Welcome to AMPLINEX 011

Kevin Doyle, Roy Follett and Jackie Follett
As you will have noticed, there is another 'bonus' disc included with this issue. This time, however, it contains not music but an excellent utility developed by AMPLINEX member Taj Letocha which extends the BBC computer's EXEC facility to allow, for example, dozens of instrument files to be held on one side of a disc. Full details of the utility are held on the 'bonus' disc - just use the normal
command to start.
The utility is designed for Sideways RAM but, for the minority of AMPLINEX members without this facility, author Taj Letocha has kindly offered to provide a ROM version of the software. If you would like to make use of this offer, please send a cheque for £7.00 to:
Taj Letocha
62, Kitsbury Road
On this disc, as well as the usual 'Questions and Answers' and 'Hints and Tips' sections, there are two further utilities including one from Roger Cawkwell, author of the 'Practice of Music' series, which is the first of what will be occasional example pieces exploring specific aspects of AMPLE music.
Making up the rest of the disc we have fourteen pieces of AMPLINEX members' music plus two examples from the latest Hybrid Technology music discs. Both these discs are reviewed, together with the latest hardware release from Hybrid, in the 'News and Reviews' section.
Finally, we have a couple of features - one a beginner's guide to 'unmixes', the other some debate on the nature and use of AMPLE music.
Please keep the contributions coming.

Published in AMPLINEX 011, May 1989