Question: Whither AMPLE?
I have followed with interest over several issues the
subject of upgrading from a BBC Model B. I now read of Super AMPLE, samplers
etc. Would Hybrid Technology please give some indication: is the Master the recommended
upgrade path, or is it the A3000 or something else?
There must be many people like me, pottering around with the
Hybrid Music System as a hobby, to whom a new computer is a major cost and
something which will have to last for a number of years. If we upgrade now to
Masters and find AMPLE on an Archimedes next year... you see the problem.
Just a yes from Hybrid to one of the following will do.
Should we, 1) do nothing at present, 2) upgrade to a Master or 3) upgrade to an
A3000 or Archimedes?
Neil Walker
Question: Key signatures
I have found that trying to naturalise the first note of a
part does not work. For example, entering
K(+F)K =F=F
in Notepad and then playing it does not alter the first
note, but does alter the second. Have I missed something in the manual, or has anybody
got an explanation?
Chris Hanby
Answer: Static PAN
In answer to Roger Sapolsky's question in AMPLINEX 022 on
the effect of PAN, it is possible his amplifier is running in mono. He could
check any mono/stereo switch, and the leads to the amplifier input. Somewhere
the left and right inputs may be joined together. I hope this is of help.
Neil Walker
Question: AMPLINEX WRITE error
When trying to WRITE the environment program (A.MPLINEX) in
AMPLINEX 020 I get a '!Too many characters' error message. Is this because the
program is protected in some way or is written using the AMPLE Toolbox?
Is there any way of writing the words 'copy' and 'lr' to
screen to see how they function?
David J Barton
Editor's note:
Certain words within the A.MPLINEX program have been
compacted in order to save space and this can make them undisplayable. We could
list the words 'copy' and 'lr' for you, but these words contain other words
which themselves may not be displayable and so this would not be very helpful
for seeing how they work.
A better method would be to look at the program in use in
AMPLINEX 014 or earlier issues. The program hasn't substantially changed since
then, but the program was not compacted in the same way.
MIDI drum kit problem - update
In AMPLINEX 020 (Questions and Answers), I gave an
explanation of how to set the Roland D110 Bender Range using an exclusive
message. In fact, there is a much simpler way to do it. The Bender Range you
select, say 16, may be easily written into the D110's inner memory (see 'timbre
writing', page 73 of the Roland manual). After doing this, 16 will have become
the default Bender Range. I have repeated the procedure with all the
instruments I use often in my programmes.
Roger Sapolsky
Published in AMPLINEX 023, November