by Jeff BennettComposed by: HandelArrangement by Granville Bantock Since becoming a Hybrid user in Nov 89 I have been programming the complete Water Music suite by Handel and have completed 13 of the 22 parts. This is the famous 'Water Share' music and, as with the whole suite, is based on an arrangement by Granville Bantock as published by W Paxton & Co, 36-38 Dean Street, London W1. With hindsight it would have been easier to work from an orchestral score as I have to dissect the piano transcription back into the individual instruments. Unfortunately the 38 character string length for the PLAY definition means that I have had to leave out the first phrase repeat.
Source: AMPLINEX 025 disk, file $.WATER13 |
Published in AMPLINEX 025, March 1992