This section is a focus for news about the workings of
AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of
information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.
We have received the following comment from Jim Brook:
I wonder what would happen if I were to inject a note of
criticism into the otherwise bland 'pages' of AMPLINEX?
Am I the only one who finds a high proportion of the 'music'
offerings boring and repetitious in the extreme? I have no doubt some are very
clever examples of programming, but 'music'? Oh dear, no.
So, the criteria for inclusion interest me; is the prime
concern an aspect of using AMPLE, with the actual music of much lesser importance?
I would not quarrel with that - it would seem a perfectly reasonable approach.
It would also ensure that I don't waste any time submitting music items - I've
neither interest nor skill in programming per se. I'm more than happy to make
use of others' ability in that regard! And I mustn't fail to own that I (once)
sent in a music item that never got an airing, for shame, for shame! But,
honestly, I really would like to know the basis for inclusion in AMPLINEX.
Firstly, please don't stop submitting music to AMPLINEX -
the fact that a previous item has not (yet) been included shouldn't put you
off. We do receive many more contributions in the music category than anything
else, so we can only include a sample of what we receive.
As to the criteria we use - there are several. The primary
ones are the quality of the music and its arrangement. Of course, musical quality
must be a personal judgement and no doubt our choice will not be to everyone's
taste. In addition, we favour contributions which have some element of AMPLE
programming interest, or which contain some information or comments (an 'info'
word). We also give preference to original compositions.
As well as these criteria, we also try to achieve a variety
of musical styles on each disc, and try to avoid more than one piece by the
same contributor. We must also limit the number of copyrighted pieces on each disc
as part of our agreement with MCPS (the Mechanical-Copyright Protection
I hope that this dispels any idea that it is programming ability
which is of interest. In fact, unless particular attention is drawn to it by
the contributor, we hardly ever examine the program itself - we just rely on our
We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the
workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have
originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve
AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in
the content of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.
Published in AMPLINEX 024, January 1992