Hints and tips

ROM compatibility

John Seaden
Since receiving my upgrade to the Music 5000, I have had occasional trouble with AMPLE and the Oxford Pascal ROM. I have also purchased a toolkit ROM called Slave which completely jammed AMPLE so that it would not even boot up. However it does have a very useful utility which allows you to issue a command to switch off any particular ROMs that are not required. I have now altered the AMPLE !BOOT program to include this command for both the offenders and have had no further trouble.

D Brehaut
If any member is experiencing difficulties with other ROMs clashing with AMPLE, and have Watford's 32K Shadow RAM board installed, use the *ROMOFF command to turn off all ROMs which aren't required. I have the Watford Solderless ROM Board filled with various ROMs and have rebuilt the !BOOT file on the Music 5000 and Music 4000 system discs using the *ROMOFF command to turn off all ROMs except BASIC, DFS and AMPLE. Insert the extra *ROMOFF commands after the *BASIC line in the !BOOT file.

Allan M Gardner
The following ROMs work, without problems in my BBC model B:
Computer Concepts:
INTER-SHEET (Inter-Word, Chart and Sheet work both separately and as the combined MEGA-3 ROM)
Watford Electronics BEEBMON 1.00
Watford Electronics DFS 1.44
Watford Electronics DUMPOUT 3.2g
ARIES-B32 1.00
Enigma DISC Imager 1.09

Music 2000 addresses

Ken Hughes
The AMPLE Music 2000 MIDI interface is paged on to the following addresses.
Midi In  FC0C and FC0D
Out 1    FC08 and FC09
Out 2    FC0A and FC0B
Out 3    FC0C and FC0D
It appears to use the IRQ1 Vector at &204,5.
The simple monitoring and key test programs given in 'The ETI guide to making music' work with the Music 2000. Using this information perhaps someone can write some useful programs such as a voice dump for the Yamaha TX81Z.

Using a 'toolkit'

John Bartlett
To save time in getting started I keep a general purpose 'toolkit' file containing my commonly-used words such as special instrument definitions, echo data and level settings. This file can then be loaded before starting a new piece. In addition I keep a spooled version which can be EXECed into an existing file. Another advantage of this technique is that it encourages tidier programming.

A better metronome

Colin Homer
Anyone who thinks the metronome contained in the Music 4000 Recorder section is too weak should simply design a word such as
"part8" [ 1 VOICE Drum
All this does is to use a drum, which is louder, in place of the metronome.
This will work unless you:
1) are recording with all 8 voices;
2) already have a mix with the 8th player used; or
3) record over the top of the definition of the word.

SCORE word caution

Ken Hughes
Some programs require the use of a negative Len setting. The Music 2000 MIDI Interface User Guide gives an example on page 16. A point to remember is that SCORE will cancel a negative Len setting and this can cause problems in a MIDIV part. Therefore, either do not use SCORE after using a negative Len setting or remember to repeat the Len setting again.

Changing instruments with UNUSED

Dugald Holmes
If you wish to use an instrument which needs all 16 channels and some of those channels have been already assigned to other instruments, all that has to be done is make all the other channels UNUSED.
This is easily done by using SHARE with UNUSED for each voice in use:
Once all voices, and therefore all channels, are unused, the more complicated instrument may be used. I think this tip will probably help many beginners who have not yet worked out how to overcome this problem.

Shadow RAM utilization

Allan M Gardner
I use a BBC Model B fitted with an Aries B32 Shadow RAM board and an 8271 DFS. If anyone else is using a similar setup (e.g. the Watford Electronics 32K RAM board) then the following may be of interest.
When using the Music 5000 the following memory allocation occurs:
        B  Y  T  E  S      F  R  E  E
MENU    15793     15025      16561
STAFF    3505      9905      11441
MIX     10638      9870      11406
PAD     12209     11441      12977
As you can see, fitting Shadow RAM into a BBC Model B only gives extra memory when using the Staff Editor. In all the other cases you actually lose about 3/4k of memory.
The reason that memory is less when Shadow RAM is fitted is because the initialization performed by C.PREPARE checks that PAGE is currently set to &1900, and if it is it moves it down to &1300.
However, when Shadow RAM is present, PAGE is normally set a page higher at &1A00 - therefore C.PREPARE leaves it alone, losing six pages of memory.
The solution to this problem is to modify C.PREPARE to move PAGE to &1400 (in the case of Aries B32) and to alter the !BOOT file to set the Shadow RAM workspace to &1300.
The techniques for the Aries and Watford boards is as follows:
1) Make sure you are in BASIC
2) Backup the system disc!
3) Type: *LOAD C.PREPARE 2000
4) For Aries, type:   ?&203E=&14
   For Watford, type: ?&203E=&15
5) Type: *SAVE C.PREPARE 2000+C1C
7) Type: *BUILD !BOOT
8) For Aries, type:
   *KEY 10 *XON 20 13|M*EXEC BOOT|M
   For Watford, type:
   *KEY 10 *MWS 13|M*EXEC BOOT|M
9) Press the ESCAPE key
After !BOOTing the system disc, you will be asked to press the BREAK key to reconfigure the memory. After doing so, the rest of the !BOOT operation is carried out as before.
I have fully tested this out on the Aries Shadow RAM and I have also tried it out on the Watford Shadow RAM. I don't understand why the Watford version needs an extra page of workspace, but that's life I suppose.
It is important to note that I have only used this on releases 1 and 2 of Studio 5000 and issue 1 of Studio 5000-4, so the notes in the Hints and Tips section of AMPLINEX issue 004 should be read in conjunction with these notes.

Redefining the function keys

John Bartlett
I have redefined the function keys f4 and f6, which I had little use for, to the words 'READY' and 'VOX' where VOX is a word in my toolkit to assign VOICE information. When tweaking parts which need to be played to hear the overall effect, this allows me to re-assign VOICES for use with the f1 key in Notepad and Staff with just two key presses.
This method also removes the CLEAR function (from f4) which I rarely used intentionally, but which I had used by accident instead of the f3 (MAKE) key thus removing several bars of hard-fought staff notation!

Editor's note:
There are several keys in the standard Studio 5000 set up which can accidentally ruin an editing session. I have changed CLEAR (f4), LOAD (f7), SAVE (f8) and "Jukebox"LOADRUN (f9) in my own Studio 5000 !BOOT file for this reason. More hints on redefining the function keys can be found in the file F.custom in AMPLINEX 004.

Published in AMPLINEX 010, March 1989