Round the Corner

by Russell Fray

From the album 'Electricity'

Courtesy of Hybrid Technology

I was going to write the words for the tune here, but I sat down for one hour trying to think of words to rhyme with corner, but all I could come up with was sauna and yawner(?), which aren't the sort of words that make a tune interesting. So instead, I have decided to write a biography on how ROUND THE CORNER became a hit by the great musician, Fiaret Guygillyer. For the un-educated people out there, he was the greatest musician ever heard of 1990 years ago, 1 year before Jesus was born. He came over the tune one day when he was sitting at home in front of his brand new Yamaha xylophone, made out of 200 sabre toothed tiger teeth.

He put his hands over the keyboard, and suddenly felt his hands start to move by themselves, and you guessed it, they played a tune, which he decided to call 'round the corner', as his wife had just gone round to the corner shop to buy some pterodactyl wings for dinner, and he was starving.

Now if you believe that, you'll believe ANYTHING!!!!!


Source: AMPLINEX 013 disk, file $.ROUND

Published in AMPLINEX 013, September 1989