This section is a focus for news about the workings of
AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of
information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.
Feedback bug
Thanks to a note from Roger Cawkwell a bug in the Feedback
section of AMPLINEX has been identified:
'When using Feedback in COPY mode there is a bug in the
handling of DELETE - the wrong cursor moves back, deleting the text I'm copying
This has now been corrected and the delete function should
work as intended.
Contributing music to AMPLINEX
A note from Gideon Kay asks us to clarify whether music by
other composers is suitable for submission to AMPLINEX.
As with any publication we have to seek the permission of
the author(s) before publishing any piece of work (text, program or music).
This is the purpose of our 'next issue request form' which is sent out with
each issue of AMPLINEX.
Therefore, when AMPLINEX began we were unable to publish
music programs unless the contributor was the owner of all copyrights (i.e. the
composer of the music as well as the author of the program). We did, however,
start negotiations with MCPS (the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) to
allow us to publish music composed by others.
Since our agreement with MCPS we are able to publish in each
issue a limited number of music programs whose author is not the music
copyright owner. It is important to note, however, that this agreement does not
cover the publication of lyrics.
All this means that if you have written an AMPLE program of
someone else's music, then we are happy to receive this as a contribution to AMPLINEX.
You must ensure, however, that the composer of the music is clearly credited in
the program (preferably on the title page) and the 'request form' which you
must sign asks you to confirm that you have done this.
AMPLINEX is currently in discussion with the BBC's CEEFAX
service with the aim of providing AMPLINEX-sponsored material for their
Telesoftware transmissions.
Our intention is to make a selection from past issues of
AMPLINEX and, with the agreement of the authors, make this available to CEEFAX
for broadcast during the autumn.
The BBC are currently drawing up a special licensing
agreement which would give them permission to broadcast a specific program for
a limited period, and this agreement will be passed, via AMPLINEX, to the authors
of the initial selection.
The first broadcasts are expected to consist of AMPLE music
and will probably be restricted to programs where the author is also the
composer of the music.
Our goal in this venture is to further publicize the
existence and aims of AMPLINEX and to give our members' work a wider audience
and we trust you will support us in this.
We will be contacting the authors of our first selection in
the next few weeks with more details of the arrangement, but we are keen to
have the benefit of the members' judgement.
To this end we would like to invite all members to let us
know (via a Feedback note) what they consider as the best music programs we
have published over the past year (AMPLINEX issues 001-006). Nominate as many
or as few as you like and we will try to reflect your collective judgement in any
future selection we offer to CEEFAX.
AMPLE by phone
For a future AMPLINEX feature we would like the experiences
and comments of members on services such as Music City and DCT which provide
AMPLE programs and information via a modem. For the benefit of those without a
modem, we would also like your comments about the equipment needed and the
costs involved.
MIDI and beyond
Similarly, we would like to hear from members who have used
the Hybrid Music System with other MIDI devices (via the Music 2000 MIDI
interface) and/or other recording equipment.
We are interested in your experiences (successes and
problems) when connecting the Music 500(0) to the outside world. Have you found
the ideal musical complement to the Music 500(0)? What recording quality have you
been able to achieve? Equipment recommendations would be particularly welcome.
Finally, please continue to send us your ideas for improving
the workings or contents of AMPLINEX. For example, we have had a recent request
for a 'letters' section in AMPLINEX. Do you agree?
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission -
you may be the only one who has noticed.
Published in AMPLINEX 006, July 1988