Welcome to AMPLINEX 019

Kevin Doyle and Roy Follett
This marks the start of the fourth year of AMPLINEX. In this issue, in addition to the regular sections of Questions and Answers and Hints and Tips, we have a utility for users of the Music 2000 MIDI interface, Patrick Black's index to AMPLINEX issues 013 to 018, and, in response to queries from members, a feature on AMPLINEX itself - how it started, how it is run, and how our membership is changing.
We have twelve pieces of AMPLE music, some original, some which may be familiar, as well as reviews of three new music discs, the AMPLE Toolbox, and a cheap MIDI-compatible keyboard.
We hope you enjoy the disc and we look forward to receiving your contributions to AMPLINEX 020.

Published in AMPLINEX 019, September 1990