Check your hi-fi
David J Barton
I work for a builders/decorators merchant and help customers
with the selection of paint colour quite often. Whilst helping a customer
recently I advised her that her tinted spectacles were giving a distorted
rendition of the colour cards. Thinking about this later I realized that many
of us may be listening to our Music 5000s through hi-fis with tone controls colouring
the sound.
Before sending off your latest composition to AMPLINEX try
listening to it without the bass boost, etc. It makes quite a difference.
Clearing unwanted data
Lol Taylor
I have noticed, on going through some of my old files, that
since having the AMPLE Toolbox software I have saved unnecessary data with
them. This can be checked using 'MEM' immediately after a file is LOADed. If
data is shown, typing 'CLEAR' in command mode will get rid of it. Occasionally
it may be necessary to call up the offending editor, where it should appear on
the screen, and 'CLEAR' it there.
Chord echoes
I L Hubbard
'Echo' only gives multiple echoes of single voices. My
version of 'echo' gives single echoes of multiple voices, i.e. chords.
My 'echo' is used in the same way as 'Echo' - that is, '9 4
echo' gives a delay of 9 ticks with voices 1 to 4 echoed on voices 5 to 8. 'OFF
echo' turns it off. The delay range is 0 to 255 and the voices range is 1 to 6.
Two player-dependant variables are needed to hold the delay
and voices parameters.
"&delay" [ PNUM4DIM#+
"&voices" [ PNUM4DIM#+ ]
The 'echo' word needed is as follows.
"echo" [#11 0#>IF(
&voices#B! &delay#B! 20
ACT 5FVAR#? #11 0#>
IF(&voices#B? #+VOICE!
0 &delay#B? #11 7FVAR#? #-DURATION
&voices#B! &delay#B! 20
ACT 5FVAR#? #11 0#>
IF(&voices#B? #+VOICE!
0 &delay#B? #11 7FVAR#? #-DURATION
Published in AMPLINEX 028, September 1992