Hints and tips

Black on white Staff editor

Philip Wells
I use a small control sequence word to display the Staff editor notes as black on a white background - which to me looks more realistic.
"bw" [19 #OUT 7 #OUT
19 #OUT 0 #OUT 7 #OUT

Separating notes

Michael Lefevre
In the 'info' of Tim Barrett's 'Voluntary in D minor' (AMPLINEX 013), he asks if there is a simple way of separating notes. The answer is the Len instruction. This can be used with a negative number to shorten all the notes by a set length or with a positive number to make all the notes the same length.
So, to make all the notes crochet length you would use '48 Len' and to shorten all the notes by a semi-demi-quaver you would use '-6 Len'. The instruction is on page 126 of the Music 5000 User Guide. It should not be confused with LEN (in capitals) which is for returning the length of a string.

Separating notes

Patrick Black
One way of separating repeated notes when using organ voices (Tim Barrett, "Voluntary in D minor", AMPLINEX 013) is to add ON PHSET to the instrument definition. From experience it's a great deal easier than all those rests!
In this issue's Instruments section are some which I used in the Bach Fantasia on 'In dulci jubilo'. As well as separated notes, I was trying to get some variation in the organ voices, as you would by setting stops on the real thing. In the main it works, I think, but you need to use 32' with care - it's a bit crude on its own and works best with some of the others on top of it.

Making the ZROM manual

F Chaplin
When you have printed the ZROM manual (AMPLINEX U11) and separated the pages, don't remove the tractor-feed holes from the left side of the loose leaves. Instead, square up the sheets, align the holes and simply thread them with wool or string or whatever you fancy, tie up the ends and there you have it - a real together manual!
Try it, it's bound to work!

More music in 'Ice Breaker'

Michael Lefevre
There is a rather interesting extra in 'The Ice Breaker' by Ian Guinan, on the Music City (1) disc. The music is in part words with no letter (i.e. part1 rather than part1a) but the PLAY instruction uses parts with letters. So, if you play the parts without letters by typing
"123456"PLAY mix1
you get another piece of music altogether!

Avoiding Staff editor memory limits

David Hall
Anyone who, like me, uses the Staff editor to enter notes may be faced with that dreaded '! Too big' message. Do not despair. What I do is to save what I have (as say 'tune#1') and then NEW the system. I then enter the rest of the tune as normal.
I then use the WRITE command to create a text file of the AMPLE words I have entered in this second program:
*SPOOL tune#2
I then load my original program 'tune#1' and read in the words from the text file of the second program:
*EXEC tune#2
I this way I can program very long pieces whilst still using the Staff editor.

Published in AMPLINEX 014, November 1989