AMPLINEX issue 002 was published in November 1987. Each AMPLINEX magazine is stored as a 200K single-sided 80-track disk image file (.ssd file type). The image can be used to create disks for a BBC Micro or can be loaded into a BBC emulator. For the disks to run, the BBC (real or emulated) must have an AMPLE Nucleus ROM installed and be running the Hybrid Music System.
Kevin Doyle
Firstly, many thanks to all who took the time to complete
our survey in the September issue of AMPLINEX. We had almost 100% response, and
all the comments have been noted and, where possible, taken into account in
this issue.
The answers to the multiple choice questions gave us a
sketch of the initial AMPLINEX membership. Here are some of the key points.
About two thirds of the members have Music 500 hardware and
the original BCE software, and half have the Music 5000 hardware. The overlap
is people with both.
About half the membership owns a keyboard (more Hybrid than
Symphony) and there was a high degree of interest amongst those who don't yet own
When asked about what software products were of interest,
everyone highlighted AMPLE music compilations and the Advanced Sound Studio announced
by Hybrid in July attracted an 80% response from members.
On the hardware side, the MIDI interface was of interest to
two out of every three members, and from other responses it seemed that about a
third of those who showed an interest already had access to MIDI equipment.
By contrast, no one expressed any interest in the Hybrid
Several people replied to the question on 'which aspect of
the AMPLE language they would like to see discussed in AMPLINEX' and we will endeavour
to cover as many of these as possible in the near future.
Two particular areas mentioned were instrument design and the
use of sub-mixes. These are both areas where I feel sure that members will have
experience to share (see, for example, the Hints and Tips contribution from Tim
Comments on the design and contents of AMPLINEX were, in the
main, very favourable. Specific requests for change have been incorporated into
this issue wherever possible (see 'Update' in the Introduction section for more
If you haven't yet sent in your copy of the survey, please
try to do so in time for the next issue - your comments are very useful to us.
And please continue to let us know what you think about AMPLINEX,
what you want us to do and where we go wrong. We have not included a survey program
in this issue so please put your replies in another format (see 'How to make a contribution'
in the Introduction section).
Two ideas open for comments -
Would you like a regular method for providing
feedback on each issue? If so, what form should it take? A short comment box as
used in the survey? Marks out of 10 for each section? Would you like to see
them published in a letters or comments page?
If you contribute a piece of music would you
like member's comments or other feedback on how it was liked or disliked?
Whatever your thoughts, please let us know in time for the
next issue (see 'Next issue news' in the Introduction section), and remember -
AMPLINEX is whatever we make it, so let us have your ideas.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
AMPLE music discs review
Kevin Doyle
Two new discs of AMPLE music have just been released by
Hybrid Technology - 'Notes' by Pilgrim Beart and 'Music City' by Ian Guinan.
Pilgrim Beart was the composer/arranger of one of the first two Hybrid music
discs 'Cosmix'. Ian Guinan is the man behind the just launched 'Music City' service
on Microlink (see elsewhere in the News & Reviews section for details).
'Notes' by Pilgrim Beart
Owners of the 'Cosmix' album will not be disappointed by the
'jukebox' program which controls this album. In place of the 'spacephone' used on
'Cosmix' is something called a 'Filosax' containing a page for each of the
pieces of music and which plays an endless 20-bar blues with fluctuating but generally
increasing tempo. You are advised to choose something within a minute or so
since, after that, the frenetic music drives out any keyboard activity as the
BBC struggles to cope.
There are 12 pieces of music on the disc (excluding the
'jukebox' program) and they range in length from four and a half minutes down to
a mere 30 seconds, giving a total of 24 minutes listening. The longer pieces
are the more satisfying, and the two longest ('Jazuru' and 'Qutor' - both over
four minutes) are the high points of the collection. These two pieces have been
structured to give some musical light and shade - a feature that some of the other
pieces lack.
The shorter pieces are often no more than musical ideas, largely
undeveloped, and any melodic interest is lost in an unnecessary rush to overlay
competing sounds and noises.
These faults are offset, however, by the wealth of techniques
and sounds that are contained throughout the disc. For the AMPLE composer this
disc will be a delight to search through, to answer the recurring question 'how
did he do that?'.
The album is, thankfully, almost free of the somewhat self-conscious
messages of 'Cosmix', and appears to be a mixture of material composed in 1986 and
in 1987. The better quality material tends to bear the 1987 mark.
At its best this album surprises and intrigues - at its worst
it annoys with its frenzied complication. The best reason for buying it, unless
you are a fan of the 'Cosmix' material, is for the help it may give you with
your own composition and it is certainly worth it for that alone.
'Music City' by Ian Guinan
Behind the 'Music City' logo and Teletext version of the Liverpool
skyline, this disc contains 12 songs together providing over 35 minutes of AMPLE
music. Four of the songs are Ian Guinan's own compositions, the other eight
being a mixture of, mainly, pop music from the seventies and eighties. Almost everyone
will find something familiar on this disc with music made famous by such people
as Elvis Presley, Grace Jones and Donna Summer.
The AMPLE versions are not meant to be 'soundalike' reproductions
of the original hits, but they often work best when the original material was synthesiser
based. The drum sounds (as usual) sound rather weak, especially as most of the music
has a disco origin, but the most successful pieces (for example Donna Summer's 'I
feel love') transcend this restriction.
One can't help feeling, however, that Ian Guinan's obvious enthusiasm
for the original recordings somewhat narrowed his scope for interpretation of
the music. The value of creating AMPLE copies of well-known music is questionable,
and, despite his notes to the contrary, it sometimes seemed that his
interpretations of the music were more a necessity forced by the absence of sheet
music than a deliberate decision.
Of his own music, the most successful piece is 'The Ice
Breaker' with its driving bass line and sudden shifts in arrangement. In 'Looking
at you' he confesses to being an ex-bassist in a punk band, and, listening to the
opening bars the thrashing guitar seems imminent - but instead a rather softer
string-synth sound whooshes in. Rather a pity that - some AMPLE punk might have
been interesting.
The 'info' notes included with nearly every piece are an
added bonus, adding insight and information whilst transmitting Ian Guinan's obvious
enthusiasm for the music.
In conclusion, everyone should find something in here to
interest them and also something they will want to play again and again.
If you want to choose between the two then you must decide between
the familiarity and musical variety of 'Music City' and the more technically ambitious
but musically narrower 'Notes'.
Both discs cost £4.95 (inclusive of VAT and carriage) and are
available from:
Orders Dept, Hybrid Technology Ltd, Unit 3, Robert Davies Court, Nuffield Road, CAMBRIDGE. CB4 1TP
Orders Dept, Hybrid Technology Ltd, Unit 3, Robert Davies Court, Nuffield Road, CAMBRIDGE. CB4 1TP
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
Highlights from the Micro User Show, London, November 13th-15th
'Music City' the new Micronet service
Kevin Doyle
By the time you read this the new computer music magazine 'Music
City' will have been launched on Micronet, the viewdata service for micros. The
magazine aims to cover news from the micro music world, with a mixture of hardware
and software reviews, articles, a letters/contact section, hints and tips and
downloadable music and instrument files.
Initially, the service is to concentrate on the Hybrid Music
System and will aim to provide AMPLE music programs of many current hits,
paying royalties out of the download fee where appropriate.
AMPLINEX intends to operate a reciprocal arrangement with 'Music
City' whereby information from each will be made available to the other. This
might mean that selected features are distributed via Micronet at some time after
the publication of AMPLINEX. For contributors this could mean the chance to earn
some money through royalty payments, if the contribution was considered 'saleable'.
Use of any AMPLINEX material by 'Music City' would of course be subject to the author's
We will have more details of the 'Music City'/AMPLINEX arrangement
in the next issue and would welcome your comments (including reviews of the 'Music
City' service).
'Music City' can be found on Micronet (*800989 - *MUSIC CITY)
and more details of the service can be obtained from Micronet on 01-278-3143.
Peartree Music 87
Roy Follett
At the Micro User Show in November, as at the Acorn User Show
in July, Peartree were playing Music 500 tunes whilst advertising their Music
87. Any members who have made enquiries about the availability of the Music 87
must have had similar answers to me. That is, "they will be shipped out at
the end of the week" or "at the end of the month, we're waiting for the
user guides". The answer given at the show to my wife Jackie in response
to the question "can I buy one now" was "No, the manuals are not
quite ready".
However, at my request, a representative gave a brief demonstration
of the Music 87. This consisted of a series of screens and certainly sounds
were produced, but no music was heard under the Music 87 banner. Indeed, I had
the impression that the demonstration was curtailed in order that music could
be played to the visitors. This was done using AMPLE BCE.
Whilst the demo of the Music 87 was in progress, a co-processor
was being used as was a hard disc unit. It is true that they could have been
showing that the software would work across the Tube, and the hard disc may
have been in use to provide quick access in a very busy situation, but I was
most unimpressed. A moments thought should indicate that using high resolution screens
does not leave a great deal of memory left for programming use.
AMPLINEX by its title is a group for AMPLE users and our
initial interest in the Music 87 was because - it was being advertised it might
have been pertinent to our group it might have used AMPLE.
It still is. It isn't. It doesn't.
Although it must appear an attractive option to purchasers of
the Music 500/BCE setup at what seems to be a much lower price, it seems we have
a classic case of 'vapourware'. I have rung on many occasions since its original
announcement at the May Micro User Show this year and, despite all the
assurances, nothing has appeared.
If I am talking to any potential Music 500 upgraders I can
only say "come and join us". Wait for a while, save up the difference.
The Hybrid upgrade will cost you £69.00; the Music 87, if and when it ever becomes
available, will cost you £39.95 plus £2.50 postage and packing, plus VAT - a total
of £48.82. The difference of £20.18 will get you the AMPLE Nucleus system which
is tried and tested, together with an ever-increasing user base. And if you
like - AMPLINEX.
Hybrid Technology products
Kevin Doyle
Increased sales and a move to larger premises have caused some
delays to new Hybrid products announced at the July Acorn User Show. The AMPLE Nucleus
Programmer's Guide expected in September is now due to ship within the next few
days according to Chris Jordan of Hybrid Technology. Customer requests for a
change in the design of the Music 2000 MIDI interface mean that this is now expected
at the beginning of January.
The Music 2000 has been redesigned to provide a MIDI input
channel in place of one of the three outputs in the original design. The MIDI
input and clock/tape synchronisation functions will, however, require additional
system software.
Two new AMPLE music discs were available at the Micro User Show,
'Notes' by Pilgrim Beart and 'Music City' by Ian Guinan (see reviews elsewhere
in this section).
The Advanced Sound Studio announced by Hybrid in July has
been dropped for the time being. However, at the Micro User Show a contact
address was being advertised for a 'Hybrid approved' independent supplier of a waveform
The author, Mr J Stockdale, developed the waveform design
software as part of his PhD and after contact with Chris Jordan of Hybrid
Technology is developing the product to interface with the Studio 5000 system.
The software is in the form of a toolkit with about 20 utilities
and will operate outside of AMPLE using high-resolution Mode 0 screens.
The development work should be complete around January and the
software plus 100 page manual is expected to sell for around £27.50p.
Brief details of the system can be obtained by sending a stamped,
self-addressed envelope to:
Mr J Stockdale, 59 Old Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury, MANCHESTER
M20 8WY
but we will have a full review of the system in the January issue
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
by David ReedComposed by: Gabriel FaureFrom the album 'AMPLE Bites Back' Courtesy of Hybrid Technology |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.PAVANE |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
The Terra-Cotta Army
by Michael Mellor |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.TERRACB |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
Trawling the Night
by Doctor Yof (R J Bettis)Parts 1, 2 & 3 form the background. Part 4 is the hunter, at first simply 'cruising', then spotting its prey, closing in and finally swooping for the kill. Part 5 is the hapless victim, startled into a run by the hunter, but eventually caught.
(C) R.J.Bettis 1987 <"|"> A Yoftunes - Project |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.NITRAWL |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
Fyer, Fyer - an English madrigal
by Roy AtkinsComposed by: Thomas MorleyMy name is Roy Atkins and I live in Holland. I am the chairman of the British Choir in The Hague, and I use the Music 5000 system as a means for learning choral parts. I enter the various parts and set the voices such that I can play back the piece with any particular part highlighted. In this way the singer can hear his part in its proper context, against the other parts.
Fyer, Fyer is a good example of a popular English madrigal from the late 16th century. The madrigal was a very popular form of polyphonic music of its time. Usually written for from 4 to 8 voices, the parts are all musically complete in their own right, making singing fun for all concerned. These pieces were very popular with singers of the period, and are still popular today with amateur choirs. This example has been programmed in 5 parts and one by one the top 4 parts, cantus, quintus, altus and tenor are heard in turn in a distinctive voice on the left of the stage. It indicates the way in which the system can be put to use. Roy Atkins |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.FYER |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
Elite Syncopations
by Ted RoyffeComposed by: Scott Joplin |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.ELITE |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
Sinfonia to Cantata No 29
by Graham F FirthComposed by: J S Bach |
Source: AMPLINEX 002 disk, file $.CANTATA |
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November 1987
AMPLE Screen Designer – User Guide
Kevin Doyle
The AMPLE Screen Designer is a utility to allow the creation
of Mode 7 screens for inclusion in AMPLE programs. It is written in AMPLE and incorporates
a comprehensive MODE 7 screen designer, screen filing system and conversion facility
to create AMPLE words which will display all or part of a MODE 7 screen.
If you are not familiar with the use of MODE 7 (Teletext)
control codes it would be advisable to read the relevant chapter in your BBC Micro
User Guide.
To follow the examples in this guide you should also have on
the same disc as the ASD program, the example file ASDdemo.
Getting started
To use the utility go into AMPLE in the usual way, LOAD the
file ASD and then RUN. As ASD uses only AMPLE Nucleus words it can be run without
any Modules present (i.e. from the *AMPLE command).
After the title has come and gone you will be presented with
a blank screen and the cursor in the top left corner.
Moving around the screen
If you try the cursor keys you will find that these move the
cursor in the usual way except that the screen is 'wrapped' in all directions so
that cursor movement is continuous but the screen is static. You may also
notice that the cursor will not move to the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
This last position is protected to avoid the screen scrolling hardware being
activated. All other positions on the screen are available.
By pressing the SHIFT key at the same time as a cursor key
you can move the cursor to the edge of the screen in the direction you select. This
can often save time when moving about the screen.
Writing to the screen
If you use the standard typewriter keys they will write to the
screen in the usual way. Pressing RETURN will move to the beginning of the next
line. The use of screen 'wrapping' means that attempting to write beyond the
bottom of the screen will return you to the top.
The DELETE key has its usual function of backspacing and deleting
the previous character.
Pause now to fill a few lines with text - it doesn't matter
what. This will help in demonstrating the next section.
Teletext control codes
The special control codes used in MODE 7 screens are accessible
using the function keys. You should have received a function key card for this program
which shows the keys used to produce these codes. Try pressing SHIFT key with
some of the functions keys (f0-f9) amongst the text you have written to create coloured,
flashing and double height text.
The double/normal height key is different from the others in
that it can produce either the code for double height or the code for normal
height. Which of these two codes it produces depends on which option (double or
normal height) is currently in use. If double height is the current option it produces
a normal height code and vice versa. If there are no previous height control codes
on the line a double height code is produced.
Graphics control codes can be produced using the function
keys (CTRL f0-f6). The subsequent characters will then be displayed as graphics
where appropriate. Most of the graphics characters are produced using lower case
letters - see the BBC Micro User Guide Appendix for the full table.
To make things easier when designing graphics symbols, you can
use the function keys (f0-f5) which allow you to switch the individual graphics
blocks within a character on and off. Try using these keys on an existing graphics
character or on a blank space following a graphics control code.
As an alternative you can use CTRL and the keys Q,W,A,S,Z,X.
These keys reflect the position of the blocks they alter.
If the character you wish alter is not already a graphics
one, you can set it to a graphics blank by pressing CTRL and the SPACE bar.
A full block character can be obtained by using SHIFT and
the SPACE bar.
Identifying characters
As you may have noticed, the cursor on the screen is sometimes
a line, sometimes a block. The block cursor indicates that it is on a control character.
The line cursor is used when it on any other character. Its main purpose is to distinguish
positions containing control codes from those containing spaces.
To identify the character at the cursor you can press the
TAB key. This displays, at the top of the screen, the character's code and either
the character itself (in both its alpha or graphics form) or its description.
The display stays on the screen for one second - to remove it
more quickly, press a key.
Menu options
The AMPLE Screen Designer has several functions which are
accessible through its menu system. To access the menu press the ESCAPE key.
The choices are then displayed at the top of the screen. Each menu has a title
which is displayed on the left (in white) - in this case it is "Main".
The menu options are then displayed (in magenta) with the first option highlighted
(in yellow).
An option can be selected by pressing the RETURN key when it
is highlighted. You can highlight the different options by using the left and
right cursor keys.
Pressing the ESCAPE key takes you out of the menu and back
to the editing screen no matter which menu you are in.
Try using the cursor keys now, and then select the option "Screen"
by pressing RETURN when it is highlighted.
Some menu options lead to further menus. In the case of the
"Screen" option there is a second menu giving the options
"Memory, "Disc", "Convert" and "New". In
this case we will select the option "Disc" but using the alternate selection
method available. This is to press the key which corresponds to the first
letter of the option you require. So, in this case, you should press the 'D' key.
It doesn't matter whether the key is set to produce upper or lower case. Pressing
a key which does not correspond to a menu option will produce a lower pitch
Loading a screen from disc
The "Disc" menu has the options "Save", "Load",
"Catalogue" and "Drive". Make sure you have the disc containing
the sample file ASDdemo in the currently selected disc drive. (If you need to change
your drive selection then choose the "Drive" menu option and select
the drive number which contains the ASDdemo file. Then retrace your steps back to
the "Disc" menu.)
You should now choose the "Load" option. At the
"filename:" prompt type in "ASDdemo" and press RETURN. The screen
should now start to change as ASDdemo is read in from disc. When it is loaded a
message will appear at the top of the screen - this can be removed by pressing
The procedure for saving a screen is very similar, except
that the 'Save' option is selected from the 'Disc' menu. Before you try saving
a screen you should read the notes in the section 'Some cautions on disc
filing' below.
The sample screen you have just loaded can now be used to
demonstrate some of the screen editing facilities.
Screen editing
Several screen editing facilities are provided to allow you to
manipulate information on the screen.
Using the CTRL key in conjunction with the left cursor key removes
the character at the cursor. To demonstrate this, position the cursor in the middle
of a full line of text and press CTRL and the left cursor key. Notice that the
rest of the line moves to the left leaving a blank character at the end of the
Using the CTRL key in conjunction with the right cursor key
inserts a blank character at the cursor. To demonstrate this, position the
cursor in the middle of a full line of text and press CTRL and the right cursor
key. Notice that the rest of the line moves to the right losing the character
at the end of the line.
Using the CTRL key in conjunction with the down cursor key
inserts a blank line at the cursor. To demonstrate this, position the cursor in
the middle of the page and press CTRL and the down cursor key. Notice that the rest
of page, below the cursor, moves down losing the bottom line.
Using the CTRL key in conjunction with the up cursor key
removes the line at the cursor. To demonstrate this, position the cursor in the
middle of the page and press CTRL and the up cursor key. Notice that the rest
of page, below the cursor, moves up leaving a blank line at the bottom.
As mentioned earlier, the DELETE key performs its usual function
of backspace to, and deletion of, the previous character. In combination with
the SHIFT key, however, it has the effect of deleting all characters from the cursor
to the end of the line.
The copy facility in the AMPLE Screen Designer allows the
copying of blocks of the screen. This is essential in graphics work. To copy a block
you need first to define the area to be copied and then the place to copy to.
To mark the area to be copied, simply position the cursor over
the first character and press COPY. Then move to the last character and press
SHIFT and COPY. The area could be just a group of consecutive characters on the
same line or a large block in the centre of the screen. If you are marking an
area spanning several lines, it does not matter which corners of the block you mark
- top-left and bottom-right or top-right and bottom left.
Now move the cursor to where you want the copy to be put. If
you are copying a multi-line block of characters, the cursor should be where the
top left of the block is to be copied. Then press CTRL and COPY and the block you
defined will be copied.
The positions of the markers you defined using COPY and
SHIFT COPY are stored so that the same block can be copied again using only
Some cautions about copying
The copy function is not 'wrapped' and so any part of the marked
area which cannot be copied within the boundaries of the screen is lost.
The markers are stored as absolute screen references - that
is, they are not affected by screen editing activities such as line insertion
or removal. Care should therefore be taken when screen editing has taken place
since the copy area was marked.
If when CTRL and COPY are pressed, both markers are found to
be in the same position, it is assumed that they have not been correctly set and
the message 'No copy area defined' is shown.
The copying is performed starting at the top left of the copy
area, and proceeds left to right, top to bottom. Placing the cursor within the
copy area before copying will thus lead to part of the copy area being overwritten
before it can be copied.
To help with the copying process there is a facility to
enable you to keep track of the two copy area markers. Pressing SHIFT and TAB will
display the current positions of these markers at the top of the screen. If you
press the COPY or SHIFT and COPY keys while the positions are being displayed,
the block cursor will move to the relevant position on the screen. If another
key is pressed or if no key is pressed for one second the display is removed.
Use of screen memory
The AMPLE Screen Designer provides for two screens in memory
at any one time. This allows the copying of elements in one screen to another.
By careful use of the two screens a new screen can be constructed from many
existing ones.
To illustrate this, we can firstly store the current screen
in memory. To do this call up the menu by pressing ESCAPE. Then select
"Screen" followed by "Memory" followed by
"Store". After a few seconds a message will appear at the top of the screen
to inform you that the screen has been stored. Press RETURN to remove this message.
Now alter the screen by, for example, deleting some lines or adding new text. You
can then restore the screen from memory by selecting "Screen", "Memory"
and "Restore" from the menu.
Your original screen should now be displayed.
You can now re-load the sample screen from disc (which should
look quite different from the current screen if you have been trying out the
editing and copy functions). Select "Screen", "Disc", "Load"
as before and then enter the filename "ASDdemo".
When the screen has loaded, select "Screen", "Memory",
"Exchange" from the menu. This swaps the screen in memory with the
one displayed. Thus, the screen you saved earlier will gradually be displayed and
the screen you have just loaded will be transferred to memory.
If you select "Restore" or "Exchange" when
no screen is in memory the message "No screen has been stored" will be
displayed. You can check whether a screen is in memory by selecting "Screen",
"Memory", "Check" from the menu.
Copying from screen memory
The copy markers which were used earlier to copy areas
within a screen can also be used to copy from memory to the screen. To
demonstrate this, mark an area on the screen displayed now. You can check the results
by pressing SHIFT and TAB.
Then select "Screen", "Memory", "Exchange"
as before. As well as swapping the screen in memory with the screen displayed it
also swaps the copy markers into memory.
If you press SHIFT and TAB now, you will see that the copy
markers are shown as 'Memory' rather than 'Screen'. The display option using
the SHIFT and COPY keys is not available.
Now position the cursor in a suitable place on the screen to
copy to. Then press CTRL and COPY and the area marked on the previous screen
will be copied.
Once either of the markers are reset, the positions are
assumed to refer to the displayed screen rather than memory.
Converting to AMPLE
Once you have created a screen (or part of a screen) which you
wish to use in an AMPLE program, you are ready to use the AMPLE conversion
If you wish to use only part of the screen, you must mark the
area you wish to convert using the copy markers (COPY, SHIFT and COPY) before
starting the conversion process. Do this now if you wish.
To start the conversion process, select 'Convert' from the
Main menu. You will then be given two choices - 'Full screen' or 'Copy area'.
After choosing the appropriate one you will be prompted for an AMPLE word in
which to store the AMPLE definition generated. This can be up to 15 characters long.
Your will then be prompted for the filename in which the AMPLE definition is to
be stored.
Once this has been entered the conversion process will
begin. To show how it is progressing, a block cursor is displayed at the character
being converted. When the conversion is complete a message will be displayed which
can be removed by pressing RETURN.
To use the AMPLE word in your programs, load your existing
program as usual, and then type "*EXEC filename" where filename is the
name you gave to the file during the conversion process. The definition will then
be loaded and stored in the word which you specified at the start of the
For flexibility, the definition does not include any command
to switch to MODE 7. You should therefore ensure that this mode is selected
before the word is used (the AMPLE command is 7MODE). If you type the word at
the "%" prompt when in MODE 7 the screen (or part screen) should be
displayed exactly as it was within the AMPLE Screen Designer.
If you convert part of a screen and find the AMPLE word does
not produce the expected results, this may be because you have not included
some of necessary control codes within your copy area. If this happens, return
to the AMPLE Screen Designer and check for control codes to the left of the area
which you specified.
Disc facilities
Apart from the ability to load and save screens, other options
in the 'Disc' menu allow the current disc to be catalogued and for another
drive to be selected.
When the disc catalogue option is selected the program checks
whether any information has been written to the screen which needs to be
The top line is always stored and restored by the menu, but any
other characters written below the top line will cause the screen to be stored before
the disc catalogue is displayed. Similarly, if a screen has been loaded or restored
form memory, this will cause the screen to be stored.
Once the screen has been stored (if necessary) the disc catalogue
is displayed.
The 'paged' mode of screen display is used so that each screenful
of information is held waiting for the SHIFT key to be pressed.
Once the disc catalogue is complete, a message appears at the
top of the screen which can be removed by pressing RETURN. The screen is then restored
to its previous state.
Operating system commands
Commands can be passed to the operating system using the 'OS
Command' option in the Main menu. With this option you can either use a single line
or the full screen to display any system response. This allows you to avoid delay
due to saving of the screen where this is unnecessary.
If the full screen option is selected, the 'paged' mode of
screen display is used (see previous section).
Some cautions on disc and OS commands
Because AMPLE does not provide any operating system error trapping
routine, some errors are 'fatal'. That is, the program will stop and screen information
will be lost. To guard against this, the following points should be noted.
Ensure that all filenames entered during screen saving and
loading to disc or operating system commands are valid. Illegal filenames will
generate the error message "! Bad filename in ...".
Ensure that the disc to which you are saving has enough room
to accommodate the file. Be particularly careful when using 'Convert' to
replace an existing file - if the new file is longer than the old one, and you have
saved another file in the meantime, you may get the message "! Can't extend
in ...". Other disc capacity errors may generate the messages "! Disc
full" or "Catalogue full".
Similarly, invalid operating system commands will generate the
error message "! Bad command".
If you have any doubt about a disc command working, store the
current screen to memory first. It can then be recovered in case of a 'fatal'
error (see 'Leaving the AMPLE Screen Designer' below).
In the Main menu the 'Help' option displays a list of the
special keys used in the AMPLE Screen Designer. If necessary the contents of
the screen are stored before this is displayed.
The help screen can also be accessed by pressing CTRL and
Clearing the screen
To clear the screen to start on a new design, select
"Screen", "New" from the menu. You will be asked to confirm
this action before the screen is cleared. Any screen in memory is unaffected.
Leaving the AMPLE Screen Designer
To leave the AMPLE Screen Designer and return to AMPLE, select
'Exit' from the Main menu. You will be asked to confirm your choice before the
screen information is lost. The title will then be redisplayed and the message "AMPLE
Screen Designer - session ended" displayed. If you ran the program from
the Studio 5000 Main Menu you will be returned to it. If not you will return
the AMPLE "%" prompt.
In case of errors, a facility is provided to enable the screen
in memory to be preserved after the AMPLE Screen Designer session has been ended.
If you wish to retain the screen memory on start-up of a new session, you should
press down the CTRL key as the title screen is displayed and release it once the
blank screen appears.
The screen memory will not be correctly preserved if any
actions are taken which alter memory. These include the addition, deletion or change
of words, programs or modules or use of the COMPACT command.
Function keys
Because the AMPLE Screen Designer redefines the function
keys f0-f9 for its own use, there is a facility included which resets the key definitions
at the end of the program. The key definitions are those which are provided as
standard in the Studio 5000 software. If you have changed these for your own
use, you should alter the program to match.
To do this, you need to change the word 'keyreset'. Using 'Notepad'
change the key definitions as required, then MAKE the word and re-save the ASD
Technical notes
The AMPLE Screen Designer uses only 'legal' operating system
calls to address the screen. This results in a slower execution speed when reading
from and writing to the screen but ensures that the program will work on any BBC
micro whether or not 'shadow' memory is in use.
The AMPLE conversion part of the program is fairly simple
and does not necessarily result in the most compact AMPLE definition. The
conversion does remove all trailing spaces from each line, except where a line is
empty when one space remains to force the ALIGN function to move down a line.
The last character on the screen (at the bottom right) is
not converted and the last line converted does not have an ALIGN command appended.
This ensures that screen scrolling is not activated if the last line on the screen
is used in 'paged' mode.
If you wish to display a series of screens you can create a
word which calls up series of screens and waits for a keypress to move from one
screen to the next.
For example, if you had created 3 full screen display words -
screen1, screen2 and screen3:
"screenshow" [ 7 MODE
screen1 #IN #2
screen2 #IN #2
screen3 #IN #2
screen1 #IN #2
screen2 #IN #2
screen3 #IN #2
would do this. (#IN waits for and gets a key code, #2
discards it).
Program use
If you find the program useful, and would like to suggest
enhancements or changes, please contact me through AMPLINEX.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
"drip" [2 CHANS
Burst 1 POS
Burst -1 POS
High Wow
128 AMP -386 SHIFT
% Sound of a dripping tap
% by Graeme Shaw
Burst 1 POS
Burst -1 POS
High Wow
128 AMP -386 SHIFT
% Sound of a dripping tap
% by Graeme Shaw
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November1987
"oboe" [2CHANS
110 AMP
% Feeble oboe by Roger Cawkwell
% Suggested pitch range 0:G to 1:A
% Try 2CHAN Tailed for resonant release
110 AMP
% Feeble oboe by Roger Cawkwell
% Suggested pitch range 0:G to 1:A
% Try 2CHAN Tailed for resonant release
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November1987
Hints and tips
1) Studio 5000 waveforms
Tim Sketchley
The Studio 5000 offers 14 predefined waveforms which can be
used as part of an instrument definition. When defining an instrument, it can be
largely a matter of trial and error to find the ones you need for that instrument
until of course you know them.
Details about the sound and purpose of each waveform are
given at the back of the Studio 5000 User Guide (pp 127-129). However, I have
some tips which I will now explain.
I find it convenient to divide the waveforms into three 'tone
groups' thus:
Low tone: Pure Round
Mid tone: Bright Hollow Watery Hard Clear
High tone: Pipes Sharp
Reedy Broad Metal High
The effect of these groups is similar (broadly speaking) to the
effect of the tone controls of a radio set. You should easily notice that the two
low-tone waveforms sound, so to speak, as if the tone is turned down; the waveforms
in the mid-tone group as if the tone is half way up; and the high-tone group
contain a fair amount of treble, as if the tone is turned up.
To put it another way, they are grouped according to the
brightness of the sound, with the high-tone group being the brightest. I am
missing out Syncer, which is a silent waveform.
We can now set up a simple instrument whose tone is easily
"toneins" [ 2 CHANS
Pure 128 AMP
Broad 100 AMP
ON PHSET Flat Long]
Pure 128 AMP
Broad 100 AMP
ON PHSET Flat Long]
Note that channel 1 plays a low-tone wave and channel 2
plays a high-tone wave. The tone of the instrument is adjusted by varying the two
numbers; for instance, in our example, changing '100 AMP' to '128 AMP' will
make the instrument a lot brighter.
2) Ignored natural signs
Roger Sapolsky
If the first note entered in Notepad following SCORE, normal
settings and the signature word (e.g. 'sig') happens to be preceded by the
natural sign ('='), the effect of 'sig' will not be cancelled as it should. To
play the expected natural note, simply enter 'sig' AFTER this note, the natural
symbol being then unnecessary. All notes going after 'sig' will now play
correctly when preceded by '='.
3) Three little words
Roger Calkwell
In the last issue of AMPLINEX both QUIT and 7 MODE were
suggested as ways of clearing PAD off the screen to make way for disc
cataloguing and the like.
QUIT has the disadvantage of switching PAD off, requiring
PAD and "word"GET before it reappears.
To return after 7 MODE, "word" GET (or "word"
NAME) suffices.
A screen-clearing utility word will speed up your
programming. I use "q" to remind me of QUIT, thus
"q" [7MODE]
This may be prefixed to a variety of commands;
If you wish to switch to other modes, omit the 7 from the
definition. The q will now take a number prefix;
Another approach is;
"q" [26#OUT 12#OUT]
#OUT is the equivalent of BASIC's VDU - it treats the
preceding number as an ASCII code and sends it to the screen. In this case 26
is the control code for 'default windows' and 12 is 'clear screen' - the effect
is the same as VDU26, 12 in BASIC.
If you're in a hurry and don't want to take the time to
define a word you can send some control codes directly with the CTRL key.
Pressing Z followed by L whilst holding CTRL down throughout is equivalent to
the #OUT version of q.
Two more one-letter utility words;
"s" ["*SPOOL "$+]
"x" ["*EXEC "$+]
Both *SPOOL and *EXEC like to have a space between them and
the filename, so this is built into the word. The result is that
xpiano = *EXEC piano
P.S. Why did I use "x" instead of "e"?
4) AMPLE abbreviations
Robin Johnson
One small tip, not mentioned anywhere that I have seen - AMPLE
accepts abbreviations like BBC BASIC does.
So, you can enter, for example, 'TY.' instead of 'TYPE'. It works
for Instruments and other words too. But beware of confusing the system as the abbreviation
for 'VOICES' will give 'VOICE' - which may not help much!
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
The ACT command
Andy Thomas
The AMPLE Nucleus ROM does not contain a music specific language,
but a general multi-tasking operating environment. The computer knows how to play
a note from a command called ACT. This command is called every time a note or rest
is played, and has seven pieces of information passed to it. These pieces of
information correspond to the pitch, volume and duration of the note, and which
voice the note is being played on.
The ACT command normally has the following format:
The 1 FVAR #? just references which piece of data is being
accessed. The command after this takes this piece of data and uses it. Most are
self-explanatory. For instance, the first piece of data sent contains which voice
the note is being played on. The fourth piece of data is used by VEL (velocity)
and controls the volume of the note. The sixth item is used by GATE, and
controls whether the note is on or off.
As hinted earlier, these commands do not all appear in the Nucleus
ROM. Some are contained in the modules loaded when the system disc is booted. For
example GATE, PITCH and VEL are contained in the 'M5' module. To catalogue all
of the modules present type:
To display the contents of a module type:
"modulename" MSHOW
Notepad, Mix and Staff are all written as modules, and I
would be interested to hear if anyone has managed to list or write a module.
Well that's probably lost half of you, so what is the use of
knowing all this? The answer is that a number of special effects can be achieved
by altering the ACT command. I have included a couple of rewritten ACT commands
in the file 'ACTdemo' (included on this AMPLINEX disc).
The first, 'newact1', enables sixteen part music to be played.
All I have done is to change the VOICEs to CHANs. This means that every note is
played on one channel rather than a VOICE, a couple of channels.
So to hear sixteen part chords, you need to set up a sixteen
part instrument. I have already done this (with 'instrum16') so you just need
to type:
This turns on the new ACT command, sets up the sixteen part
instrument, and then plays a sixteen part chord.
You could also play two lots of eight part music for
instance, by setting up two eight channel instruments.
The second ACT command makes each note play twice, by taking
the note length of the original note, halving it, and playing it twice (by placing
an ACT command inside the new ACT command). You can try this by typing:
ON newact2
and playing some notes.
Finally please note that SCORE and READY perform a SIMPLEACT
command which resets the ACT command to its original format, cancelling out any
changes made. So put any new ACT command after the SCORE statement in your
The program 'ACTdemo' can be LOADed into AMPLE in the usual way
or selected from the menu in the Features section. Brief instructions are given
in the word 'info'. These are displayed automatically (via RUN) if the program
is loaded via the AMPLINEX menu.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
History of AMPLINEX
Roy Follett
Exchange versus User Group
Now that the first issue of AMPLINEX is out I would like to
pen a few words why I felt, together with Kevin Doyle, that there was a need to
'talk' to other owners of Music 500/5000's. I have spent many hours sat in front
my monitor struggling with a particular aspect of AMPLE and thought - someone out
there must have been down this path already, and found a satisfactory answer.
If only I could get together with other users.
This is when the idea of an 'exchange' first emerged. Quite
by chance I was put in contact with Kevin who had had almost parallel thoughts,
and we pooled our ideas on how to make it work.
I would like to try and explain what I feel is the
difference between a 'User Group' and an 'Exchange'. I am, like many others, a
member of Beebug, and I feel that this organisation is run (commercial
considerations apart) by a group of very knowledgeable people who have a
greater awareness of computing than I. Therefore, I have nothing to offer; I
can only take from them. In other words I am 'using' them.
AMPLINEX, in contrast, is run by three people whose understanding
of AMPLE has been learnt in exactly the same way as has its members': by
struggling through the User Guide and cribbing programming techniques from other's
music pieces. So, unless we have personally encountered your problem, you will
not get 'expert' answers from us - only from other members who have had the
same problem and have, by hard work, sorted it out for themselves. With the advent
of AMPLINEX, this information can now be passed on to others in the exchange.
So don't feel that anything that you may have to offer is
too trivial or that your compositions might not be up to some sort of standard.
Let's have them - if only one member finds your contribution useful then THERE HAS
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
Structures in AMPLE – part 2
Kevin Doyle
There are three main types of structure available in AMPLE:
a) Loops;
b) Conditionals;
c) Conditional loops.
b) Conditionals;
c) Conditional loops.
I will examine each of these in turn over the next few
issues of AMPLINEX and give examples of their use. In this issue I will look at
Conditionals in AMPLE
One of the facilities available to the AMPLE programmer,
which is absent from many non-language based computer music packages, is the
ability to interact with the listener by passing him or her a degree of control
as the music is playing. Another is the ability to introduce random elements into
the music which can generate a different result each time it is played.
To develop either of these techniques fully the use of conditional
structures will become necessary.
Many people will be familiar with the conditional structure
in BASIC of -
IF test THEN action1 ELSE action2
where 'test' is normally an expression (e.g. X=2 or A$="Y")
which is evaluated to be TRUE or FALSE. IF it is TRUE then 'action1' is
performed; if FALSE then 'action2' is performed.
In AMPLE the equivalent form is -
test IF( action1 )ELSE( action2 )IF
so that the result of evaluating the expression 'test' is
either ON (true) or OFF (false). If the result is ON then 'action1' is performed;
if OFF then 'action2' is performed.
So, using the AMPLE expression #= which tests the equivalence
of two numbers, the following trivial example can be constructed:
"equal" [
#= IF( "Yes" )ELSE( "No" )IF $OUT
#= IF( "Yes" )ELSE( "No" )IF $OUT
which takes two numbers and reports whether they are equal.
Thus, entering '3 4 equal' gives the result 'No' and entering '5 5 equal' gives
the result 'Yes'.
Using more complex conditions it is possible to construct an
interactive music program. Suppose you have written four different melody lines
for a particular player in a piece. Normally you may decide on a suitable sequence
for these and then construct a word to play them in that order. So, if the melody
lines were stored as mdy1, mdy2, mdy3 and mdy4, and were to be assigned to player
1 you might create:
"part1" [ mdy1 mdy3 mdy4
mdy2 mdy1 mdy3 ]
mdy2 mdy1 mdy3 ]
to play the melodies in the sequence you wanted.
To allow the listener (or yourself) to control the order of
the melody lines as the piece is playing, you could construct the following
"part1" [
6 FOR(
"Choose a melody (1-4) " $OUT
#11 49 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 50 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 51 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
#11 52 #= IF( mdy4 )IF)IF)IF)IF
6 FOR(
"Choose a melody (1-4) " $OUT
#11 49 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 50 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 51 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
#11 52 #= IF( mdy4 )IF)IF)IF)IF
This word uses 'nested' conditional structures to test for four
possibilities. When the message "Choose a melody (1-4)" is displayed the
AMPLE word #IN is used to wait for a keypress and to return its ASCII number. The
AMPLE word #11 is then used to duplicate this number. This is because the
following test (#=) 'uses' the two numbers supplied to produce the ON or OFF flag
and the keypress number may be needed for further tests if the result of the
first test is OFF.
The first test takes the keypress number and compares it to 49
(the ASCII code for "1"). If they are equal this will leave the ON
flag and the action between the IF( and the )ELSE( statements will be performed
- in this case the word 'mdy1'.
If the keypress number is not equal to 49 then the action
after the )ELSE( statement will be performed - in this case this is another IF()ELSE()IF
Again the keypress number is first duplicated for further
use and then a test is performed to see if it is equal to 50 (the ASCII code
for "2"). If it is then 'mdy2' is performed, otherwise another
IF()ELSE()IF begins.
This happens two more times and at the end each of the four conditional
structures is terminated by its )IF statement. In this case all four occur together.
Finally, there will be a redundant keypress number left over
from one of the conditional structures and this must be discarded using the
AMPLE word #2.
In this example the keypress tests are performed six times to
generate a sequence of six melody lines.
There are, however, two problems with this example as it
stands. Firstly, if another key is pressed other than 1-4 then nothing will
happen. To get round this problem we could change the structure so that a
default melody is chosen, for example:
"part1" [
6 FOR(
"Choose a melody (1-4) " $OUT
#11 49 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 50 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 51 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
mdy4 )IF)IF)IF
6 FOR(
"Choose a melody (1-4) " $OUT
#11 49 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 50 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 51 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
mdy4 )IF)IF)IF
which would select 'mdy4' if neither 1, 2 nor 3 were
Alternatively, we could construct a loop which would repeat the
question until an answer within the range 1-4 was returned. I will look at this
type of conditional loop in the next issue.
The second problem with these examples is that of timing.
The word 'part1' waits for a keypress in order to select a melody line - but
this might mean that the melody begins at the wrong point in the piece or that
no melody is played at all.
It might be easier in this case to let the system select the
melody lines as it requires them but still allow for variation in the melody
lines played.
To achieve this we can use the random number generating
facilities of AMPLE.
In the above example we could replace the keypress number with
a random number generated by AMPLE. To do this we can use the AMPLE word RANDL.
This takes the form:
where n is a number in the range -32768 to 32767 and which produces
a number in the range 0 to n inclusive.
The four melody example above might then become:
"part1" [
6 FOR(
#11 0 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 1 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 2 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
#11 3 #= IF( mdy4 )IF)IF)IF)IF
6 FOR(
#11 0 #= IF( mdy1 )ELSE(
#11 1 #= IF( mdy2 )ELSE(
#11 2 #= IF( mdy3 )ELSE(
#11 3 #= IF( mdy4 )IF)IF)IF)IF
Here the random number range is 0 to 3 giving the four options
required. Using RANDL means there is no need to consider the possibility of a
number outside this range as there was with the first keypress example.
There are two other AMPLE words related to random numbers.
The first, RAND, generates a random number in the range -32768 to 32767. The second,
RAND!, allows a 'seed' number to be set for random number generation so that
the same sequence is produced by the use of RAND or RANDL. So in the example above
we could allow the listener to enter a number and thereby generate a 'random' but
repeatable sequence of melody lines. Thus:
"Enter a number :"$OUT #IN RAND!
could be inserted at the start of the piece, perhaps in the 'RUN'
word before the players begin.
By careful setting of random number limits and use of conditional
structures complex randomly generated pieces can be created. The tests used in these
conditional structures may themselves be complex and there are several logical
operators in AMPLE to enable such tests to be performed.
The operators are shown below with truth tables for their results
and examples of their use.
AND | OFF | ON |
ON | OFF | ON |
ON | OFF | ON |
E.g. to test if a number n is in the range 3 to 7:
n #11 2 #> #12 8 #< AND
(#12 swaps two numbers - in this case it swaps the result of
the first test with the second copy of the number n.)
OR | OFF | ON |
OFF | OFF | ON |
ON | ON | ON |
OFF | OFF | ON |
ON | ON | ON |
E.g. to test if a number
n is either greater than 10 or less than 5:
n #11 10 #> #12 5 #< OR
XOR | OFF | ON |
OFF | OFF | ON |
ON | ON | OFF |
OFF | OFF | ON |
ON | ON | OFF |
E.g. to test whether either, but not both, of two numbers n1
and n2 are equal to 3:
n1 n2 3 #= #12 3 #= XOR
NOT | |
OFF | ON |
ON | OFF |
OFF | ON |
ON | OFF |
E.g. to test whether a number n is not equal to 12:
n 12 #= NOT
In the next I will be looking at conditional loops using the
AMPLE expression REP( )UNTIL( )REP.
Published in AMPLINEX 002,
Questions and answers
Answer: Use of Slide
The answer to R.Allen's question can be found in the word
"solo", part of the tune "feet" contained in 'COSMIX'. By comparison,
it shows that the command definition on page 125 of the User Manual is incomplete
and erroneous.
It should read:
12=L ON Slide
48, 12 8 -L % down by 3 semitones
0: c/////// % = 12 eighth tones
OFF Slide
48, 12 8 -L % down by 3 semitones
0: c/////// % = 12 eighth tones
OFF Slide
The missing statement 12=L makes the descending slide (see the
minus sign that follows) start 3 semitones above 0:c. Entering -12=L...+L would
make an ascending slide going from 0:a to 0:c.
As to the length setting, I suspect '48,' to be an error. Going
down 3 semitones over 8 crotchets has little practical utility! Perhaps '6,'
should have been printed, yielding 48 as the total slide duration.
Here is an example of two slide instructions:
1: 2,
ON Slide
-48=L 48 48 +L
C 47 holds
OFF Slide
3, ON Slide
20=L 20 24 –L
g 23 holds
OFF Slide
1: 2,
ON Slide
-48=L 48 48 +L
C 47 holds
OFF Slide
3, ON Slide
20=L 20 24 –L
g 23 holds
OFF Slide
The first slide goes from 0:C to 1:C with a duration of
48x2=96. The second starts 20/8=2.5 tones above g, and thus goes down from 1:C to
g, over 24 beats with a duration of 24x3=72. The smoothness of a slide varies
with the instrument. The result obtained with "clarin" (from September's
AMPLINEX) is particularly good.
Note that the word 'holds' (used above and in 'COSMIX') is simply
'FOR(/)FOR'. It avoids an abundance of ///////.
Roger Sapolsky
"slidemo" [ % demo of sound effect using slide
ON Slide
3, 120 144 –L
2: C/// //// //// //// //// ////
5FOR( //// //// ////
//// //// //// )FOR
OFF Slide
ON Slide
3, 120 144 –L
2: C/// //// //// //// //// ////
5FOR( //// //// ////
//// //// //// )FOR
OFF Slide
B J Dawson
Answer: Oboe sound
An oboe sound has been sent in by Roger Calkwell and is
included in the Instruments section. He makes the following points:
Winds are notoriously difficult to synthesise! This is more
like an organ 'oboe' stop. The waveform is close(ish) but the general effect is
wooden. Try adding vibrato if you like but I think EW pitch envelopes are too drastic.
Try 2CHAN Tailed for resonant release. Play around with PITCH. Best range - 0:G
to 1:A.
Set up the following TRY line with the oboe definition in
Notepad and press RETURN:
"24, 0: G/C/D-Ed-Ec/G///^"TRY
Roger Calkwell
Question: Loading BCE from disc
After upgrading my Music 500 and buying a Watford, Acorn
compatible, disc drive, I have transferred the BCE tape content onto disc, as described
on page 8 of the Music 500 User Manual. For some reason, the disc won't load.
The leaflet supplied with the upgrade kit says that the commands *BASIC and */AMPLE
should be used. I only get the error message: 'bad command'.
However, after loading BCE from cassette, the example programs,
preset1, etc. load correctly from disc, a proof that it is OK. Has anyone met (and
solved) a similar problem?
Roger Sapolsky
Question: Sync track for tape
Can anyone help with synchronizing the Music 5000 to a
4-track tape recorder for multi-tracking for those without the MUSIC 2000 or
I believe it is possible by feeding a "clicktrack"
signal from a tape into the User Port of the Beeb and then using a spare player,
for example player9, as the timing controller.
This player reads the User Port and advances the time by an amount
corresponding to the time frame of the "clicktrack" - 24 pps for example.
Does anyone have the code for AMPLE Nucleus and info on connection to the User
S Wilkie
Finally, two questions from Tim Sketchley with answers from
Kevin Doyle.
Question: How do you pronounce "Amplinex"? Is it Am-plin-ex,
Ampleenex or Am-ply-nex?
Answer: Roy Follett, the inventor of the name, pronounces it
Am-plin-ex - so I think that must make it the 'received' pronunciation.
Question: How many copies of Amplinex are sent out?
Answer: About 50 copies of the first issue have been sent
out so far. We are currently trying to increase membership via publicity in the
micro magazines. Existing members can help in the membership drive by spreading
the word and, if they enjoy AMPLINEX, writing to the micro press and telling them.
A larger membership should be good news for all of us.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
Next issue news
The next issue is planned for release mid-January 1988. This
means that all applications for a FREE copy (i.e. those containing contributions)
must be received by WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16TH. Anyone paying the £2.00 fee has until
the 12th of January to apply.
Already planned for the January issue is a feature on the use
of 'conditional loops' in AMPLE and some notes on translating AMPLE BCE programs
into AMPLE Nucleus.
We are also planning a feature on 'customising' the Studio 5000.
This will cover the redefining of function keys, altering !boot files and organising
disc files. We already have contributions from Roger Calkwell and Frances Wymans
but would like additional material on these and similar subjects. So, if you
have made some time-saving or frustration- avoiding change to your system - let
us know.
We hope to provide another interesting mixture of music and text
and to maintain the high standard provided by member's contributions to this
So send us your words or your music and let other members
have the benefit of your particular experience or expertise.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
Printing out AMPLINEX information
There are three ways to print out information seen within
You can print out an AMPLINEX file as it is displayed on the
screen from within AMPLINEX; you can print the files themselves as you would any
other text file; or you can load the files into your own word processor and reformat
them as required before printing.
1) To print a file from within AMPLINEX choose the 'SET
PRINT ON/OFF' option from the Introduction menu. This allows you to toggle a
software 'print switch' on or off. If the switch is set ON then any AMPLINEX file
which is displayed on the screen will be sent to the printer. This will continue
until you set the switch off again using the same Introduction option. An asterisk
is displayed at the top of the screen next to the issue number when the print
option is ON and the print status is shown at the bottom right of the screen as
text is displayed within AMPLINEX.
2) If you prefer to print the parts you require outside of
AMPLINEX - all the data is held in files on the AMPLINEX disc. The files are in
directory 'A.' and named according to the sections in which they appear - e.g.
A.intro1 is the first option in the Introduction section. The file names can be
seen at the foot of the screen as they are displayed in AMPLINEX so you can
make a note of the ones you require.
The exceptions are the AMPLE instruments, utilities and music
- these are held under their own names (as shown in the AMPLINEX menu choices) within
the default '$.' directory. All the AMPLE instruments can be printed directly
from within AMPLINEX. Music and utility programs written in AMPLE can only be
printed by LOADing the programs into the Studio 5000 and using the WRITE command
(see Studio 5000 User Guide page 100).
3) If you wish to reformat the text before printing you should
load the files into your word processor. The files are all justified to 38
columns width. To re-justify the text change all multiple spaces to single
spaces and then use the justification option in your word processor. The files contain
only printable ASCII characters except for a control code (ASCII 11) which
marks the screen page breaks. View treats these as left margin tabs and if
necessary they can be removed with a C/^L// command.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
How to contribute to AMPLINEX
To receive your next issue of AMPLINEX free of charge you must
send a contribution of your own. This could be an AMPLE music program, an instrument
definition, an article about some aspect of the AMPLE language or Hybrid Music System
hardware or software, an AMPLE utility, a useful hint about AMPLE or an answer
to another user's question.
Under copyright law we cannot publish programs or music unless
we have the permission of the copyright owners or their licencing agent. It is
important to realise that in the case of an AMPLE music program, copyright
exists in both the program itself and the music it represents. There may even
be a separate copyright in the arrangement. If you wish to contribute transcriptions
into AMPLE of someone else's music you must credit the copyright owner(s) of
the music, the arrangement (if applicable) and lyrics (if included). We can then
try to obtain permission to publish.
To protect ourselves from copyright actions we must ask you to
sign the copyright declaration on the 'NEXT ISSUE' request form which was sent
to you with this issue of AMPLINEX. All submissions made to AMPLINEX will be regarded
as permission to publish within the AMPLINEX membership. Beyond this, the submission
remains the property of the author.
You can also use your returned disc to pass on questions
which you would like answered on any issue relating to the Hybrid Music System
or AMPLE language. We will do our best to answer them (or will pass them over to
the other members for help) and publish the results in the Questions and
Answers section of AMPLINEX.
You can also use AMPLINEX to advertise any (un)wanted items.
Just put the details of your advertisement onto the return disc and we will try
and include it in the next issue.
Send all contributions, on a standard DFS format disc (40 or
80 track).
Suggested file formats are:
a) AMPLE Music programs - save these in normal Studio 5000
b) AMPLE instruments - save these in text form via *SPOOL
using the AMPLE 'TYPE' command to save the word(s) you want.
c) Text (hints, questions etc.) - use View or Wordwise and
save it (without embedded commands). If you have not got access to one of these
products you can use the Studio 5000 Notepad to create some text-only words by putting
a '%' at the start of each line. After MAKEing the word(s) you should use *SPOOL
and the AMPLE word 'TYPE' to save the word(s) you want to your return disc.
In all cases please put your name somewhere in the file. In
the case of AMPLE music programs use the DISPLAY facility in the 'RUN' word. For
instrument definitions put a '%' comment line at the start of the word.
In the case of instrument definitions some description of the
sound itself and hints on its use (e.g. which parameters could be changed) would
make it more useful.
Ensure that your discs are well packed as we will be using
the same packaging to return it to you.
Make sure you enclose a return address label and postage and
that both the packaging and the disc are marked with your name and address.
Send it to:
26 Arbor Lane
RG11 5JD
26 Arbor Lane
RG11 5JD
to arrive by the date specified in the 'NEXT ISSUE' request
We look forward to reading and hearing your contributions.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
Update – changes/corrections/comments
This section is a focus for news about the workings of
AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of
information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.
Copyright and AMPLINEX
Several members have asked for clarification of the
copyright rules outlined in the first issue. We have sought advice from several
sources and have now written to the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society to
advise us on the legal position. Although some bulletin boards have taken the view
that where no fee is being charged for downloading a program, no royalty obligation
exists, this seems to be more an assumption on their part than an established
Copyright law is complex and one aggrieved author could put
AMPLINEX out of business, so we are being deliberately careful.
If you have AMPLE music programs of which you are not the
full copyright owner you can still send these in to AMPLINEX. We will simply
hold on to these programs until the copyright issue is resolved.
AMPLINEX protection
We had a couple of complaints about the protection present in
the first issue of AMPLINEX. This was present mainly as a safeguard since copies
were being made available to the press and others outside of the membership.
This protection has now been removed and members are welcome
to examine the AMPLINEX environment program. If there is interest in the workings
of particular features, these can be documented and discussed in future issues.
File display in AMPLINEX
One member used the survey to request a means of escape from
the file display screen without having to read through to the end of a file.
Such a mechanism does exist - but we forgot to mention it in the instructions
for the September issue. If you press the ESCAPE key whilst the file is being read,
the "Press RETURN to continue" prompt will be displayed, and pressing
RETURN will take you back to the menu.
This technique only works whilst the file is being read -
pressing ESCAPE once the "Press RETURN to continue" message has been
displayed will have no effect.
Another request was for the ability to step back a page
during file display. Since the file is read in a byte at a time (using OSBGET)
this would require some complex file control programming and is unlikely to be tackled
at present. If any members can suggest alternatives to the current method we would
be only too glad to consider them.
Starting up AMPLINEX
In a couple of survey responses members asked for a method of
bypassing the title screen to speed up access to AMPLINEX. Such a method has been
incorporated into this issue - just press the CTRL key as the AMPLINEX display
appears and this will speed up the display process.
Another request was for the ability to boot the AMPLINEX disc
directly as opposed to using "AMPLINX"LOAD and RUN. We did originally
plan to use this method, but during tests discovered that the Studio 5000 waveform
information was being corrupted giving unexpected results when music was
Index for AMPLINEX
A suggestion was made in one of the survey responses that we
should have an index of the AMPLINEX contents. We do not feel that this would be
possible for each issue given the short timescales in which we are working, but
we might try to create an index after several issues, of the main topics
KBgate utility
An omission from the instructions which accompanied the
KBgate utility in the September issue caused some confusion and disappointment.
What was not mentioned was the need to have set up the instrument on a voice
before using KBgate within Notepad. In this respect, KBgate is the same as any other
command used in a TRY line (including the default "RETGATE"). Typing 1
VOICES at the "%" prompt and then pressing the f1 (play) key will do this
(see Studio 5000 User Guide page 58). Sorry for the confusion.
Miscellaneous corrections
Chris Jordan of Hybrid Technology has written to point out that
the reference to a 'CZ505' drum machine in September's 'Acorn User Show Report'
is incorrect and should have read 'TR505'.
He also points out that the instrument template discussed in
the Hints and Tips section does not need the FM, RM or SYNC instructions on
channel 2 as these are redundant.
Commenting on the feature on Modules in the first issue, and
the reference to the module 'M5' as a 'sub-mix utility' Chris Jordan writes:
"A classic human anatomist believed that the function
of the largest organ in the head was the secretion of nasal fluids, on the grounds
of its proximity to the nose and the large quantity of fluid secreted during a common
A quick look at the results of the command
"M5"MSHOW confirms that the role of this module is rather different to
that implied in the feature, as it contains the words used in instrument
Your comments are always welcome on any aspect of AMPLINEX -
suggestions for improvement, problems with the contents, etc. Please remember,
each article expresses the opinions of its author and we cannot guarantee its validity
or completeness. So if you think something is wrong - let us know.
Published in AMPLINEX 002, November
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