Supplementary index to Music 5000 Synthesiser User Guide

Roy Follett


a to g                           101,115
Above the staff                       34
A to G notes                     101,114
Accent '                             101
Accent level 'L                      117
Accents                               39
Accidentals                        49,28
Adding standard words                 79
Adjusting whilst playing              72
Adjust numbers                        63
Adjusting flags                       63
AMP                                   64
Amplitude envelopes                  129
AMPLE commands                        93
AMPLE notation                     45,52
AMPLE restart                         93
Amplitude                             64
Ascending pitch                      114
Autopan                              125


b                                    150
Back hold (\)                        111
Bad bar                              144
Bad context                          144
Bad element                          145
Bad hex                              145
Bad MODE                             145
Bad name                             145
Bad player number                    145
Bad program                          145
Bad ROM                              145
Bad string                           145
Bad structure                        145
BAR                          101,113,115
Bars                                  49
Basic music word                      46
Bend                                 132
Block editing                         29
Broken chords                        104
Borrowed instruments                  53
Brackets                              83
Brassy                               139
Break                                 10
Bright                               127
Broad                                127
Brush note                            23
Building pieces                       77
Burst                                129


c                                    150
Calling Notepad                       46
Cassette                              14
CHAIN                                  9
Change settings                       59
Changing mixer                        82
Chords                           36,50,1
Chords leading                       104
Chords overlap                       104
CLEAR                          23,93,127
Click                                129
Commands                              11
COMPACT                               94
Complete tunes                        30
Concurrency                           12
Conductor                            121
Continuation instruments              74
Contrasting channels                  66
Copy                              29,149
Create word                           93
CTRL left/right                      149
CTRL up/down                         149
Cycle                                132
Cymbal                               137


d                                    150
Decrease level                       119
Decrease tempo                       122
Deepvib                              132
Definition                            12
Defining own instruments              34
DELETE                         30,94,149
Delvib                               132
Descending pitch                     115
Designing panels                      73
DETUNE                                85
Dictionary of words                   20
Digisyn                              139
DISPLAY                         78,94,98
Division by zero                     145
Dotted notes                          31
Down                                 149
Drop                                 132
Drum                                 137
Drum instrument                       66
Duplet                               106
Duplicate name                       148
Dynamic level =L                     117
Dynamics                              39


e                                    150
Echo                              53,125
Echocrash                            139
Echohit                              129
Editing a word                     25,44
Editing text                          41
Editor controls                      149
Editors                               13
Electom                              139
Elguit                               137
Elstring                             139
End line                           36,82
Entering notes                        22
Entering text                         42
Entering tune                         22
Epiano                               139
Errors                               143
ESCAPE                           146,149
EVEN CHAN                         75,134
EVERY CHAN                           134
EVERY (OR ON)                        109
Examine instrument                    57
Experiment with echo                  54
Extra number                         146
Extra string                         146


f                                    150
flag INVERT                          136
flag PHSET                           136
flag PSENS                           136
flag RM                              135
flag SYNC                            135
FIND                            24,34,94
Flag instruction                     134
Flageo                               140
Flat                                 132
Flatten (-)                          106
FM                                    70
FOR( )FOR                             82
Frembass                             140
Frequency modulation                  70
Fuzzfade                             140


G                                    150
Gate period                          126
GET                                   94
Gradual changes                       56
Groups                                19


Hard                                 127
Harps                                140
Harps4                               140
High                                 128
Hit (X)                              103
Hold                                  47
Hold note (/)                        107
Hollow                               128


I                                     83
In use                               146
Increase level                       118
Increase tempo                       120
Instantaneous changes                 56
Instruments                          137
Ironpipe                             137
Items                                 29


Jukebox                             9,87


k                                    150
K( )K                                114
Keeping the mix                       17
Key signature                  28,49,116


Laserpan                             140
Leaving out players                   79
Legato                             35,51
Left                                 149
Length setting                        46
Live mix                              17
LOAD                                  95
Long                                 130
Len                               39,126


M5MIX                                 83
Main                                  95
Main menu                             10
MAKE                            17,25,95
Making a word                24,43,48,60
Making instruments                    57
Making menus                          87
Many-channel instruments              75
Mark end of bar                      113
Marking STAFF                         52
MEM                                   95
Memory map                            90
Memory usage                          89
MENU                                  95
MENUDISP                           87,96
Metal                                128
Metalphase                           141
Metclick                             141
Mistake                              146
Mix displays                          83
Mixing pieces                         15
Mixing desk                    11,15,150
Mixing desk screen                    16
Modifiers                             35
Modifying instruments                 61
Modifying panels                      73
Modulation                            67
Modules                               13
Moog                                 137
Moving about staff                    29
MPREFIX                               88
Multiple mixes                        19
Multipart piece                       21
Music on staff                        21
Music words                          101


NAME                               24,96
Naming a word                         43
Naturalise (=)                       109
Negative Len                      33,126
Negative number                      106
NEW                                   96
Newword                               43
No number                            146
No room                              146
No string                            147
No such item                         147
Noise                                141
Noise sounds                          69
Note style                            32
Note values                          105
Notepad                        11,41,149
Notes                                 46
Number                               144
Number instruction                   134
Numbers 1 to 8                       150
Number FM                            135
Number OFFSET                        135
Number PAIR CHAN                     134
Number PITCH                         136
Number PITCHF                        136
Number POS                           136
Number SHIFT                         135


Octave setting                        46
ODD CHAN                          75,134
OFF Slide                            125
OFFSET                                64
ON CHANS                             134
ON Slide                             125
ON/OFF                               130
Option lines                          87
Organ                                137


P                                     83
Panflute                             137
Painting a note                       23
PAUSE                                 81
Pause and fast                        18
Peaked                               130
Perc                              37,126
Percussion                            37
Percuss                              130
Percussion pattern                    38
Percussion scores                     55
Percussion voices                     38
Phase setting                         65
PHSET                                 68
Pipes                                128
Pitch                            105,123
Pitch envelopes                      132
PLAY                                  97
Play chord rest                      112
Play rest (^)                        112
Playing a tune                        24
Playing chords                        36
Playing instruments                   58
Playing on mixing desk                16
POS                                   72
Positive Len                          33
Pow                                  133
Preset instruments                   137
PREPARE                               89
Programs AND words                    12
Puff                                 130
Pure                                 128
Pwmbass                              141


q                                    150
QUIT                                  97


Ramp                                 133
Ready                                 97
Reedy                                128
Relative change                       56
RENAME                                98
Rest                                  47
Rests                                 26
RETGATE                               68
RETURN                               150
Reverse                              130
Right                                149
Ring modulation                       67
Ringsyn                              138
Rise                                 133
RM                                    68
Robovox                              141
Rom compatibility                     90
Round                                128
RUN                                77,98


SPACE                                150
Spaces                                29
SAVE                                  98
SCORE                    101,115,119,120
SCORE (1;)                           104
Score word                            24
Sections                              80
Separate files                        88
Set length (,)                       105
Set music voice                      108
Set octave                           108
Set tempo                            120
Set up new mix                        78
Shadow ram                            89
SHARE                                 99
Sharp                                129
Sharp (+)                            105
SHIFT                                 64
Shift copy                           149
Shift up/down                        150
Short                                130
SHOW                                  99
Simple pieces                         77
SIMPLEACT                            119
Simpleins                            138
Singsaw                              141
Skipping                              80
Slapbass                             138
Slide                                125
Slowvib                              133
Slur next note                       113
Slurs                              35,51
Snare                                141
Soft                                 130
Sound instruction                    127
Space                                 47
Spaces                                29
Special effects                      125
Spike                                131
Staff editor                   11,21,149
Staff notation                        52
Standard words                        79
Stereo instruments                    71
Stopping                              80
Strike                               131
Sub mixes                             82
Sub-sections                          81
Sub-unmix                             84
Summary of modifiers                  35
Sweep                                133
Swell                                131
Swellah                              142
Symbol mode                          150
SYNC                                  71
Syncer                            70,128
Synchronisation                       69
Syndecay                             142


t                                    150
Tailed                               131
Tarimba                              142
Tempo and tune                        18
Ties                                  30
Time signatures                       49
Time signatures and bar lines      26,27
Titling                               77
Too many chars                       148
Too many strings                     148
Too many words                       148
Too big                              147
Too many CHANS                       148
Too many VOICES                      148
Too many LEVELS                      148
Trans                                 85
Transposition                         40
Transposition @                      110
Treble/bass clef                     108
Tremelo                              131
Trill                                133
Triplet                              106
Triplets/duplets                      31
TRY                                   68
Trying envelope                       60
Trying notes                          61
Trying out music                      47
Trying other pieces                   20
Trying out mixing desk                15
Trying waveforms                      60
Two channel instrument                62
TYPE                               34,99
Type in instruments                  138


UMAKE                                 84
Unmixes                               84
Up                                   149
Upright                              138
User words                            12
Using Echo                            55


V                                     83
Verylong                             129
Vibglock                             138
Vibrato                              133
VOICE                                 99
VOICES                               100


Warble                               132
Warmsus                              142
Watery                               129
Waveforms                            127
Wha                                  138
Woodchime                            142
WORD                                  12
Wow                                  134
WRITE                                100


X Play hit                           122


Yakbell                              138


Zap                                  134


!                                 101,11
!BOOT FILE                            88
'                                    101
(                                    102
+                                    150
+L                                   118
+T                                   120
-                                    150
-L                                   119
-T                                   122
.                                    150
/                                    150
/(//)                                103
1 CHAN                               134
1 CHANS                              134
2                                    150
2 CHAN                               134
2 CHANS                              134
3                                    150
=                                    150
=T                                   120
@                             36,110,150
^                                    150
^(^^)                                103

Published in AMPLINEX 001, September 1987