DCT Maestro is Born

by Alistair Johnson

From the album 'AMPLEDCT'

Courtesy of Hybrid Technology


To conform with the present copyright laws, AMPLE DCT pays the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society for the copyright files we issue on our online viewdata host each year. Our payment has to take into account the number of people who 'download' the files over the telephone.

As AMPLE DCT receives no funding from the Educational Support Grant that maintains the DCT DATABASE, it was proposed that copyright music files would be placed in a Closed User Group. There is a small subscription charge to gain access to the Closed User Group and the copyright music.

The Closed User Group is called MAESTRO, an approximate acronym for Music Area with Exclusive Software Repository. (What do you mean 'I bet they thought of the name before the definition' ??) Details are available on the database, (0348) 239944 - viewdata format, or from David King, who runs the 24 hour DCT DATABASE at Dudley College of Technology - a free public and educational on-line system.

The DCT DATABASE provides free BBC telesoftware and a range of teaching materials for schools and colleges. AMPLE DCT is our Hybrid Music section. Don't worry if you don't have a modem: we shall be making more of our music available on disc very soon.

Please write to us if you have any queries:

DCT Database c/o David King
Dudley College of Technology
The Broadway
West Midlands

Please note that all services except MAESTRO are completely free. The only cost is the phone call!

Source: AMPLINEX 009 disk, file $.BORN

Published in AMPLINEX 009, January 1989