
system disc and free
memory 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Watford Shadow RAM 014Q Q.uest014
015A Q.uest015
017Q Q.uest017
Music 4000
delete file 014Q Q.uest014
drums on Music 4000
keyboard notes 015 U.Drumtxt
program 015 U.DrumKey
Music 5000
amplification 018 H.ints018
PAN values & volume 014Q Q.uest014
PLAY in FOR( loop 016QA Q.uest016
Player - what is it? 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Preset popularity 013 F.instrum
Published articles 017 H.ints017
ROM compatibility
see table below Index
Scrolling text 015Q Q.uest015
Separating notes
query 013 $.VolunDm
with 'Len' 014 H.ints014
with ON PHSET 014 H.ints014
Sideways RAM
Integra-B 016 H.ints016
Solidisk 128 013Q Q.uest013
SLIDE command 017 H.ints017
Staff editor
avoid memory limits 014 H.ints014
018 H.ints018
black on white 014 H.ints014
memory saving 018 H.ints018
'Too many voices' 016A Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Transposing instruments
brass '@' offsets 013A Q.uest013
guitar 016 H.ints016
User words limit 014Q Q.uest014
AMPLE PLAY tutor 018 N.ews018
015 menu fix for missing
Utilities display 016 A.update
EXEC file 016 $.015fix
and ADFS 017QA Q.uest017
Address ALL A.contrib
and CEEFAX 013 A.Update
Compatibility of music files
Music 2000 014 F.Mcompat
example files 014 $.Metal
014 $.Metal/2
014 $.Metal/5
Music 3000 014 F.Mcompat
submissions 017 A.update
Music 5000/2000 016 F.M5/2cmp
music example 016 F.NiceWrk
on commercial discs 017 N.ews017
Competition 013 A.Compinf
entry 'form' 013 A.Comp000
Contributions ALL A.contrib
closing date ALL A.nextiss
Control program
compatibility 015 A.update
Crumple TMS to AMPLE converter
notes 018 U.CrumTxt
utility 018 U.Crumple
Delays to issues 009 A.welcome
015 A.welcome
017 A.welcome
and Drive 1 016QA Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Drum pattern utility 017 U.DrumPat
Hybrid system uses
015-017 A.update
feature 018 F.HMSuses
film sound tracks
instrumental tuition
learning vocal music
school musicals
volume 2 (007-012) 013 F.index2
volume 3 (013-015) 016 F.index31
M09/009 code error 014 A.Update
Member to member
comments 013 A.Update
Music 2000 files 014 A.Update
015 A.update
with Music 3000 014QA Q.uest014
Music 4000 keyboard
split utility 015Q Q.uest015
Music 5000 waveform
editing utility 014 U.Wave
notes 014 U.WaveTxt
Music 500 presets 014 U.Preset1
storage & use 017Q Q.uest017
Printing data ALL A.print
with Interword 013 H.ints013
Programmable Jukebox version 2
notes 017 U.Juketxt
utility 017 U.Jukebox
ROM ID 018 A.update
Sideways RAM utilities
source code 012QA Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Spectral Harmonic Analyser
notes 013 U.ASHAinf
utility 013 U.ASHA
Staff Printer utility
notes 016 U.ASPinfo
printer driver 016 U.ASPcode
main program 016 U.ASP
secondary program 016 U.ASP2
and Aries B-32 017Q Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
replacement PD 018 ASPcode
Unused word search
notes 013 U.Freeinf
utility 013 U.FREE
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
!BOOT files,
modules and
memory 015 F.Boot
'!File read only' 016Q Q.uest016
Benchmarks (BBC v
Electron) 014Q Q.uest014
Bibliography 009 H.ints009
continued 013 H.ints013
Chaining files 017QA Q.uest017
Clear screen word 015 H.ints015
Copyright on music 014QA Q.uest014
Deadening sounds 018 H.ints018
Disassembly 017Q Q.uest017
Drum machine trigger 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Finding new words (non-user
accessible) 017 F.newword
annotated utility 017 F.NWdemo
FOR(...)FOR and f1 018Q Q.uest018
FX1A module problems 017 H.ints017
018A A.update
Keypress get word 015 H.ints015
Letters after modules018Q Q.uest018
Making longer progs 012 F.LongPrg
013 H.ints013
MCAT display 018Q Q.uest018
command line length 015 H.ints015
control over 015 H.ints015
re-making 014Q Q.uest014
015Q Q.uest015
Mixing Desk with more than
40 instruments 015Q Q.uest015
Mixing Desk mystery 017Q Q.uest017
Modules and memory 015QA Q.uest015
Music 500
Convert C.PREPARE to
access waveforms 013 U.PrepInf
013 U.Prepper
Music 1000
headphone output 012 N.ews012
013 H.ints013
Music 2000
and Casio CT-460 016 N.ews016
and Casio HT3000 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
MIDI-IN 016Q Q.uest016
MIDIRT signals 016 H.ints016
and Roland CM32L 016Q Q.uest016
VEL in drum kit 017Q Q.uest017
Music 3000
multi-channel instr.016 H.ints016
system disc and free
memory 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Watford Shadow RAM 014Q Q.uest014
015A Q.uest015
017Q Q.uest017
Music 4000
delete file 014Q Q.uest014
drums on Music 4000
keyboard notes 015 U.Drumtxt
program 015 U.DrumKey
Music 5000
amplification 018 H.ints018
PAN values & volume 014Q Q.uest014
PLAY in FOR( loop 016QA Q.uest016
Player - what is it? 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Preset popularity 013 F.instrum
Published articles 017 H.ints017
ROM compatibility
see table below Index
Scrolling text 015Q Q.uest015
Separating notes
query 013 $.VolunDm
with 'Len' 014 H.ints014
with ON PHSET 014 H.ints014
Sideways RAM
Integra-B 016 H.ints016
Solidisk 128 013Q Q.uest013
SLIDE command 017 H.ints017
Staff editor
avoid memory limits 014 H.ints014
018 H.ints018
black on white 014 H.ints014
memory saving 018 H.ints018
'Too many voices' 016A Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Transposing instruments
brass '@' offsets 013A Q.uest013
guitar 016 H.ints016
User words limit 014Q Q.uest014
AMPLE PLAY tutor 018 N.ews018
015 menu fix for missing
Utilities display 016 A.update
EXEC file 016 $.015fix
and ADFS 017QA Q.uest017
Address ALL A.contrib
and CEEFAX 013 A.Update
Compatibility of music files
Music 2000 014 F.Mcompat
example files 014 $.Metal
014 $.Metal/2
014 $.Metal/5
Music 3000 014 F.Mcompat
submissions 017 A.update
Music 5000/2000 016 F.M5/2cmp
music example 016 F.NiceWrk
on commercial discs 017 N.ews017
Competition 013 A.Compinf
entry 'form' 013 A.Comp000
Contributions ALL A.contrib
closing date ALL A.nextiss
Control program
compatibility 015 A.update
Crumple TMS to AMPLE converter
notes 018 U.CrumTxt
utility 018 U.Crumple
Delays to issues 009 A.welcome
015 A.welcome
017 A.welcome
and Drive 1 016QA Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Drum pattern utility 017 U.DrumPat
Hybrid system uses
015-017 A.update
feature 018 F.HMSuses
film sound tracks
instrumental tuition
learning vocal music
school musicals
volume 2 (007-012) 013 F.index2
volume 3 (013-015) 016 F.index31
M09/009 code error 014 A.Update
Member to member
comments 013 A.Update
Music 2000 files 014 A.Update
015 A.update
with Music 3000 014QA Q.uest014
Music 4000 keyboard
split utility 015Q Q.uest015
Music 5000 waveform
editing utility 014 U.Wave
notes 014 U.WaveTxt
Music 500 presets 014 U.Preset1
storage & use 017Q Q.uest017
Printing data ALL A.print
with Interword 013 H.ints013
Programmable Jukebox version 2
notes 017 U.Juketxt
utility 017 U.Jukebox
ROM ID 018 A.update
Sideways RAM utilities
source code 012QA Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Spectral Harmonic Analyser
notes 013 U.ASHAinf
utility 013 U.ASHA
Staff Printer utility
notes 016 U.ASPinfo
printer driver 016 U.ASPcode
main program 016 U.ASP
secondary program 016 U.ASP2
and Aries B-32 017Q Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
replacement PD 018 ASPcode
Unused word search
notes 013 U.Freeinf
utility 013 U.FREE
Casio CT-460
016 N.ews016
Casio HT3000 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Compatibility of commercial
music files 017 N.ews017
Casio HT3000 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
Compatibility of commercial
music files 017 N.ews017
Drum pattern utility 017
Drums on Music 4000 keyboard
Notes 015 U.Drumtxt
Program 015 U.DrumKey
Drums on Music 4000 keyboard
Notes 015 U.Drumtxt
Program 015 U.DrumKey
Fast Fourier Analysis
Notes 015 U.FFAtext
BASIC program 015 U.FFA
FX1A module problems 017 H.ints017
018 A.update
Notes 015 U.FFAtext
BASIC program 015 U.FFA
FX1A module problems 017 H.ints017
018 A.update
"Ghost fonts" on
AMPLE DCT 015Q Q.uest015
016A Q.uest016
AMPLE DCT 015Q Q.uest015
016A Q.uest016
AMPLE Toolbox 013 N.ews013
delivery delays 015 N.ews015
review 015 N.ews015
with Solidisk SWR 016Q Q.uest016
SWR restrictions 014 N.ews014
see 'Music Discs'
Manual improvement 015 H.ints015
Microphone input 010 F.HTQ&A
017QA Q.uest017
Music 1000
headphone output 012 N.ews012
013 H.ints013
014 N.ews014
Music 3000 review 014 N.ews014
specification 013 N.ews013
Music 5000 Universal 015 N.ews015
and RM Nimbus 015 N.ews015
comments 016 N.ews016
review 018 N.ews018
Soundscape 015 N.ews015
Soundspace 015 N.ews015
Studio 5000 Release 6
errors 016QA Q.uest016
AMPLE Toolbox 013 N.ews013
delivery delays 015 N.ews015
review 015 N.ews015
with Solidisk SWR 016Q Q.uest016
SWR restrictions 014 N.ews014
see 'Music Discs'
Manual improvement 015 H.ints015
Microphone input 010 F.HTQ&A
017QA Q.uest017
Music 1000
headphone output 012 N.ews012
013 H.ints013
014 N.ews014
Music 3000 review 014 N.ews014
specification 013 N.ews013
Music 5000 Universal 015 N.ews015
and RM Nimbus 015 N.ews015
comments 016 N.ews016
review 018 N.ews018
Soundscape 015 N.ews015
Soundspace 015 N.ews015
Studio 5000 Release 6
errors 016QA Q.uest016
Ian Waugh 015Q
IBM compatibility 015 N.ews015
comments 016 N.ews016
Instrument design
research 013 F.Instrum
12string 014 I.nstr014
demo 014 $.12stDem
Bassguit 014 I.nstr014
2' 4' 8' 16' 32'
organ voices 014 I.nstr014
Thunder 008Q Q.uest008
014Q Q.uest014
Trumpet 015Q Q.uest015
Interlace, mode 7 016A Q.uest016
IBM compatibility 015 N.ews015
comments 016 N.ews016
Instrument design
research 013 F.Instrum
12string 014 I.nstr014
demo 014 $.12stDem
Bassguit 014 I.nstr014
2' 4' 8' 16' 32'
organ voices 014 I.nstr014
Thunder 008Q Q.uest008
014Q Q.uest014
Trumpet 015Q Q.uest015
Interlace, mode 7 016A Q.uest016
Korg DDD-5
Drum machine 013 H.ints013
MIDI access to
functions 013Q Q.uest013
Drum machine 013 H.ints013
MIDI access to
functions 013Q Q.uest013
M5 undocumented words 016Q
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
MCPS address 014QA Q.uest014
Microphone input 010 F.HTQ&A
017QA Q.uest017
MIDI-IN 016Q Q.uest016
MIDIRT signals 016 H.ints016
Mozart's musical dice 017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Music City on Prestel 017QA Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Music Discs
John Bartlett
Jazz Disc vol. 2 015 N.ews015
Impressions 016 N.ews016
PLAY AMPLE Tutor 018 N.ews018
Phil Comber
Legend of Obernell 018 N.ews018
AMPLE Bytes Back, extra parts in
Hooked on Tchaikov. 013 H.ints013
Ashes 017 N.ews017
Electricity 013 N.ews013
Music City 1, extra music in
Ice Breaker 014 H.ints014
Shivering Again 013 N.ews013
Windy Island 018 N.ews018
Bernie Dawson disc 015 N.ews015
Number 12, The Noige,
Moments in Time 016 N.ews016
Number 13, Bernie Dawson,
Jean-Michel Jarre016 N.ews016
Children in Need 1 015 N.ews015
Children in Need 2 016 A.adverts
Take a bite 017 N.ews017
Music files
Abandis 016 $.Abandis
Andante cantabile 015 $.Cantab
Arabesque M13 $.Arabesq
The Battle 015 $.Battle
The Big bag 017 $.BigBag
Blue Monday 016 $.BlueMon
Breathing still 016 $.BreathS
The Brig' at Lochans 018 $.Brig
Chanson de matin 017 $.Chanson
The Christmas song 014 $.Christm
Clarinet quint. in A 016 $.ClarinA
Close encounters 017 $.CloseEn
Coolicks 018 $.Coolick
Crossing the Minch 018 $.Cross
Danza 018 $.Danza
Django's castle 016 $.Django
hanging problem 018 A.update
Doctor Gradus ad
Parnassum M13 $.DocGrad
Drum kit demo 013 $.DrumKit
Eine kleine nachtmus.017 $.EKNacht
Electrix 014 $.Electrx
Endangered species 014 $.Endangr
En vacances 017 $.Vacance
Evening falls 013 $.Evening
Fairly quiet bit 014 $.FQuiet
Falling snow (music) 014 $.Falling
title screen 014 $.FallPic
Fanfare for the Common Man
sheet music 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
trumpet 015Q Q.uest015
Fantasia absolute &
divertimento 014 $.Diverti
Fantasy number 1 015 $.Fantasy
Floor 6 Sunday 018 $.Floor6
Free form M13 $.FreeFrm
A Glimpse... 018 $.Glimpse
Happy birthday 013 $.HappyB
Highly strung 017 $.Strung
Homeless 018 $.Homelss
Horrible alien M13 $.Horribl
How tremendously
stimulating 015 $.How
Humantouch 016 $.HumanT
Humphrey where's
my cuppa M13 $.Humph
Idiosyncrasy 018 $.Idiosyn
If I fell 016 $.IfIFell
I just called to say 014 $.Icalled
Illusions M13 $.Illus
In the night 014 $.InNight
I've got you under
my skin 017 $.IGotYou
The Jazzman 017 $.Jazzman
Jean-Michel Jarre (P)016 $.JMJdemo
Jumping on a train 013 $.Train
Kali 016 $.Kali
The Last patrol 015 $.Patrol
Let's go and play the
crazy tune 015 $.Crazy
Lullaby to the
Light Elves M13 $.Lullaby
Ma-Tovu (How goodly) M13 $.Ma-Tovu
Machu picchu M13 $.Machu
PAN problem 014Q Q.uest014
Man in appartment 47 016 $.Appmt47
Mbala M13 $.Mbala
Miami vice 013 $.MiamiVi
Moods 014 $.Moods
Moments in time (P) 016 $.MITdemo
Mood sketches no 5 018 $.Mood5
Morning mist 015 $.Mist
Musique des
automates M13 $.Automat
Nargle 015 $.Nargle
Never a cross word M13 $.XWord
Nobody knows the trouble
I've seen 014 $.Trouble
Pastime with good
company M13 $.Pastime
Playing the railings 018 $.Railing
Prelude in G minor 013 $.Prelude
Quartertone study 013 $.QTone
Recuerdos de la
Alhambra 018 $.Alhambr
Repto M13 $.Repto
River 016 $.River
Root beer rag 018 $.BeerRag
Rotation no.7 017 $.Rotate
Round the corner (HT)013 $.Round
Running on ice (HT) 013 $.Running
Safe sax 017 $.SafeSax
Sargasso 017 $.Sargass
The Shadow of your
smile 015 $.Smile
Shelley 015 $.Shelley
Snapshot M13 $.Snaps
Soft as diamond 017 $.Diamond
Sombre M13 $.Sombre
Sonate 018 $.Sonate
Sun 017 $.Sun
Sunburn (HT) 017 $.Sunburn
Sunday, bloody
Sunday 015 $.Sunday
Sunset, sunrise 014 $.Sunrise
Sweet Caroline 015 $.Carolin
Symphonetta 018 $.Symphon
Tailback 015 $.Tailbck
That South Sea
island 015 $.Island
Three blind mice 018 $.Mice
Toccata in D minor M13 $.Toccata
Voluntary in D minor 013 $.VolunDm
Walk of life 013 $.WalkLif
The waters of Babylon017 $.Babylon
Weasel's amnesia 018 $.Amnesia
We call it sillieee 015 $.Silliee
We'll meet again 015 $.WMeetAg
Yesterday 018 $.Yestrdy
Yo!!! 017 $.Yo
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
MCPS address 014QA Q.uest014
Microphone input 010 F.HTQ&A
017QA Q.uest017
MIDI-IN 016Q Q.uest016
MIDIRT signals 016 H.ints016
Mozart's musical dice 017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Music City on Prestel 017QA Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Music Discs
John Bartlett
Jazz Disc vol. 2 015 N.ews015
Impressions 016 N.ews016
PLAY AMPLE Tutor 018 N.ews018
Phil Comber
Legend of Obernell 018 N.ews018
AMPLE Bytes Back, extra parts in
Hooked on Tchaikov. 013 H.ints013
Ashes 017 N.ews017
Electricity 013 N.ews013
Music City 1, extra music in
Ice Breaker 014 H.ints014
Shivering Again 013 N.ews013
Windy Island 018 N.ews018
Bernie Dawson disc 015 N.ews015
Number 12, The Noige,
Moments in Time 016 N.ews016
Number 13, Bernie Dawson,
Jean-Michel Jarre016 N.ews016
Children in Need 1 015 N.ews015
Children in Need 2 016 A.adverts
Take a bite 017 N.ews017
Music files
Abandis 016 $.Abandis
Andante cantabile 015 $.Cantab
Arabesque M13 $.Arabesq
The Battle 015 $.Battle
The Big bag 017 $.BigBag
Blue Monday 016 $.BlueMon
Breathing still 016 $.BreathS
The Brig' at Lochans 018 $.Brig
Chanson de matin 017 $.Chanson
The Christmas song 014 $.Christm
Clarinet quint. in A 016 $.ClarinA
Close encounters 017 $.CloseEn
Coolicks 018 $.Coolick
Crossing the Minch 018 $.Cross
Danza 018 $.Danza
Django's castle 016 $.Django
hanging problem 018 A.update
Doctor Gradus ad
Parnassum M13 $.DocGrad
Drum kit demo 013 $.DrumKit
Eine kleine nachtmus.017 $.EKNacht
Electrix 014 $.Electrx
Endangered species 014 $.Endangr
En vacances 017 $.Vacance
Evening falls 013 $.Evening
Fairly quiet bit 014 $.FQuiet
Falling snow (music) 014 $.Falling
title screen 014 $.FallPic
Fanfare for the Common Man
sheet music 012Q Q.uest012
014A Q.uest014
trumpet 015Q Q.uest015
Fantasia absolute &
divertimento 014 $.Diverti
Fantasy number 1 015 $.Fantasy
Floor 6 Sunday 018 $.Floor6
Free form M13 $.FreeFrm
A Glimpse... 018 $.Glimpse
Happy birthday 013 $.HappyB
Highly strung 017 $.Strung
Homeless 018 $.Homelss
Horrible alien M13 $.Horribl
How tremendously
stimulating 015 $.How
Humantouch 016 $.HumanT
Humphrey where's
my cuppa M13 $.Humph
Idiosyncrasy 018 $.Idiosyn
If I fell 016 $.IfIFell
I just called to say 014 $.Icalled
Illusions M13 $.Illus
In the night 014 $.InNight
I've got you under
my skin 017 $.IGotYou
The Jazzman 017 $.Jazzman
Jean-Michel Jarre (P)016 $.JMJdemo
Jumping on a train 013 $.Train
Kali 016 $.Kali
The Last patrol 015 $.Patrol
Let's go and play the
crazy tune 015 $.Crazy
Lullaby to the
Light Elves M13 $.Lullaby
Ma-Tovu (How goodly) M13 $.Ma-Tovu
Machu picchu M13 $.Machu
PAN problem 014Q Q.uest014
Man in appartment 47 016 $.Appmt47
Mbala M13 $.Mbala
Miami vice 013 $.MiamiVi
Moods 014 $.Moods
Moments in time (P) 016 $.MITdemo
Mood sketches no 5 018 $.Mood5
Morning mist 015 $.Mist
Musique des
automates M13 $.Automat
Nargle 015 $.Nargle
Never a cross word M13 $.XWord
Nobody knows the trouble
I've seen 014 $.Trouble
Pastime with good
company M13 $.Pastime
Playing the railings 018 $.Railing
Prelude in G minor 013 $.Prelude
Quartertone study 013 $.QTone
Recuerdos de la
Alhambra 018 $.Alhambr
Repto M13 $.Repto
River 016 $.River
Root beer rag 018 $.BeerRag
Rotation no.7 017 $.Rotate
Round the corner (HT)013 $.Round
Running on ice (HT) 013 $.Running
Safe sax 017 $.SafeSax
Sargasso 017 $.Sargass
The Shadow of your
smile 015 $.Smile
Shelley 015 $.Shelley
Snapshot M13 $.Snaps
Soft as diamond 017 $.Diamond
Sombre M13 $.Sombre
Sonate 018 $.Sonate
Sun 017 $.Sun
Sunburn (HT) 017 $.Sunburn
Sunday, bloody
Sunday 015 $.Sunday
Sunset, sunrise 014 $.Sunrise
Sweet Caroline 015 $.Carolin
Symphonetta 018 $.Symphon
Tailback 015 $.Tailbck
That South Sea
island 015 $.Island
Three blind mice 018 $.Mice
Toccata in D minor M13 $.Toccata
Voluntary in D minor 013 $.VolunDm
Walk of life 013 $.WalkLif
The waters of Babylon017 $.Babylon
Weasel's amnesia 018 $.Amnesia
We call it sillieee 015 $.Silliee
We'll meet again 015 $.WMeetAg
Yesterday 018 $.Yestrdy
Yo!!! 017 $.Yo
016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Panda music discs
see 'Music Discs'
PEN 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
PLAY in FOR( loop 016QA Q.uest016
PLAY - AMPLE tutor 018 N.ews018
Player - what is it? 016Q Q.uest016
Programmable jukebox version 2
Notes 017 U.Juketxt
Utility 017 U.Jukebox
Published articles 017 H.ints017
see 'Music Discs'
PEN 016Q Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
PLAY in FOR( loop 016QA Q.uest016
PLAY - AMPLE tutor 018 N.ews018
Player - what is it? 016Q Q.uest016
Programmable jukebox version 2
Notes 017 U.Juketxt
Utility 017 U.Jukebox
Published articles 017 H.ints017
RM Nimbus computer
015 N.ews015
Comments 016 N.ews016
ROM compatibility
see table at end of Index
Roland CM32L 016Q Q.uest016
Roland D5 synthesiser
review 018 N.ews018
Comments 016 N.ews016
ROM compatibility
see table at end of Index
Roland CM32L 016Q Q.uest016
Roland D5 synthesiser
review 018 N.ews018
Shadow RAM
Watford unrecognised
in AMPLE 017Q Q.uest017
What's the best? 017Q Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Sideways RAM
Integra-B 016 H.ints016
Solidisk 128 013Q Q.uest013
with Toolbox 016Q Q.uest016
SLIDE command 017 H.ints017
Sound sampling with BBC Model B
and Music 4000 016Q Q.uest016
Speech synthesis 015Q Q.uest015
Synthesiser for `500 012Q Q.uest012
013A Q.uest013
Watford unrecognised
in AMPLE 017Q Q.uest017
What's the best? 017Q Q.uest017
018A Q.uest018
Sideways RAM
Integra-B 016 H.ints016
Solidisk 128 013Q Q.uest013
with Toolbox 016Q Q.uest016
SLIDE command 017 H.ints017
Sound sampling with BBC Model B
and Music 4000 016Q Q.uest016
Speech synthesis 015Q Q.uest015
Synthesiser for `500 012Q Q.uest012
013A Q.uest013
TMS to AMPLE - Crumple
Notes 018 U.CrumTxt
Utility 018 U.Crumple
'Too many voices' 016QA Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Transposing instruments
Brass offsets 'n@' 013A Q.uest013
Guitar 016 H.ints016
Notes 018 U.CrumTxt
Utility 018 U.Crumple
'Too many voices' 016QA Q.uest016
017A Q.uest017
Transposing instruments
Brass offsets 'n@' 013A Q.uest013
Guitar 016 H.ints016
Upgrading from BBC B 015QA
User-defined words
cls 015 H.ints015
com1 015 H.ints015
press 015 H.ints015
User-defined words
cls 015 H.ints015
com1 015 H.ints015
press 015 H.ints015
VEL with Music 2000
017Q Q.uest017
Wave Designer bugs and
solutions - notes 012 U.WDesign
Wave converter 012 U.TFWave
Converting C.PREPARE
notes 013 U.PrepInf
utility 013 U.Prepper
Editing utility 014 U.Wave
notes 014 U.WaveTxt
Music 500 presets 014 U.Preset1
harmonics 015Q Q.uest015
identifying files 015 H.ints015
storage and use 017Q Q.uest017
using set-up
procedure 015Q Q.uest015
For Nucleus from BCE 009 U.NewWave
009 U.Preset2
Fast Fourier Analysis
Notes 015 U.FFAtext
BASIC program 015 U.FFA
solutions - notes 012 U.WDesign
Wave converter 012 U.TFWave
Converting C.PREPARE
notes 013 U.PrepInf
utility 013 U.Prepper
Editing utility 014 U.Wave
notes 014 U.WaveTxt
Music 500 presets 014 U.Preset1
harmonics 015Q Q.uest015
identifying files 015 H.ints015
storage and use 017Q Q.uest017
using set-up
procedure 015Q Q.uest015
For Nucleus from BCE 009 U.NewWave
009 U.Preset2
Fast Fourier Analysis
Notes 015 U.FFAtext
BASIC program 015 U.FFA
Yamaha PSR70/TX81Z
voice dumps 013Q Q.uest013
voice dumps 013Q Q.uest013
ZROM manual
014 H.ints014
ROM Compatibility Table (B = Model B, M = Master)
Compatible with AMPLE
Basic Editor 1.32 BM
DFS 2.26 BM
Forth 1.03 B
View 3.0 BM
Viewsheet 1.0 BM
Viewstore 1.0 BM
ADI 1.10 B
ADT 1.76 B
Mouse Support 3.61 BM
Stop Press 1.9 BM
Stop Press Support 1.9 BM
ARIES B-32 1.00 B
Commstar B
Inter-Base 2.0A B
Inter-Word B
Inter-Chart B
Inter-Sheet B
Mega-3 B
Spellmaster 1.69 B
Dumpmaster 2.03 BM
Enigma Disc Imager 1.09 B
Floppy-wise Plus 1.9 B
Integra-B OS 1.2 B
*Oxford Pascal 2.1 B
*Slave 1.34 toolkit B
Vine Micros Replay System B
Beebmon 1.00 B
Conquest B
DFS 1.44 B
Dumpout 3.2 B
Quest Paint 1.10 B
Basic Editor 1.32 BM
DFS 2.26 BM
Forth 1.03 B
View 3.0 BM
Viewsheet 1.0 BM
Viewstore 1.0 BM
ADI 1.10 B
ADT 1.76 B
Mouse Support 3.61 BM
Stop Press 1.9 BM
Stop Press Support 1.9 BM
ARIES B-32 1.00 B
Commstar B
Inter-Base 2.0A B
Inter-Word B
Inter-Chart B
Inter-Sheet B
Mega-3 B
Spellmaster 1.69 B
Dumpmaster 2.03 BM
Enigma Disc Imager 1.09 B
Floppy-wise Plus 1.9 B
Integra-B OS 1.2 B
*Oxford Pascal 2.1 B
*Slave 1.34 toolkit B
Vine Micros Replay System B
Beebmon 1.00 B
Conquest B
DFS 1.44 B
Dumpout 3.2 B
Quest Paint 1.10 B
Incompatible with AMPLE
Care Rom Cartridge System
in some cases (See H.ints008) B
Integra-B OS if earlier
than V1.02 B
*Oxford PASCAL B
Screenprint B
Screenprint Colour B
*Slave toolkit B
in some cases (See H.ints008) B
Integra-B OS if earlier
than V1.02 B
*Oxford PASCAL B
Screenprint B
Screenprint Colour B
*Slave toolkit B
* NOTE: contradictory advice from
members on these ROMs. Suck it & see?
* NOTE: contradictory advice from
members on these ROMs. Suck it & see?
Published in AMPLINEX 019,