An index for the AMPLE Nucleus Programmer Guide

Compiled by Roy Follett


a to g                           121
A to G                           119
ACT                           32,121
ACT(                             124
additional interfaces             56
ALIGN                         55,127
AMPLE                            128
AMPLE commands                    13
AND                        45,59,128
arithmetic expressions            39
ARRAY                         45,129
ASC                              130
asc                               49


BAR                              132


calling routines                  61
characters and strings            55
Characters and Strings            49
CLEAR                         27,133
CODE                       61,62,134
communications with user routines 65
Command mode                      10
command utility                   21
commands                          56
COMPACT                       20,134
concurrency                       59
condition expressions             58
conditionals and loops            58
constants                         40
Contents                           3
COUNT                         58,135


DELETE                           136
Dictionary of words               81
DIM                           45,137
Direct text                       19
DISPLAY                          140
DURATION                      31,140


Edit mode                         10
editor data                       27
Editor non-text                   19
Editor text                       19
editor types                      26
editors                           26
ERRORS                            67
EVERY                            143
examining modules                 22
example programs                  11
execution control                 57
extension                         21


F                                 25
FAST                          34,143
FCOPY                         44,143
FIND                             144
fixed modules                     25
flag operators                    45
flags                             44
FOR(                             144
FRAME                         44,145
FRAME!                        44,146
FRAME?                        44,146
function and status               82
FVAR                       32,44,146


GATE                          31, 36
GO                               147
GVAR                          45,148


HALT                          35,149


IF(                              152
IF(..)ELSE(..)IF                  57
IF(..)IF                          57
IF8..FOR(..)FOR..)IF              58
in-fix                            39
#IN                           53, 55
INDEX                         58,153
index of words                    84
Input and output                  55
input and output items            82
INSTALL                  9,23,25,153
Introduction                       5


jukebox                           11


K(                               154
KEY9                              11


LEN                           49,155
Length                            29
LOAD                       23,24,155
loading modules                   23
locating user routines            65


M                                159
M/C programming                   61
MAX                              158
MCAT                       22,25,159
MDELETE                       24,160
MEM                           20,160
Memory usage                      20
MIN                              161
MLOAD                      23,25,161
MODE                       20,55,162
module deletion                   24
module functions                  21
module load on startup            23
module loading by program         24
module loading by user            24
module memory usage               25
module names                      22
Module words                      18
modules                            9
Modules and Editors               21
movable modules                   25
MPREFIX                       22,162
MSHOW                         22,163
music actions                     32
Music and sound                   29
music environment words           29
music event words                 30
music interpretation              31
Music words                       29
music and sound event input       56
MVAL!                            163
MVAL?                            163


NEW                           24,165
NL                            55,165
NOT                        45,59,166
NOUT                       41,55,166
Nucleus                            9
Nucleus words                     18
number stack                      41
numbers                           55
Numbers and flags                 39


O.S. commands                     12
OFF                              167
ON                               167
ON VOICE!                         32
OR                         45,59,168
OSCLI                         63,168
OSHWM                             63
#OUT                              55


P                                159
P(                               170
Part 1 General                     7
Part 2 Reference                  79
passing numbers                   42
PAUSE                         34,172
PITCH                         31, 36
Pitch                             29
player control instructions       60
PNUM                          60,173
post-fix                          39
program                            9
Programs and words                17


QKEY                          55,174
QTIME                      34,63,175
queue control sound word          34
QUIT                             177


routines in language RAM          63
routines in operating RAM         63
routines in ROM                   64
RAND                          47,177
RAND!                         47,178
RANDL                         47,179
random numbers                    47
reading module word definitions   25
READY                         63,180
RENAME                           181
REP                               58
REP(                             182
RUN                               54
RVOICES                       35,183


SAVE                             184
SCORE                            184
Screen display                    12
SHARE                         35,185
SHOW                             186
SIGN                       45,59,187
signed integers (16 bit)          39
SIMPLEACT                     32,187
sound events                      32
sound queue                       33
SP                               187
stack operators                   43
Starting a new session            15
Starting the system                9
STOP                          60,188
stopping execution                60
string operators                  49
string stack capacity             54
string stack usage                50
synchronisation                   56
system effects                    56
System words                      18


T                                159
time control                      34
time server                       21
TYPE                             193
type-global voice event           37


U                                159
UNTIL                             58
UNUSED                        36,194
user routine applications         61
User word formatting              19
User words                        18
Using AMPLE                        9
using strings (command)           51
using strings (players)           53
Using the computer keyboard       10
using the input line              51


VAL                              194
VAL/&VAL                          55
variables and storage             45
VEL                           31, 36
VOICE                         35,196
voice assignment                  36
voice selection                   35
voice server                      21
voice servers                     37
VOICE!                     32,44,197
VOICES                        35,198


W                                159
WIND                          34,199
Word manipulation                 19
Words                             18
WRITE                            200


X                                200
XOR                        45,59,202


zero page workspace                6


<cr>                              90
<space>                           90
!                                 91
"                                 92
#!                                93
#*                                93
#+                                93
#-                                94
#/                                94
#11                               95
#12                               96
#2                                96
#212                              96
#2121                             97
#<                                97
#=                                98
#>                                98
#?                                99
#B!                              131
#B12                             131
#B?                              132
#IN                              150
#OUT                             169
$+                            49, 99
$-                            49, 99
$12                              100
$2                               100
$CHR                          49,133
$IN                        53,55,150
$OUT                          55,169
$PAD                          49,170
$REV                          49,183
$STR                             188
$STRIP                     49,52,189
%                                101
&                                101
&$STR                            189
&NOUT                         55,167
&VAL                             195
'                                101
'L                               156
(                                102
)                                105
)ACT                             127
)ELSE(                           143
)FOR                             145
)IF                              152
)K                               155
)P                               172
)REP                             183
)UNTIL(                          193
*                                105
+                                106
+L                               157
+T                               191
,                                107
-                                108
-L                               158
-T                               192
/                                109
:                                110
;                                111
0 to 9                           117
=                                112
=L                               156
=T                               190
@                                112
[                                113
\                                115
]                                116
^                                117
^;                               118
|                                119
~                                116

Published in AMPLINEX 004, March 1988