Music 2000 MIDI interface

In this issue we have two reviews of the latest addition to the Hybrid Music System - the Music 2000 MIDI interface.
In the first review, Rick Cocker (who has been doing field trials on the unit for Hybrid Technology) gives a detailed description of its hardware and software facilities. In the second review, Jim Redfarn gives his first impressions of the package and of its ease of use for a MIDI novice.

The Music 2000 MIDI interface

Rick Cocker
At last the long-awaited Music 2000 MIDI interface has been released. On delivery you receive the following: installation sheet, Music 2000 interface unit, User Guide, Issue disc and System disc label.
The Music 2000 is encased, 5000-style, with 3 MIDI-out sockets at the back plus a MIDI-in. The MIDI-in is operable but as yet no software is available. When data is transmitted one of three LEDs on the front of the unit will flash for each MIDI lineout.
Once you have created a system disc (using the same procedure as when installing the 5000 or 4000) and made a back-up copy, you then simply transfer the new files over to your existing Music 5000 or 5000-4 System Disc.
The new !boot file activates the Music 2000 and installs the new M2 module prior to other modules (as it resides below address &3000).

The User Guide

The User Guide is very comprehensive, giving full explanations, plus many examples, of the new M2 words. An introduction to MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) plus a MIDI specification summary is also included.
To make the most of the Music 2000 you will require the AMPLE Nucleus Programmer Guide (see AMPLINEX 003 file N.HTnews) which is a prerequisite for any serious programming. Once again there is no index - but no doubt an AMPLINEX member will be able to supply one.
Although the guide is very informative it does require careful reading. The first issue contains a few errors but Hybrid Technology assure me that all existing owners will be notified of corrections by the time this issue of AMPLINEX is published, which is why I have not listed them here.

The M2 Module

The M2 module contains all the system words to control MIDI instruments alongside the Music 5000 within the AMPLE environment.
A list of the new words plus a brief summary of their purpose is given below:


Sets the current voice or voices to ON or OFF.


Sets the pitch of the current voice or voices in semitone units.


Sets the dynamic level of the current voice or voices. This is equivalent to MIDI velocity level and takes the range 1-127.


Sets amount that pitch is 'bent' above or below normal pitch. This simulates the pitch bend wheel fitted to many keyboards.


Sets the number of the MIDI channel to be used by the current voice or voices. There are 16 in total for each of the 3 MIDILINE outputs.


Sets the amount of key pressure effect (channel pressure) applied to all notes on the current voice's MIDICHANNEL. It can be used to control such things as amplitude or pitch envelopes to create a more dynamic playing style.


Sends control change messages to the receiving instrument. Used to control an instrument's front panel or internal controls (for modulation effects, breath control, sustain etc.) and its MIDI reception mode (1-4).


Sets which MIDI output line is to be used by the current voice or voices. The range of 1 to 3 relates to the MIDI-out sockets on the back of the Music 2000. Each line may carry up to 16 MIDICHANNELs.


Sends a single byte directly to the MIDI output line of the current voice. This is where the real fun starts as it enables AMPLE to control the parts other computer-based systems cannot reach.
Random byte transmission can produce 'music concrete'; drum machine patterns can be chained in real-time; access to MIDI system exclusive data can provide control over undefined functions used by manufacturers for specific purposes, e.g. glide time on a CZ synth.
Once MIDI-in software becomes available for the Music 2000, MIDIOUT system exclusive messages can request voice data dumps, providing sensible management of your computer/music environment, overcoming the slow and unreliable storage offered by cassettes and/or the cost involved with buying plug-in cartridges.
As I have already mentioned the MIDI-in is operable but without the software - perhaps the more adventurous among you may be able to provide some of the above now. I will say no more!


Similar to MIDICHPRESSURE but provides key pressure effect to individual notes on the current voice. Not many instruments support this but in theory it is of more use.


Selects the sound to be used for the current voice or voices by sending a 'program change' message. May be used at the start or during a piece to change a sound. With a multi-effects processor such as a Yamaha SPX90 inserted into the MIDI chain, you can change effects such as reverb or echo during playback.


Assigns a real-time control voice to the current voice position. Used to synchronize drum machines or sequencers to the Music 2000. Transmits 24 ticks per quarter note. Allows tempo changes with AMPLE's =T, +T and -T.


Assigns a voice at each of the current voice positions. Where a Music 5000 voice might be assigned by
1 SHARE 4 VOICES Upright
a MIDI voice would be assigned by


Sends two bytes directly to the MIDI output line of the current voice. Its use is similar to MIDIOUT but is more efficient for some applications.

In use

Nine parts are available if using the PLAY instruction plus an extra part if using the P()P structure (AMPLE Nucleus Programmer Guide page 170).
Each part can have up to 12 voices either MIDI, 5000 or unused. A total of 32 MIDI voices are available. The free mixing of MIDI and 5000 voices is one of the sources of AMPLE's creativity and power.
Some MIDI freaks have underrated the Music 5000's sound. Instruments such as the piano are infinitely better on the Music 5000 than on a TX81Z. But there is no denying that with the inclusion of FM, phase distortion, sampled voices, etc., the Music 5000/2000 offers a dramatic increase in sonic potential.
Try playing a MIDI and 5000 voice in unison to appreciate this.
Programming the Music 2000 is on the whole the same as the Music 5000 with the exception that the MIXING desk does not support MIDI voices. This means that a separate mix word is defined for the Music 2000 voices. For example,
"mix9" [
This can be added to the existing 5000 piece with
"123456-9abcad" PLAY
where the '9' brings the MIDI parts into play.
The music notation is scored and named in the usual way (e.g. 'part2a'). The inclusion of section letters is mandatory because of the use of 'mix9' in PLAY.
Using the P()P structure rather than PLAY offers greater freedom in the naming of words plus an extra part.
The real-time clock MIDIRT requires special attention. It is placed on a voice in the same way as MIDIV, e.g.,
X (ON GATE) starts the clock at the beginning of the piece or resumes from the last position if stopped by ^ (OFF GATE)  which allows a pause or stop within the piece.
Drum patterns programmed on the drum machine and ordered into complete song sequences, can be synched from within a playing piece with the use of these start and stop instructions.
One of the reasons for the delay in releasing the Music 2000 has been the need to interpret the various ways manufacturers implement the MIDI start and continue commands. Examples in the use of these, plus applications such as 'fermata' (pauses), are included in the User Guide.
Drum patterns may be programmed within AMPLE using notes or hits (X) without the need for MIDIRT or by a combination of the two.

Using the Music 2000 and 4000 together

MIDI instrument voices are played on the keyboard in the same way as Music 5000 voices. For example,
will play the slaved MIDI instrument with defaults of 1 MIDICHANNEL and 1 MIDILINE.
When the 'keyboard' option from the MENU is chosen, the word 'KEYB' is called into Notepad, and then 'Simpleins' can be changed to MIDIV. 'MAKE' the word and you have the beginnings of a keyboard panel which you can alter to suit your own performance setup or for experimentation.
The Recorder section will require MIDI instruments to be made; for example,
"cz5000" [
plus a MIDI mix to play the MIDI parts. You can then continue as normal.

Possible problems

I've found that timing errors can occur when using MIDIRT at fast tempos. The BBC micro is slow compared to more modern computers, whilst add-on boards (I have a SOLIDISK 256K and DFDC installed for my sins) can place an undue load on the system.
Careful programming can limit timing errors but many Music 5000 parts alongside many Music 2000 parts are probably best avoided, especially when using the Mixing Desk. This can become sluggish in response and in practice it is better to take MIDI parts out of play when adjusting the Mixing Desk.
Add on Shadow RAM boards may cause problems. I cannot use the Music 2000 with the aforesaid 256K board (so what’s new?).
If you have a BBC Model B and a Music 4000 keyboard, the three modules (M5, M4 and M2) take up a lot of memory, limiting the use of the STAFF editor. I have two !boot setups; one including Shadow RAM, M5, M4 and STAFF; the other M2, M5, M4, no Shadow RAM and no STAFF.
The BBC Model B's lack of memory places a restriction on the programming of long pieces but a saving can be made if MIDI voices are used in place of Music 5000 voices. This is due to the fact that MIDI voices are defined in the slave instrument.
I would stress that the problems I am talking about are extreme cases, but it is better to be aware of these possibilities.

In conclusion

If viewed solely as a MIDI sequencer, lacking dynamic control for real-time input, and with the Recorder section which requires setting up in advance (although Hybrid say this will change in the future), some may feel the Music 2000 is not as viable as other systems. They, however, would be missing the point!
The Music 2000 should be seen as an extension of the AMPLE-based (5000/4000) system not simply as a computer-based MIDI sequencer.
At a purely MIDI level the ability to program your own system-exclusive control words makes the Hybrid system extremely versatile.
As well as offering great compositional power and the ability to create a personalised working environment, experienced programmers will find that the Hybrid Music System provides more control over slaved MIDI instruments than most other systems (including those based on the ATARI ST).
Finally, if MIDI is to be introduced into music education, great insights to its workings could be gained from use of the Music 2000.

Note: I have been using a Music 2000 for the last few months whilst carrying out field-trials for Hybrid Technology. I have it connected to a Kawai R50 Drum Machine, Yamaha TX81Z, Casio CZ5000, Yamaha SPX90 multi-effects processor, AKAI S612 sampler and Music 500.

The Music 2000 - first impressions

Jim Redfarn
My Music 2000 MIDI interface was delivered a little while ago, and I've had time to do no more than tinker a little. However, perhaps you'd like to hear my first impressions as a novice user. In a word, brilliant!
We Hybrid Music System users need no longer be limited to music with a maximum of eight parts and sixteen channels. With the Music 2000 no fewer than thirty-two simultaneous parts are possible, given sufficient MIDI-compatible instruments through which to play them.
I actually have just one MIDI-compatible instrument, a Yamaha PSR90 portable keyboard. However, this instrument is a 'multi-timbral' device, which means that it will simultaneously play five different parts, in addition to the eight parts that can be played on the Music 5000.
So far, I've only written music requiring two extra parts to be played by through the Music 2000, but I have been delighted to discover that I can also accompany the music in real time on the keyboard.
Putting these extra parts into your AMPLE composition is simple, as I will explain; but first, how to set up the equipment.
Firstly, you plug the supplied ribbon cable into the 1MHz bus extension socket on the Music 5000. If, like me, you have a computer-powered disc drive you plug its power line into the back of the Music 2000 unit, leaving the power unit on the computer free for the Music 2000 power line. You then connect a supplied lead between the musical instrument's MIDI IN socket and one of Music 2000's MIDI OUT sockets. Finally, you add a new module (M2) to your existing Music 5000 software disc, following simple instructions supplied with the equipment.
To add an extra part or parts to your composition for playing via MIDI, you simply write the extra part and include it in a special mix called "mix9".
The software actually provides you with a ready-made mix9 which you can load into your program using *EXEC. This contains a comprehensive list of commands which you can implement by removing the comment character '%' from the start of the lines. Those lines with the '%' still in place won't be implemented. Alternatively, you can write your own mix9.
Finally, you include the mix9 into your RUN word, for example,
"12345-9abc" PLAY
and away you go!
The User Guide is, as usual with Hybrid, clear and precise. The second half of the guide contains a long list of command words of which I have so far only used one, MIDIV. This assigns parts to the MIDI-compatible instrument and is used in mix9.
Examples of other words include MIDIBEND and MIDIPRESSURE which control glissandi (note bending) and key pressure respectively on instruments with such facilities (mine has neither). There are examples of the use of each word but, unfortunately, there is no general index.
The Music 2000 is, of course, compatible with the Music 4000 keyboard. It will also control drum machines and sequencers.
You will appreciate from my brief comments that I have hardly begun to explore all the Music 2000's possibilities, particularly its range of controls over the sounds and rhythms coming out of the MIDI compatible instrument. There is also a MIDI IN facility, although the User Guide says nothing about this except to acknowledge its existence. However, I've got more than enough to learn and enjoy already.
Any snags so far? Well one small snag is that mix9 parts do not appear on the Mixing Desk, but you can, of course, try out parts there before allocating them to mix9.
The only other problem concerns electronic recording on to a tape recorder. It seems to me that I will have to feed the different sound sources through a mixer. I've seen 4 input mixers for around `40. Some of these also have a microphone input which would allow me to add natural real time sounds, such as a human voice to my AMPLE music. Such possibilities!
My unsolicited advice to any Music 5000 owner with a MIDI-compatible instrument is: get a Music 2000 now! It's worth every penny of its £161.

The Music 2000 MIDI interface is available from:
Hybrid Technology Ltd.,
Unit 3, Robert Davies Court,
Nuffield Road,
Telephone: (0223) 316910
priced £161.00 inclusive of VAT, postage and packing.
The Music 2000 is supplied for use with a single Music 5000 (or upgraded Music 500) identified by its ROM ID.

Published in AMPLINEX 005, May 1988