Questions and answers

Answer: Swinging different ways (1)

In AMPLINEX 020 G Adams asks about the use of WIND in separate parts of an AMPLE piece to give the tune 'swing'. I think that the easiest method is to use the FOR(...)FOR construction rather than REP(...)REP. Set the index value to give the same overall length as the playing parts. Each 'part9' will then start and finish synchronised with the corresponding music section.
If it happens that the sum of the initial rest and an appropriate multiple of the rest value inside the FOR(..)FOR loop cannot be made equal to the required total length, just add a rest after the loop to make things neat and tidy.
Alan Minns

Answer: Swinging different ways (2)

In answer to G Adams problem with the WIND word: due to the REP(...)REP loop, 'part9a' never finishes. I suggest replacing the REP(...)REP by a FOR(...)FOR loop with a FOR count number to ensure the correct number of notes or bars are played. For example,
128 FOR( 12 WIND 48,/ )FOR
'part9b' is not now strictly necessary, as any number of different FOR(...)FOR loops may be used in 'part9a' to give changes at the correct point in the music. A browse through some of the AMPLINEX music files will give examples of what may be done.
Neil Walker

Answer: Real instruments

Robert Charlesworth (AMPLINEX 020) asks about real instrument sounds on the Hybrid Music System. Many instrument definitions have appeared in AMPLINEX and more are available in members' tunes and on the numerous AMPLE albums available from Hybrid, Panda and independent sources such as J B Software.
But it's worth remembering that you aren't going to get 100% authenticity across the full range of orchestral instruments from a £150 synthesiser. There are some sounds the system is not very good at, at all (brass, for example).
If you want super-realism you're looking at a sampler (typically over £1000 but second-hand ones are available around £300) or a good synthesiser/expander (typically costing from £350 upwards). But, again, one instrument (especially a budget one - and £500 is budget in the musical instrument world) won't sound like every orchestral instrument under the sun.
This begs the question which was raised in AMPLINEX some time ago about the relevant merits of using the Hybrid Music System for original music and for transcribing existing pieces.
The problem with doing exact transcriptions and then playing them with inexact sounds is that they don't sound quite right. Which is one reason why I maintained (at the time of the discussion) that original compositions specially written to take advantage of the strengths of the system were the most successful. After all, that's what the classical composers did - they wrote to make the most of the strengths of the instruments at their disposal.
Write with what you have, not with what you wish you had.
John Bartlett's 'Symphony' (reviewed in AMPLINEX 020 News and Reviews section) is a tour de force of programming and arranging and I heartily agree with the comment that it is well worth adding to your collection. But however clever the programming may be, the result is not quite the same as the London Philharmonic, is it?
Well, something to bear in mind - unless members want to start another discussion...
Ian Waugh

Question: ZROM Library Manager

In AMPLINEX 011, Taj Letocha gave us a powerful utility: the ZROM Library Manager. But my first attempt to enter a new module belonging to a new library has been a failure (the blame is probably mine). Here is the complete story.
After first loading the ZROM file image into a bank of Sideways RAM, followed by the loading of AMPLE, all of the ZROM commands responded correctly when used in conjunction with a disc containing the X-INSLIB file. I then entered in succession:
*zl MIDI
"sb" [#* 0MIDIBEND] % 5000-2 used
"sb" SAVE
*zmake 10 MIDI
The story ends here, with the error message 'Can't open file MIDI' displayed.
In fact, *CAT shows that 'sb' is present on the disc, but not the 'MIDI' library I expected to introduce by means of the '*zl MIDI' instruction. Will someone be kind enough to tell me what should be done to achieve my aim?
Roger Sapolsky

Answer: Mixing Desk query

Alan Minns (AMPLINEX 020) gives a solution to a question asking if an AMPLE program can control the Mixing Desk faders, by suggesting the use of the VOL command. He gives examples of its use such as:
2; 128 VOL 1;
However, like any other sound word, VOL is directed to a particular voice by VOICE, e.g.
The music voice setting, e.g. 2;, has no direct effect on sound words.
Hybrid Technology

Answer: Saving instruments

In AMPLINEX 019 Don Buckley asked how to delete unused instruments from a program.
One method is given on page 37 of the Music 4000 User Guide which, put simply, is as follows:
If you have a setup program or an *EXEC file with x number of instruments on it, you make up a separate *EXEC file containing the names of the instruments and DELETE after each one.
For example if your file contains three instruments called arcopiano, binatone and deephorn, your *EXEC file would be:
"arcopiano" DELETE
"binatone"  DELETE
"deephorn"  DELETE
Save the above using *SPOOL, with a name such as S.insdel.
When you wish to delete any unwanted instruments simple *EXEC S.insdel into your program. It will not delete any word that is in use.
You can of course use as many words as you wish (memory permitting) but don't forget to add the delete line to S.insdel if you add extra instruments to your setup program, or *EXEC file.
Ken Hughes

Answer: Auto Menu listing (1)

In AMPLINEX 020, W T Hyde raises a query concerning his inability to get Ian Waugh's 'Auto Menu' program in Acorn User (September 1990) to *EXEC.
It is another black mark to Acorn User! I must admit that I had not looked at this program until the query arose, otherwise it would have been included in my hint in AMPLINEX 020. Fortunately the error, a superfluous Return, is easy to correct.
The long string in the word 'lr' must be entered as one line and not two as shown. Type the program (not in Notepad) with that long line spilling over the screen width to a second line without any carriage return. In the disc copy, edit 'lr' with a word processor to replace the carriage return after 'CODE#2' with a space. The program then works.
Alan Minns

Answer: Auto Menu listing (2)

I think Acorn User has been putting text files on disc rather than files correctly *SPOOLed from AMPLE. For some reason they apparently don't seem to like to include raw AMPLE programs on the disc. I'll see if I can sort this out for future issues.
If W T Hyde has been having problems then I would have thought the first and most obvious step would be to contact the magazine. They are generally very good at passing on readers' letters and I've received none on this subject so far.
The Auto Menu listing seems to be correct (but I'm not going to type it in to find out!). Perhaps the tilde (~) character in the 'lr' word is causing problems. Other things to check are the quotes (") - there are a lot of them in 'lr'.
Well done to Alan Minns for offering a solution to Dice Program problem.
Ian Waugh

Question: Software updates

I was most surprised to read (AMPLINEX 020, Update section) that it is now possible to obtain free Hybrid Music System software updates from Hybrid Technology - as reported by Allan Gardner. Why surprised? Because I had previously found that by being a good customer, ordering quickly and waiting weeks for delivery of the Music 4000 keyboard, meant that I would have to pay for later software updates/upgrades (e.g. Staff printing) although they would be free to later purchasers.
I can understand Hybrid's position but given this situation I naturally assumed that any subsequent software updates that I was lucky enough to hear about, would also not be provided free of charge. Is it not possible, with the support of other members, to ask Hybrid to provide a history of software updates in order to at least identify any bugs and how they were cured with each new release of software. I would welcome comments and information from other AMPLE users, regarding these changes, to enable all of us to avoid any potential problems and to develop programs compatible with all releases of software.
At present I am using the following system discs and have no idea as to what limitations may exist:
Studio 5000   Release 2 (Music 5000)
Studio 5000-4 Release 1 (Music 4000)
Studio 5000-2 Release 2 (Music 2000)
Les Pearce

Answer: Toolbox editors (1)

Tony Walduck (AMPLINEX 020) says, 'I am getting tired of having to MLOAD the desired new editor (sometimes after having to MDELETE the Main Menu editor), then enter the new editor, and finally MDELETE it after use, as well as having to swap between the System and Toolbox discs.'
Some comments:
MDELETEing the Main Menu editor is never necessary, since 'Run program' does it for you.
The MLOAD and MDELETE of Toolbox editors can be conveniently placed on function keys.
Swapping between System and Toolbox discs is unnecessary if the Toolbox editors are copied on to the System disc, or if the Sidemod utility is used.
Hybrid Technology

Answer: Toolbox editors (2)

In reply to Tony Walduck's query about module loading, I find it useful to define function keys to do the calling up. Most of my work is done without the Main menu, having chosen from a menu on booting which editors are needed.
The following method will still work if the Main menu is included, and is probably quicker. *COPY the Toolbox Modules you use on to the System disc (I found no problems here), and have a set of key definitions which are *LOADed in as needed. Any set of keys may be saved by
*SAVE Key1 B00 C00
on the BBC Model B (sorry, I know nothing about the Master) and *LOADed quickly, e.g.
*LOAD Key1
For example, to swap between a mode 0 TEDIT and Staff set up two keys:
Those flip over function key strips are a handy way to keep track of the keys in use, though once you have a useful combination you tend to stay with it.
As an alternative to all this, AMPLE itself can provide an answer: words may be made to do the swap, and kept in your program during development. For example:
"s" [% Staff from TEDIT
"t" [% TEDIT from Staff
Neil Walker

Answer: MIDI drum kit problem

IN AMPLINEX 020 Mike Dobson comments: 'Using the VEL command to set the volume of any of the MIDI voices doesn't work from the mix word or from within an individual part.'
You can do this, but since VEL is to express =L, your setting will be overridden when you play a note or hit. To prevent this, use
"novel" [30 ACT( OFF 3 FVAR #! ACT )ACT]
SCORE novel CDE...
Hybrid Technology

Published in AMPLINEX 021, March 1991