by Bernie DawsonComposed by: J BrothwellJack's Maggot/Newcastle/Shrewsbury Lasses There are 3 main types of Morris:
a) COTSWOLD. This is the oldest, and is very athletic. It is often performed with a fool, the dancers wearing hankies and bells round their legs as well as their colourful costumes. b) NORTH-WEST CLOG. This dates from the Industrial Revolution and is the most precise form of Morris in terms of dancer movement. The dancers wear clogs with bells on and their dances take the names of the towns from whence they originated. c) BORDER. This comes from the borders of England and Wales and is very flamboyant, with dancers spending much of their time bashing sticks. 'THE CLOG' and 'MORRIS' are the same click sound echoed to give two feet; 'DANCERS' is the jingle-bell sound. I think the imagination does the rest. I played this to a morris dancer who thought it was wonderful but although I'm pleased with the morris dancers - I am less happy with the lead backing sounds. Altering recorder up an octave with 192 SHIFT gives a reasonable tin-whistle but I am reliably informed that morris should be accompanied by an accordion rather than the guitar I've used. Perhaps AMPLINEX members could start up a new area by suggesting improvements to contributors’ files? I for one know that the potential of this file is not quite realised. Bernie Dawson (Editor's note: members are welcome to send in suggestions for improvements to music published in AMPLINEX - comments will be published in the 'Messages' part of the Advertisements section.) |
Source: AMPLINEX 019 disk, file $.MORRIS |
Published in AMPLINEX 019, September 1990