Update – changes/corrections/comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small pieces of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.


As mentioned in previous issues, we have been experiencing a drop in interest in AMPLINEX over recent months and have been trying to find ways of encouraging back lapsed members. In response to one of our reminder letters, David Barton made the following comments about AMPLINEX membership. We would be interested to hear other comments from members.
With regard to the lower contribution rate to AMPLINEX I wonder if my own experience is of interest. My initial purchase of a Music 5000 happened just before a bout of illness. Just as I started to make more use of it the chance of an upgrade to a Master 512 came. Then quite quickly came the chance to buy a Music 5000/4000 setup. So there I was learning the ins and outs of ADFS, DOS+, View, ViewSheet, AMPLE and music theory, and how to play a keyboard all at the same time. I also bought a second-hand copy of a DTP publishing program and tried to get to grips with it simultaneously.
It became clear that I was really not learning any of them properly so I had to slow down the learning process. At the same time I was ordering AMPLINEX back issues three at a time and studying the programs on these (and listening to the music). Perhaps other users have purchased new computers, whether Acorn or other makes, and are going through a similar learning curve.
I see that Micro User magazine (to be known as Acorn Computing from September) is offering Music 5000 units at £55.00. Whilst this will reduce the value of the Music 500 I never got around to selling when I upgraded, I hope it will give a new influx of members to AMPLINEX. Perhaps the magazine should have sold the units at £60.00 with a first disc from AMPLINEX included.

G H Richardson tribute discs

In AMPLINEX 024 we reported the death of one our regular contributors, George (G H) Richardson and later published details of two tribute discs prepared by Jack Wrigley. Jack has recently written to us with an update on the discs.
Many thanks to the members who responded to the first mention of this idea in AMPLINEX 026. Take-up is running at about 10% of our dwindling numbers at the time of writing. I'm sure we can manage another 10% with issue 027!
I've managed to include a couple of pictures of George on the disc sleeves, so for the first time you can see the face behind the music.
 The details are repeated below.
AMPLINEX members who have enjoyed the musical contributions of the late George Richardson over the years may want to acquire two tribute discs to George and help Cancer Research at the same time. The first disc contains all of George's original compositions, while the second is a selection of classical and dance pieces. Some have already been published in AMPLINEX, but George's family and I think it would be a fitting tribute to release his entire AMPLE work as a collection.
Just send (AMPLINEX-style) two 80-track or three 40-track formatted discs in a re-usable carrier with stamped return address label to:
Jack Wrigley
187 Bramhall Lane
South Bramhall
All we ask is that you enclose a cheque for £3 (or more if you can afford it) made payable to: "Christie Hospital & Holt Radium Institute". This is the Manchester hospital that treated George. Please give generously to help combat a disease that claims far too many people every year.
Quite simply these discs contain music that one can listen to many times over. I'm sure you'll enjoy what George has left us to remember him by.

We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the content of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.

Published in AMPLINEX 028, September 1992