A Medley of Sea Shanties

by Roy Atkins

Composed by: Traditional

Arrangement by Leon Bailey

Heave ho! Imagine an old clipper on the way to the RIO GRANDE; a sailor picks up his trusty concertina and starts to play the well-known shanty. Others join him and soon someone starts picking out the tune on an old bell or two.

"We're bound for the Rio Grande...since rovings been my ruin...mark well what I do say...Hey! There's a fire down below ...fetch a bucket of water boys"... and they finish off with "What shall we do with the drunken sailor ?" and they get so carried away that they play two tunes at once... until they play a reprise of the RIO GRANDE.

Source: AMPLINEX 009 disk, file $.SHANTY

Published in AMPLINEX 009, January 1989