Music 5000/Music 2000 compatibility

Roger Sapolsky
Following Taj Letocha's example (AMPLINEX 014), I will examine in this article a method to convert a MIDI program into a program compatible with the Music 5000 (or 3000) and Music 2000. In the following text, 'D5' stands for Music 5000 system disc, while 'D2' applies to the Music 2000 system disc. Assuming D5 has been selected and an attempt is made to load in a MIDI program, the software will try to load in module M.M2 which is included only in D2. This prohibits loading of the program.
To make loading possible, all of the MIDI words and commands included in the program must be 'de-activated'. A Music 5000/2000 compatible program, called 'F.NiceWrk', is included on this disc. Boot-up D5, and load the example program.
Running the program as it is will play the non-MIDI parts 1 and 3 (see 'mix1'). Since the MIDI parts will not be heard, some adjustment of the program will probably be necessary to improve the result. For example, replacing '3 SHARE' with '2 SHARE' and selecting 'Upright' instead of 'solo' in 'mix1' will activate the pianist's left hand (in place of the guitar accompaniment using John Bartlett's excellent 'solo' instrument).
If you wish, since its score includes very few 4-note chords, player 3 can be allocated only 3 VOICES, and a fourth player added to 'mix1' for a drum part or a bass line.
Use of this program is obviously simpler for Music 2000 MIDI users. Boot-up with D2 and load 'F.NiceWrk'. After selecting Notepad, GET 'mix9' to see how it has been made inactive.
As indicated in mix9, the words 'mc' and 'mk' have been deleted from the program. If you look at the music parts 9a to 9h you will see that % (comment) signs have been typed before all of the MIDI sound level instructions such as '50mc'.
To use the MIDI program, enter 'mc' and 'mk' as indicated in 'mix9' and re-activate 'mix9' by deleting the % signs where needed. Forgetting to delete the % signs in player 9's score will set the sound levels of percussion voices at maximum.
That's about all, apart from the possible variations in MIDIPROGRAM and PITCH (MIDI key) numbers adopted by various MIDI instrument brands. The short comments in 'mix9' (sax, piano, etc.) should help in selecting a suitable equivalent.
The reason for the special treatment given to percussion voices in the program is explained in Hints and Tips, AMPLINEX 012 ('Controlling the Roland D110'). However the command given in that issue was incorrect. Use 'number 7MIDICONTROL' as shown in parts 9a..9h.
Other AMPLE instructions are not obeyed by MIDI, for example, 'Len'. This is a serious drawback. To check what your MIDI instrument does with '24Len' before a few crotchets (in first bar) enter
"1-1a" PLAY
Then replace 2 with 1 in the first line of mix9, and enter
"1-19a" PLAY
Player 1 will play the expected staccato the first time, and probably not the second time.
If this is the case, you will have to specify rests in your programs in place of the 'Len' command. For example,
12, CrDrEr
where 'r' is defined as
"r" [4,^8,]
rather than
12, -4 Len CDE
If you want to play a solo 'with feeling' as well as John Bartlett does in his remarkable discs, don't use a MIDI voice. It will lack not only Len instructions, but also Echo and other commands unearthed during my thorough cribbing sessions!
It should be easier for Music 3000 users to amend the program due to the greater number of voices available to them. Conversion of long MIDI programs may still cause problems, however, due to a lack of memory. This is because MIDI instruments use up only the MIDI unit's internal memory, not the Music 5000's - and replacing them with Music 5000 instruments may not always be possible.
MIDI compares well here against the Hybrid Music System, in which each instrument requires somewhere between 30 and 200 bytes. For this reason, MIDI scores often include 'PC' numbers which bring into action new 'free' instruments. Because of the Hybrid Music System's memory constraints, a few of the MIDI parts may thus have to be removed.
In conclusion, I have described a method to make the exchange of programs feasible between members using different systems. I am therefore looking forward to enjoying more 'compatible' contributions in future issues of AMPLINEX.
Now RUN the program and listen to a great hit of the swinging thirties, played 'a la MIDI'.

Related file on this disc:
F.NiceWrk - Example Music 5000/2000 compatible music file

Published in AMPLINEX 016, March 1990