Further thoughts on Music Publisher
Lol Taylor
My review of the Music Publisher (AMPLINEX 026) was
completed very quickly after I had received the package. Since then I have had
a great deal of experience with it, printing some very long pieces including a string
quartet which had been in manuscript since 1929, a song for a friend, and
several pieces of my own.
With experience I have found that many of my original
problems could be got round. For instance, why not transcribe grace notes (which
are merely a sort of shorthand) as ordinary notes?
A Music Publisher print-out is a very solid foundation to
work with, even if a few manuscript additions still have to be made - and these
get fewer and fewer.
Programming has been so delightful that I keep on accepting
the challenge from more and more manuscripts. I think that the computer-jargon
word applicable to Music Publisher is 'compulsive'.
Published in AMPLINEX 028, September 1992