So Long Ago

by G H Richardson

This is an AMPLE version of a song I wrote some 40 years ago. I also began a lyric "So long ago, I try to remember" but the muse ran out. Any budding lyric writers around? It also contains a timing problem. The interval between the semiquaver 'c' and crotchet 'd' in the 1st bar and the last semiquaver 'c' in that bar and the crotchet 'e' in the 2nd bar is too short and makes the rhythm a bit 'spikey' instead of smooth and is of course repeated throughout the whole piece. What I want is a slight delay on the semiquavers without disturbing the main beat. I know there must be a way of doing it, but as yet I haven't found it and my deadline for sending in has arrived so it's gone in as it is. However, salvation has come.

This morning I received John Bartlett's magnum opus 'Play' and in it I see a very full section on 'timing' which I am sure will solve the problem for the future. Although I have only had time to skip through it yet it looks full of 'goodies' and well worth £15.95.

G H Richardson

Source: AMPLINEX 019 disk, file $.SOLONG

Published in AMPLINEX 019, September 1990