The Firework Display

by Chris Percival

First movement

I composed and converted this music to AMPLE in one day! I composed it on my Casio HT-3000 synthesiser and then converted it to run on the Music 5000. I think it needs a main tune put on top of the backing but I purposely left it out so I could play the keyboard with it. There is also no rhythm because I used the keyboard's percussion. I am going to make a tape of it so I can multi-track as many parts as I want but I must be careful not to overdo it.

If anybody has any helpful ideas for my composition then please get in touch through AMPLINEX. Finally, I shall continue with my suites and also continue to send them to AMPLINEX.

(c) Chris Percival (age 13) 3/3/88

Source: AMPLINEX M06 disk, file $.FIREWRK

Published in AMPLINEX M06, July 1988