Glory and Honour

by Reverend John Slee

This is one of the Alternative Service Book Evening Prayer Canticles (hymns). It may take a little time to fit the words to the music, but there's usually a note per syllable. Exceptions include 'God' (line 11) and 'Lamb' (line 17), which each have 3 beats: e.g. La-a-amb. As an Assistant Curate in Truro diocese I have used this quite often. My son Craig (8) has now 'borrowed' my Music 5000 and thought that publishing this might allow him a free AMPLINEX disc!

(c) Reverend John Slee

Glory and honour and pow'r
Are yours by right,
O Lord our God

For you created all things
and by your will
they have their being

Glory and honour and pow'r
are yours by right,
O Lamb who was slain

For by your blood you ransomed
men for God.

From every race and language,
From every people and nation,
To make them a kingdom of priests,
To stand and serve before our God.

To him who sits on the throne
and to the Lamb,
be praise & honour, glory & might
for ever and ever. Amen.

Source: AMPLINEX 021 disk, file $.GLORYHO

Published in AMPLINEX 021, March 1991