Update – changes/corrections/comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

Music 2000 files

We have received two further letters on the subject of music files written for use with the Music 2000 MIDI interface.

G H Richardson
The point raised in Michael Mellor's letter in AMPLINEX 010 about cassette recordings of AMPLE/MIDI music touches on something I have often thought. Although I don't as yet use MIDI I often feel that the Music 5000 pieces I produce can be made to sound so much better by using my mixing desk to give or take away 'edge', vary bottom, middle or top frequencies, produce 'echo' etc.
These enhancements, however, are only reproduced on a recording and are lost on a straight Music 5000 replay. If, therefore, people like myself and AMPLE/MIDI users were to indicate on their contributions that a cassette recording was available on request, that might help. The AMPLINEX system could be used: a blank cassette in an envelope containing a stamped, return address label sent to the contributor who would make the recording and return it in the same envelope. What about it?

Chris Hanby
In reply to the letter from Michael Mellor concerning MIDI music files, all his solutions will require extra work for AMPLINEX, which can easily be avoided.
Surely these files can be provided in exactly the same way as other music, with an indication on the menu if it is a MIDI piece. Comments can be included in the music to indicate the hardware and instruments used, it is then up to members to adapt it to their own requirements. I use a Roland MT32 and would welcome MIDI software of any kind to try out.
Anyone who contributes to AMPLINEX is welcome to take up G H Richardson's idea - details of where members should send a cassette could be put in an 'info' word within the piece.
The only difficulty with including MIDI pieces in the normal AMPLINEX music section is that such pieces would only be usable by those members with a MIDI interface - currently only about 20% of the membership - since the M.M2 module is needed to load such files.
As we mentioned in the previous issue, we would like to hear the thoughts of other members on this subject whether or not they are Music 2000 users. As Music 2000 ownership spreads it may well be possible to produce MIDI-, or even MIDI instrument-specific music discs. The difficulty, as we mentioned before, is finding the resources to develop such publications. So here is an open invitation to MIDI users - if you think you could help to organise such a venture, please get in touch!


The long-running attempt to broadcast AMPLE music on the CEEFAX Telesoftware service has moved one stage nearer with the issuing of contracts to the authors of the first batch of music programs. Confusion at the BBC meant that the contracts did not go via AMPLINEX as arranged and so there may be a longer delay than anticipated before broadcast. We may have more details in the next issue of AMPLINEX.
We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.
Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the contents of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.

Published in AMPLINEX 011, May 1989