Update – changes/corrections/comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

Software updates

Our correspondence on obtaining free software upgrades from Hybrid Technology continues. Following his comments in AMPLINEX 020, and Ian Waugh's reply in AMPLINEX 021, we have received the following contribution from Allan Gardner:
I would like to clarify my point of view on updating Hybrid Technology (or any other) software free or otherwise, as (from Ian Waugh's comments in AMPLINEX 021) I don't seem to have made myself quite clear.
I did not mean to suggest that users should not upgrade their software to later releases but rather that it was not necessarily a simple matter to do so.
Firstly you have to ascertain whether or not there are any problems with your current system and also you have to discover that there exists a later version which corrects that problem.
Perhaps Hybrid Technology could publicize a software history (via AMPLINEX), listing the latest version numbers of each of the modules and Nucleus ROM - and also what enhancements have been made along the way.
To set the ball rolling here is a list of the contents of my system:
M.EW     0.1      M.FX1A   1.1
M.IEDIT  1.5      M.INS1   0.4
M.INT    1.1      M.M4     2.1
M.M5     3.3      M.MENU   1.5
M.TEDIT  1.4      M.UTILS  1.5
Nucleus ROM V1.00
Is this the latest standard in each case? I wonder.

Contacting other members

Leslie Gardener has written asking about the possibility of a contact list of AMPLINEX members:
AMPLINEX exists only because members are willing to share their knowledge by contributing to the discs.
It might be useful if members were able to get in direct touch with other members. Perhaps some live in the same town or village.
I suggest a list be started with those ordering the next disc. The order form could offer the opportunity for those members, and only those members, who would like to be, to be included.
To keep the list up to date it could be a rule that if the last two consecutive discs have not been ordered it would be assumed that he/she is no longer actively interested and his/her name would be dropped from future lists.
The list need only take one line per member with just the name and a phone number (the exchange name as well as number). If the list of members takes too much space, it could be in alternate issues.
This is a subject that has been raised before and it certainly seems like a good idea. However, it inevitably demands some regular effort in checking forms and maintaining lists and, sadly, we just do not have any more spare time to devote to a further administrative task like this.
We suggest, instead, that any members who would like to contact others should use our advertisement section. Here they can put as many of their personal details as they wish to divulge to enable other members to contact them. This should achieve the same result, but avoid any additional administration.

We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the content of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.

Published in AMPLINEX 022, July 1991