Kevin Doyle
In the previous issue we anticipated having a review of the
latest addition to the Hybrid Music System - the Music 2000 MIDI interface. In
fact we have been able to go one better by providing two views of the new hardware
and software to help you decide whether MIDI should be your next step.
This issue also sees the first use of our agreement with
MCPS (the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) which allows us to publish music
which is not the members' own work.
We have several features and utilities designed to aid music
composition including one which explains the 'Chord-finder slide rule', a copy
of which accompanies this disc.
For those without the luxury of a Music 4000 keyboard, there
is a utility which provides a simple music keyboard and produces automatic
AMPLE notation from the key presses.
We have a mammoth section of 'Questions and Answers' (with,
as usual, more questions than answers) and would like your help to redress the
balance in the next issue.
Readers of the June issue of Acorn User will be aware of the
article on the Hybrid Music System by Ian Waugh. For those who are not, his
article concludes:
"AMPLINEX... hopes to stimulate the interest of AMPLE
users enough to make them contribute... (and)... so far the response has been
huge... I cannot recommend AMPLINEX highly enough: I think it is simply
essential reading."
This is praise indeed for the many contributors to AMPLINEX
so far - so give yourselves a pat on the back.
I hope that you will continue this excellent response to
make AMPLINEX 006 (completing our first year of publication) even better than
the rest.
Published in AMPLINEX 005, May 1988