This section is a focus for news about the workings of
AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of
information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.
We regularly receive notes from members who wish to pass on
their comments about a piece of music or their thanks to another member who has,
for example, answered a question for them. In the past we have tried to pass
these messages on to the appropriate person, but sometimes this can prove
administratively difficult.
It is also noticeable that many pieces of music contain
comments such as 'please let me know what you think of this...' or 'let me know
of any improvements...'. To date, we have not really had the place in AMPLINEX
to publish such comments.
To make things easier, and to make sure the messages get
through, we have introduced a new area within the Advertisements section of the
magazine which will be the place for such short messages from one member to
another. So, if you have a comment about something in AMPLINEX and wish to pass
it on, send a note on your next AMPLINEX disc and we will try to include it in
the Advertisements section. Like advertisements, such comments will not count
as contributions, but we hope they will enable members to offer encouragement and
constructive comment on what they read and hear.
As you may know, AMPLINEX has for many months been trying to
arrange for some AMPLE music programs to be broadcast on the BBC's CEEFAX
Telesoftware service. After many delays and legal difficulties we had hoped
that the broadcasts would be going ahead in the near future since the BBC had
issued some contracts to AMPLINEX members. However, we have recently been informed
that the BBC's Telesoftware service has been terminated.
We were told, in a letter from the Telesoftware Manager,
Jeremy Brayshaw:
The whole range of Telesoftware services are to end on 31st
August, including the BBC micro programs, IBM PC files and the weather
satellite image services.
This decision has been taken by the BBC's Board of Management
as one of a range of recommendations put to them in relation to the proposed re-organisation
of the CEEFAX teletext service.
We are naturally disappointed at this lost opportunity for
promoting AMPLINEX and AMPLE music, and for those members who hoped to be in
the first group of broadcasts.
We are, of course, still looking at other ways to promote
AMPLINEX more widely and we may well look to use the music which was selected
by members for the CEEFAX broadcasts elsewhere.
We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the
workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have
originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve
AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in
the contents of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.
Published in AMPLINEX 013, September