Welcome to AMPLINEX

Kevin Doyle, Roy Follett and Jackie Follett

The AMPLe INformation EXchange

To start, let us introduce ourselves. There are three of us at present - Kevin Doyle is the editor of the AMPLINEX disc magazine and writer of the supporting software. Roy and Jackie Follett are in charge of all the administration, membership, copying and distribution of the discs.
When considering setting up AMPLINEX we had to make a decision to support AMPLE BCE, AMPLE Nucleus or both. As you will know the two versions of AMPLE are largely incompatible and although we could provide a common format for AMPLINEX itself, any music or instrument files would only work on one or the other system.
We decided, therefore, that since Nucleus was the 'officially' supported software and that almost all active users would be using it, we should restrict ourselves to this. If, however, anyone is willing to provide support for AMPLE BCE please get in touch and we will reassess the situation.
The aim of AMPLINEX is to provide a means of communication between users of the AMPLE language: to exchange ideas, problems, music - information of all kinds. The decision to use the medium of discs was taken to make this communication as easy as possible - both for you to have access to the contents of AMPLINEX and for you to be able to make your own contribution.
And your contribution is the vital ingredient needed for the success of AMPLINEX. That is why we have imposed the system of either a £2.00 fee or a contribution for each issue. The fee is a deterrent - what we really want is your contribution.
For more details on contributing to AMPLINEX see the notes under that heading in the Introduction menu.
We intend to publish AMPLINEX every two months beginning September 1987. Each issue will carry details of when to return your disc (including your contribution) to us. This will normally be about a month before the next issue to allow us time to work the contributions into the 'magazine' format.
More details are in the 'Next issue' section of the Introduction menu.
On a more gloomy note - all good things must come to an end, and one day (far in the future we hope!), AMPLINEX may cease to exist. In this event any money remaining after settling all outstanding bills will be paid to the 'Save the Children Fund'.
Finally, we hope you find lots to interest you in this issue. We would welcome your comments and suggestions on the format and content of AMPLINEX. Put them in an ASCII file (use Wordwise, View, *SPOOL or *BUILD) and send them on your disc for the next issue.
Thank you for your support - we look forward to a long and fruitful correspondence.

Published in AMPLINEX 001, September 1987