Questions and answers

Answer: Music 2000 and Casio HT3000

Regarding Paul Nuttall's question on the use of the Casio HT3000 and the Music 2000 (AMPLINEX 012) I think Ian Waugh's and my 'dialogue' (AMPLINEX 010 to 012) regarding the HT700 points the way. Yes, you can use it but don't expect to be able to trigger drum fill-ins as the keyboard's MIDI implementation would not seem to allow it.
Taj Letocha

Question: AMPLE Benchmarks

I am running AMPLE on my Electron with Slogger Master RAM board (which provides Shadow RAM and overcomes some of the Electron's speed deficiencies).
It would be interesting to measure the Electron's speed against the BBC B and Master, especially when playing complex music. It seems to me that limits are reached when the interrupts can't quite cope with the processing load.
Can anyone think of a way of quantifying this? What are the processing limits for a BBC B? Are there any ways of optimising speed?
Philip Wells

Question: PAN values and volume

When I played back my piece 'Machu picchu' (AMPLINEX M13) I was horrified. At 'mix3' where both tunes combine, the volume level of tune 2 completely blotted out tune 1. Several times this happened and then it suddenly went right - then wrong again.
I spent a couple of hours trying to locate the trouble then, quite fortuitously, I altered the PAN values of players 5 and 6 in 'mix3' from 3 and -3 respectively to 0 and - hey presto - it was cured.
So, if you have experienced the same problem and want to hear what it really sounds like, alter 'mix3' as indicated above. I am somewhat mystified by the effect of widely diverging PAN values. Is this normal or have I got a bug in my outfit?
G H Richardson

Answer: Fanfare for the Common Man

In reply to John Spry (AMPLINEX 012) the 'Fanfare for the Common Man' arrangement (AMPLINEX 011) was for a brass band with electric instruments. The copyright owners gave us permission to perform it but we had to surrender all copies of the manuscripts.
There is an arrangement available for brass but I believe this to be the 'classical' version.
If you require the 'pop' version a phone call to Mark Wardle (0623 823003) may prove fruitful. Remember to state the instruments required and please quote my name as he should then remember that I've told him about you.
Carl Robinson

Question: Re-MAKEing MENU words

Recently, I decided it was time I gave Ian Waugh's 'Funky Nuts' some attention! This was an example piece built up stage-by-stage in his excellent series in The Micro User last year. One of the subjects covered was the use of a MENU screen to offer options to the listener. Trying it out as instructed worked first time.
Flushed with this initial success I decided to add a drum part and include this as an option on the menu. I then got the original MENU word back into Notepad, included the new line, went into command mode, pressed f3 to MAKE the word and got '! Mistake' time after time! There was no apparent fault with the drum part, everything worked without a MENU option and yet every time I tried to reMAKE the word '! Mistake' was the result.
After much searching the only way I found to MAKE the new MENU word (with the definition in Notepad) was to enter in command mode
But, this technique is not required in any other cases that I've come across. Every other word with the same name that I have wanted to modify has been replaced by MAKE. Is MENU a special case? Needless to say, I haven't found an explanation.
Jack Wrigley

Question: User words number limit

Does anyone know how to increase the number of user words from the standard 125 allowed in one program, or is it simply not possible?
F Chaplin

Answer: Triggering of drum machines

Referring to the question from Carl Robinson in AMPLINEX 012 regarding the triggering of drum machines from within AMPLE. I wrote to Hybrid some time ago about this problem, and the reply I received was:
1) use one of the Music 5000 audio outputs
2) on a Studio 5000-4 keyboard, use the internal sound chip voice (normally a metronome output).
For various reasons I never tried these ideas, and suggest that the simplest, but unfortunately expensive, way would be to use the Music 2000 MIDI interface.
Chris Hanby

Question: Copyright on AMPLE music

Could you please tell me how to apply for permission to release an LP of AMPLE music. Do you need permission if you're not charging for the music?
Carl Robinson

If you wish to publish other composers' music you need to reach agreement with the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) who represent their interests. You should stress that you will not be charging for the music. If you wish to find out more about the copyright laws, try the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook which you should find in your local library.
The address of the MCPS is:
MCPS Limited
Elgar House
41 Streatham High Road
SW16 1ER
Telephone 01 769 4400

Question: Delete file and thunder

In AMPLINEX 012 you ask whether all the questions on Hybrid Music System have been answered. Here's two which I asked some time ago which haven't.
1) The Music 4000 User Guide (p.37) purports to explain how to create a 'delete file' and it looks simple enough - but I just cannot get it to work. I would like someone to give me a step-by-step idiot's guide on how to create it from start to finish. I have been trying for the last six months without success and it seems a most useful thing to have.
2) Has anyone had success making realistic thunder (a clap or two followed by reverberations dying away)? Mine sounds like artillery fire.
G H Richardson

Answer: Sideways RAM programs

Stewart Wilkie asked in AMPLINEX 012 about the possibility of authors of Sideways RAM utilities providing the source listing.
My own position on this is quite simple: no!
When I wrote ZROM (AMPLINEX U11) I wanted to produce something which would be of benefit to all AMPLINEX members. I also hoped to extend ZROM and apply bug-fixes as and when I received feedback on its use. Releasing the source of ZROM to all and sundry would destroy any possibility of turning ZROM into a long-lived utility - used and trusted by many. Instead, as individuals changed ZROM its general usefulness to those without assembler capabilities would diminish and so ZROM would become just another curiosity.
The idea of merging several utilities to save Sideways RAM is a good idea which perhaps needs further thought. My own problem with this approach is having to make my assembler code 'fit in' with someone else's. My solution to having limited Sideways RAM is to use paged ROMs!
Taj Letocha

Question: Music 3000 and Shadow RAM

I have a Watford Shadow RAM board in my machine which has served me well up to now. But, although the Music 3000 Installation Guide says the unit will work with Shadow RAM, my system seems not to.
I have noticed that the C.PREPARE file is longer and also runs at &2800, and the byte I have to change to get a page of user RAM for the Shadow RAM is now &2860 instead of &203E. Changing this byte to &14 as I have done in the past, or even &15 as suggested in a recent AMPLINEX does not make it work properly and it always crashes in the Mixing Desk.
Has anybody any ideas that could help with this problem? If anyone wants any further information I can be contacted on Leeds (0532) 671070 at home or on Leeds 464881 during the day. My Telecom Gold mailbox is 82:TLT 095.
Graham Firth

Question: AMPLINEX and Music 3000

Can the A.MPLINEX main program be reduced in size or split into two programs to accommodate the latest Music 3000 software? In the latest version of the software (Studio 5000-4D for the Music 5000/4000/3000 hardware combination) all the system modules have been incorporated into a single file. All the modules get installed including M.M4, and none can be left out. This results in a significant loss of memory (only 14249 bytes remaining free), so that the A.MPLINEX program is too big for the available memory.
This means that I will have to use my old, non-3000 software for AMPLINEX and will not be able to listen, via AMPLINEX, to fully expanded Music 3000 tunes (see Hints and Tips section) that people may wish to submit.
Ian L Hubbard

We are considering altering the AMPLINEX program to accommodate the newer releases of Hybrid Music System software. Work on rewriting the program will, however, have to take second place to producing the regular AMPLINEX discs.

Editor's note:
The comments following some of the questions above are only my opinions on the subject and should not be taken as definitive answers.
Your comments are most welcome on any of the questions posed, whether they supplement, confirm or correct any I have expressed.

Published in AMPLINEX 014, November 1989