Update – changes/corrections/comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

Stack window utility

Some users of the stack window utility (U.stkwin) in AMPLINEX 004 may have been puzzled to hear a rapid succession of notes being played or to experience a mysterious slowing down as the display unfolded.
These effects were the result of an extra letter 'C' which occurred in the definition
"spc" [FOR(SPC)FOR]
and were dependent on whether a voice and instrument were defined for player 0 (playable at the command prompt) and on the current note length setting (the longer the ',' setting the slower the display).
To rectify these problems the extra 'C' needs to be removed to leave
"spc" [FOR(SP)FOR]

Contributing music to AMPLINEX

A note from G H Richardson asks for clarification of the phrase "AMPLE music programs - save these in normal Studio 5000 format" in the 'How to contribute' section.
The key point here is to ensure that programs developed using the Studio 5000-4 system do not contain any 5000-4 specific words - i.e. those contained in the M4 and KFX modules. This is because such programs cannot be loaded on a standard Studio 5000 system.
To check for the presence of such words use the MCAT command and check whether the M4 or the KFX module has the letter 'W' to the right, indicating that one or more of the modules words are in use in the user program.
If the letter 'W' does appear, use the FIND command to track down the module words ("M4"MSHOW and "KFX"MSHOW will display them all) and remove them before saving to program to disc.

ROM incompatibility

Readers of the 'Questions and Answers' section will be aware that one of the commonest causes of problems with AMPLE software is incompatibility with other ROMs.
In order to be able to provide more specific advice than 'try removing your other ROMs one by one' we would like to compile a list of known AMPLE-incompatible ROMs.
So, if you have identified and resolved a ROM conflict in your machine, please send in the details (with your next disc) giving the ROM name and version number (if appropriate).
Finally, please continue to send us your ideas for improving the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - almost all the changes to date have been prompted by members' suggestions. Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission - you may be the only one who has noticed.

Published in AMPLINEX 005, May 1988