Hints and tips

Musical Dice in Acorn User

Alan Minns
If any members receive the Acorn User monthly disc and have tried (without success) to load Ian Waugh's program, the following may be useful.
For some strange reason, the end of each line is terminated with a line feed instead of a carriage return. As far as AMPLE is concerned, this means that the whole program is one very long line.
The solution is to run a BASIC program such as:
10 *LOAD Music 3000
20 FOR I%=0 TO &21AA
30 IF I%?&3000=&A I%?&3000=&D
50 *SAVE C.Music 3000+21AB
60 END
Then, in AMPLE,
*EXEC C.Music
and all should be well.

Making audio copies of AMPLE music

Lol Taylor
Those who have the Master may find the following time check method a help. When planning an audio tape it will be useful to know the exact length of each piece. Then all the necessary files can be entered in a jukebox ready for the recording session. Allow about 12 seconds for jukebox and loading time between each piece when calculating what pieces will fit on to the available tape.
In the *EXEC file which I load in when beginning a new piece are the following words:
"time" [ "TIME" OSCLI ]
"endtime" [
time ]
"part1z" [endtime]
"tab" [ #IN #2 ]
Once I am satisfied with a piece I call up the RUN word in Notepad and enter 'time' immediately before the PLAY instruction. In the PLAY instruction I add part 'z', and after the PLAY instruction 'tab'. Running the program from the MENU the internal clock times come up on the screen. Taking one from the other I calculate the length of the piece, and enter it into my (hand-written) piece register. After that I remove the above words from the RUN word and delete them.
If the timing words are left in the RUN word and the piece is run from the Mixing Desk, some queer messages appear. They don't harm the program however.
Unfortunately, if you do not have a Master this method is not much help, but someone who understands the internal clocks may be able to work something out for the BBC Model B.

Clearing public data

Tony Walduck
With the Hybrid AMPLE Toolbox, it is possible for programs to have associated public data:
TXT data from TEDIT
TEL data from IEDIT
LNT data from LEDIT (in UTILS)
This is stored with the program (taking space on the disc) and will cause loaded programs to be larger than necessary.
At one point I had accumulated some TXT data in a program, which I wished to get rid of, but through not understanding the concept of public data, I could not reliably get rid of it.
It was only after reading the Toolbox manual (always the best idea!) that I learnt that as the Main Menu editors do not use public data, their CLEAR commands only work on the data of that particular editor alone.
It is only when you are using a public data editor (any one), or in no editor (e.g. in Main Menu) that the CLEAR command will actually act on public data.
QUIT will also remove public data, but NEW has no effect on it.
Beware: just entering TEDIT (with nothing visible in the editor) will generate 5 bytes, whilst going into IEDIT will immediately generate 1020 bytes of blank data!

Why you should not modify C.PREPARE

Alan Minns
In AMPLINEX 019, Tony Walduck refers to earlier hints on changes to the C.PREPARE routine and David Bloxham mentions the memory gain achieved by deleting the S parameter.
C.PREPARE appears in the !BOOT file and is called with the parameters R, S and K (the order is unimportant). If present, they perform the following functions:
R - checks if OSHWM=&1900. If so, it changes the value to &1300 otherwise does nothing
S - explodes the font and defines the special set of characters for the Staff editor (*)
K - defines the function key strings.
* Since the defined characters occupy 2 pages of memory in addition to page &C, this explains the gain in memory of 1/2K.
It was in AMPLINEX 010 that Allan Gardner suggested alterations to C.PREPARE, although he was not the first to do so. I maintain that this is never necessary!
OSBYTE 179 allows one to read/write the value of OSHWM (Allan refers to this as PAGE which, as a BASIC function, has no meaning outside that environment). For example, *FX179,20 will set OSHWM to &1400 (remember that FX parameters are in decimal) - it can thus be used when the R parameter in C.PREPARE has no effect.
If an Aries board is fitted, the link should be set so that Shadow is not initiated at switch on. The start of the !BOOT file may then be rewritten:
*XON 20 13
... etc.
Surely this is easier than modifying C.PREPARE itself?
A further point concerns the inclusion of the MODE 7 command. Since Shadow is specified with static (as opposed to dynamic) workspace, a Break is not necessary and the mode change suffices.
There is also an unofficial method of changing the workspace page for Aries but this involves knowledge of the slot occupied by the Aries ROM - if anyone is interested, please contact me via AMPLINEX.

Tape recorder speed

Lol Taylor
Since programming pieces using the Music 5000 I have at times given audio cassette copies to relations and friends. I received criticisms that my pieces were too fast.
So I recently programmed a measured 5 minutes. I used a speed of 100 ticks per minute, and had instruments beep at different regular intervals, playing a chord together at end of each minute. Before this chord were five lead-in beeps to help with stopwatch synchronisation.
Using the stopwatch I checked that the computer was spot-on. Then I recorded my piece on various tape decks and played them back on others. I found a deviation of over 3% slow on my 'best' tape deck! This was getting on for a semitone sharp, apart from the racing effect, when my pieces were played back on other machines.

Published in AMPLINEX 020, November 1990